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Manmade and Media-borne: the Ecological Crisis across Media

Welcome to a half-day seminar with invited researchers on the ecological crisis and media!

In this seminar we discuss some of the ways in which the ecological crisis is on the one hand manmade and on the other hand media-borne. In other words: we live in the Anthropocene or Capitalocene epoch which is characterized by specific human activities’ destructive effects on a planetary scale – and media are the only means by which we can both visualize, understand, and criticize this state of emergency. By way of three short introductory lectures different perspectives on the matter will be offered – followed by a panel discussion.

This seminar is part of a kick-off event marking the opening of a series of research workshops supported by NOS-HS: The joint committee for Nordic Research Councils in the humanities and social sciences, connecting media studies clusters at Linnæus University, Aarhus University and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.

10.15 Erik Erlanson, Linnæus University, Introduction

10.20-10.40 Jacob Wamberg, Aarhus University, “Entropic Reboot: Toward a Posthuman Media Ecology of Avant-Garde Art”

10.40-11.00 Julia Leyda, NTNU, Trondheim, “Petro-Guilt in Norwegian Television”

11.00-11.20 Jørgen Bruhn, Linnæus University, “Environmental emergencies across media”

11.20-12.00 Panel discussion and Q&A: “Media and the Ecological Crisis”.

This public seminar is kindly supported by Vice Chancellor funds and by Linnæus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal studies (IMS).