Trappa i hus Vita på Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar

Ettårsseminarium: Nikolaos Christodoulakis

Den 5 oktober kl. 10.00-12.00 kommer doktorand Nikolaos Christodoulakis hålla sitt ettårsseminarium.


Natural Sciences in Preschool


Nikolaos Christodoulakis, doktorand, Linnéuniversitetet


Are children able of thinking about objects in a scientific way? Are they able of employing a systematic reasoning, which is similar to a scientific methodology? If this is a goal that is attainable by children of pre-school age, what is the best way to help them in that goal? The present research will attempt to answer these questions by examining children’s emergent science in the preschool education with an emphasis on Chemistry.

Datum och tid/Time and date

5 oktober 2021 kl. 10.00-12.00

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