Vi kommer att genomföra konferensen ’Teachers Matter - but How?’ i höst!
Den 13-15 oktober 2021 arrangeras forskningskonferensen Teachers Matter - but How? på Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö.
Konferensen har skjutits upp ett år på grund av pandemin, men i år kommer den att genomföras. Vi planerar för en hybridkonferens, vilket innebär att konferensen i första hand kommer att ske på plats i Växjö, givet att vi då kan träffas och resa utan restriktioner. Konferensen kommer också att vara möjlig att delta i digitalt. Om det fortfarande råder restriktioner för pandemin i början av oktober flyttas hela konferensen online.
Temat för denna forskningskonferens är nya sätt att utforska undervisning och lärande inom utbildning. Det övergripande temat handlar om hur vi kan förstå kärnfrågorna inom pedagogik och Didaktik idag. Ett centralt intresse riktas mot hur man vi med kritiskt utforskande teorier kan nå ny kunskap om undervisning i förskolan, skolan och universitetet, som främjar kvaliteten i undervisningen. Med vilka grundläggande begrepp och ur vilka perspektiv kan vi öka vår kunskap? Vilka är utsikterna att gå bortom klyftan mellan det tyskspråkiga begreppet ”Didaktik” och den engelskspråkiga termen ”pedagogik” - eller skillnaden mellan läroplan och pedagogik? Vad har pedagogik och Didaktik att erbjuda i förhållande till undervisning uppfattat som moralisk handling - i enlighet med ett filosofiskt förslag om innebörden av undervisning? Och var står forskningsfronten inom klassrumsforskning idag?
Det specifika med denna internationella forskningskonferens är att kritiskt granska villkoren för undervisning som betonas i policy- och läroplaner från pedagogiska, filosofiska och sociologiska perspektiv genom att fokusera på teoretiska begrepp i termer av Didaktik, pedagogik, demokrati och rättvisa. Vi välkomnar forskare att ta upp ämnen inom konferensens teman i parallella presentationer.
Professor Barbara Comber, University of South Australia: Classroom participation – Teachers’ work as listeners
Professor Anna Sfard, University of Haifa: The devil in details – Teaching as managing inter-discursive gaps
Professor Kirsti Klette, Oslo University: Teaching Matters – towards a common language for teaching? How research on curriculum and instruction contribute to a shared vision of teaching and possible improvement of schooling
Professor Katherine Schultz, University of Colorado Boulder: The role of listening and silence in classroom participation
Professor Stefan Hopmann, Vienna University: Didaktik and Democracy
Viktiga datum
- Inlämning av abstracts: 15 mars – 15 maj, 2021
- Besked om abstracts: 1 juni, 2021
- Registrering: 1 augusti - 15 september, 2021. Vid registrering anmäler du om du deltar på plats eller önskar delta online.
Wednesday October 13
11.00 am -12.00 pm Registration on site
12.00 - 01.00 pm Lunch
01.00 - 02.00 pm Keynote session, Anna Sfard: The devil in details – Teaching as managing inter-discursive gaps. IKEA, House N
02.00 - 02.20 pm Coffee break
02.20 - 03.20 pm Keynote session, Kirsti Klette: Teaching Matters – towards a common language for teaching? How research on curriculum and instruction contribute to a shared vision of teaching and possible improvement of schooling. IKEA, House N
03.30 - 05.00 pm Session 1 - parallell sessions
Symposium 1a
Ikeasalen, House N
Part 1. Chair: Ninni Wahlström
Discussant: David Hansen
Equity, teaching practice and the curriculum
- Ninni Wahlström: Equity in education - equal opportunities for what?
- Jeff Frank: Teacher feedback and the re-moralization of teaching
- Daniel Sundberg: Curriculum coherence: What is it and how does it relate to teachers’ enacted curricula in different educational settings?
Paper session 1b
Weber, House K
Chair: Jeppe Skott
- Jeppe Skott: Whatever does it mean to 'turn social'?
