
Seminarium: Notes on craft and interaction design

Abstract: Interaction design is a young discipline with a mixed heritage, always searching for directions and guiding concepts. My own practice has mostly been focusing on exploring innovative forms of interaction, and in that context I have found strong connections to craft. The seminar introduces an annotated bibliography that I have been compiling in order to find out what interaction design might learn from craft. Examples of such insights include an assessment of the "material turn" in academic HCI, a question on the role of craft skill in interaction design research, and a conceptual challenge in designing partially autonomous systems.

The annotated bibliography is found at

Date and Time: March 11, 2021, 14:00-15:00




Short bio: Jonas Löwgren is professor of interaction and information design. He specializes in interactive visualization, collaborative media design, and the design theory of the digital materials.Jonas has taught interaction design in university courses and in companies since the early 1990’s and initiated the influential two-year master’s program and the PhD program in interaction design when he was at Malmö University. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed academic papers and four books, including Thoughtful Interaction Design (with Erik Stolterman, published by MIT Press), and a vast range of general-interest and pedagogical material. His design portfolio comprises over 60 projects from explorative research and professional contexts. More information at