Välkommen till ett seminarium som arrangeras av Centrum för naturvetenskapernas didaktik.
Karolina Broman, docent och excellent lärare som undervisar och forskar inom kemididaktik vid Umeå universitet.
"Visualisation of chemistry through Virtual Reality (VR) – a possibility to develop students’ spatial thinking?"
A well-described challenge when learning chemistry is the multilevel thought, that is, to move between the macro, symbolic, and sub-micro levels, described by Alex Johnstone. Experienced expert chemists move easiliy both between these three levels, but also between 2D and 3D sub-micro representations, whereas novices as students need to practice this spatial thinking. At the seminar, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool to help university chemistry students to visualise 3D chemical structures will be presented, moreover, visualisation possibilities and challenges will be explored.
Datum och tid
22 april 2022 kl. 11.00-12.00
Via Zoom: Zoomlänk till seminariet
Seminariet hålls på engelska
Aktiviteten är en del av Centrum för naturvetenskapernas didaktik