- Stavroula Philippou & Stavroula Kontovourki: Re-mattering teachers and the subject matter: Exploring the school textbook as curriculum in Greek-Cypriot Language Arts elementary classrooms
- Rachel Heydon & Zheng Zhang: Embedded teacher educator professional learning to support critical reading praxes: The reading pedagogies of equity curriculum
- Roswita Dressler, Roger Nippard: Professional learning for global competencies
Paper session 1c:
N1017, House N
Chair: Ewa Bergh Nestlog
- Erik Bandh: Linguistic inquiry in school – design guidelines
- Ola Henricsson: Embodied pedagogical tact in teachers' spontaneous storytelling
- Marie Källkvist: Practiced language policy in a multilingual English classroom: A nexus analysis of a lead teacher and his students
- Katarina Lundin: Contributing to Students’ Linguistic Development – Who and How?
07.00 pm Dinner (pre-ordered at registration)
Thursday October 14
08.30 - 09.00 am Coffee
09:00 - 10.00 am Keynote session, Barbara Comber: Classroom participation – Teachers’ work as listeners
Ikea, House N
10.15 - 11.45 am Session 2 - parallell sessions
Symposium 2a
Ikea, House N
Chair: Daniel Alvunger
Discussant: Daniel Sundberg
Connecting teacher agency and curriculum making: three European cases
- Mark Priestley: Teacher agency and curriculum making
- Tiina Soini, Jenni Sullanmaa: Teacher agency and meso-site curriculum making in Finnish curriculum reform
- Stavroula Kontovourki, Eleni Theodorou, Stavroula Philippou: Expert teacher-subjects as an emerging ‘site’ of meso curriculum making in Cyprus
- Nienke Nieveen: Teacher agency in Dutch curriculum reform: Call for curriculum space and guidance
Symposium 2b
Weber, House K
Chair: Fredrika Nyström
Discussant: Malin Tväråna
Reports from the Classroom Research Front - Discrepancies between Formal and Operational Curricula in Three Different School Subjects: Swedish, Spanish and Civics
- Jonas Johansson: Non-formal ways to trigger students’ interest in Literary History
- Fredrika Nyström: What matters in teaching and learning speaking
- Viktoria Waagaard: Literacy Purposes in Writing Assignments
Paper session 2c
N1017, House N
Chair: Angela Marx Åberg
Turid Skarre Aasebø,
Ilmi Willbergh: Beyond the postcolonial paradox - empowerment of students in a Bildung-centered general didactics perspective
- Ali Osman: The significant teacher
- Jesper Sjöström: Didaktik models as a bridge between theories and teaching practice
- Anne Kjellsdotter, Peter Erlandson: Didactical challenges – the digital divide
11.45 am - 01.00 pm Lunch
01.00 - 02.30 pm Session 3 - parallell sessions
Symposium 3a
Ikea, House N
Part 2. Chair: Ninni Wahlström
Discussant: Magnus Hultén
Equity, teaching practice and the curriculum
- Catarina Schmidt: Student perspectives on being part of a low-performing classroom
- Bettina Vogt: Students as co-authors of curriculum events in high- and low-performing classroom contexts
- Katarina Ståhlkrantz: School leadership in diverse educational settings—a question of conditions or choice?
Paper session 3b
Weber, House K
Chair: Jens Gardesten
- Lena Boström & Helen Elvstrand: Finding the didactics for School Age Educare Centers
- Jens Gardesten: The teacher as a listener, an interactive agent, or an “excessive pointer”: Lessons from school-age educare teachers
- Birgitta Nordén: Opening up for participatory action research and challenge-based sustainability education in the preschool: Opportunities and challenges for the preschool in a time of diversity and mobility.
- Birgitta Lundbäck: Pupils with special needs - from a School-age educare view
Paper session 3c
J0150, House J
Chair: Ulrika Bossér
- Maria-Sofia Kristina Brännvall: Living in the realm of place.
- Pontus Bäckström: The Mechanisms of Peer-Effects in Education: A Frame-factor Analysis of Instruction
- Anette Emilson: Politics of belonging: Promoting children´s inclusion in educational settings across borders.
- Peter Teo: Private tutors matter! Capitalising (on) shadow education in Singapore.
Paper session 3d
N1017, House N
Chair: Ewa Bergh Nestlog
- Karin Sälj: Policy artifacts for assessment, planning or statistics?
- Lena Glaés-Coutts: “It shouldn’t be something you have to create on your own”; Personal practical knowledge construction and professional learning for teachers in school-age educare.
- Chanette Bach Mikkelsen: Students’ interpretations of interactions in group work - an empirical study showing group work dynamics
- Jenny Uddling, Kristina Danielsson: Signs of learning in a linguistically diverse physics classroom
02.30 - 02.50 pm Coffee break
02.50 - 04.20 pm Session 4
Symposium 4a
Ikea, House N
Chair: David Hansen
The Significance of the Call to Teach in Our Time (A Book Symposium)
Presenter: David Hansen
Commentators: Janet Orchard, Tone Saevi, Minna Uitto
Symposium 4b
Weber, House K
Chair: Katarina Schenker
Discussant: Marie Larneby
The subject matter of 'sport didactics' – crossing fields
- Göran Gerdin, Nina Westrin Modell: Equitable assessment practices in PEH?
- Göran Gerdin, Susanne Linnér: Social Justice practices in PEH
- Filip Andersson, Katarina Schenker: Sport schools and competing logics
- Jørgen Bagger Kjær, Camilla Strömberg: The coach and the educator
Paper session 4c
J0150, House J
Chair: Katarina Ståhlkrantz
- Andreas Bergh: Systematic quality work without quality? A study of local initiatives to challenge segregation
- Jon Terje Hegghaug: The school principal as meaning maker in the professional, pedagogical, and, administrative scope of opportunities and necessities in the powerplay of leadership for student education and socialization
- Helena Reierstam: Teaching and assessment in linguistically diverse settings – Merging interests for equity in education
- Jan Berggren, Ann-Christin Torpsten: A Marriage Made in Heaven? Newly arrived students’ perspectives on the selection of knowledge and organisation of teaching
Paper session 4d
N1017, House N
Chair: Bettina Vogt
- Maria Rosén & Emma Arneback: The paradox of risk – A proposal for teachers navigating free speech
- Charlotta Rönn: Pupils’ informal social strategies “backstage” when dealing with formal individual assignments
- Lene Sirevåg: Democratic practices in school – Children's democratic subjectification in moments of disturbance
04.30 - 05.30 pm Keynote session, Katherine Schultz: The role of listening and silence in classroom participation. Ikea, House N
07.00 pm Conference dinner
Friday October 15
08.30 - 09.00 am Coffee
09.00 - 10.00 am Keynote session, Stefan Hopmann: Didaktik and Democracy
Ikea, House N
10.15 - 11.45 am Session 5 - parallell sessions
Symposium 5a
Ikea, House N
Chair: Karin Sporre
Discussant: Håkan Löfgren
Children and their questions matter – to teachers and to curricula?
- Christina Osbeck, Katarina Kärnebro, Annika Lilja: What questions do children have today and 50 years back?
- Karin Sporre: How are the questions of children to be responded to – according to syllabi
- Katarina Kärnebro, Annika Lilja, Christina Osbeck: Teachers’ perspectives and children’s existential questions
Paper session 5b
Weber, House K
Chair: Daniel Sundberg
- Linda Jonsson, Petra Runström Nilsson: The gap between theory and practice: A study of work-integrated teacher training
- Niels Tange: The school between competence and autonomy - teaching in the light of the double purpose of pedagogy
- Marina Wernholm: Teaching based on children’s experiences of learning at play in a hybrid reality
Paper session 5c
J0150, House J
Chair: Ulrika Bossér
- David Örbring, Jesper Sjöström: Science Studies (“naturkunskap”) as a school subject – implications for teaching
- Elin Berggren, Miguel Perez: Using praxeologies to disclose the potential of tasks with respect to mathematical reasoning
- Andrea Priestley, Alison Hennessey, Claire Ramjan: From implementation to translation: what the development of a teacher network meso site affords to STEM enactment.
Paper session 5d
N1017, House N
Chair: Bettina Vogt
- Helena Grundén: Actors, structures, and power in the process of planning
- Peter Teo: Idealising teachers, ideologising education: A critical analysis of teacher recruitment videos in Singapore
- Anniken Hotvedt Sundby: Teacher and subject curricula: A systematic review
- Linda Eriksson Wilhelmsson, Ulla Damber: Educational science – a discussion about methodology in didactic research
11.45 am - 01.00 pm Lunch