Welcome to the final seminar in Business Administration for Martin Ludvigsson-Wallette
Preliminary thesis title: In (re)search of corporate governance models in franchising
Date: June 22nd, 2022
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 (Please join the meeting before 8:00, as the seminar will start at that time.)
Place: Room H1314, House H, Växjö and Zoom, click here to join the meeting
Seminar opponents:
Emeritus Professor Jenny Buchan, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
Associate Professor Anna Stafsudd, Linnaeus University
Doctoral student Elin Esperi Hallgren, Linnaeus University
Main supervisor: Associate Professor Christopher von Koch, Linnaeus University
Co-Supervisors: Professor Andreas Stephan, Linnaeus University
Examiner: Associate Professor Andreas Jansson, Linnaeus University/Jönköping University
To receive a copy of the manuscript please contact Martin Ludvigsson Wallette directly via martin.ludvigsson-wallette@lnu.se
For attendees who are not seminar opponents:
By default, your video and microphone will be deactivated when you enter the meeting. Please do not turn these on, as we are trying to save bandwidth to ensure the seminar runs smoothly. If given the opportunity to ask any questions, please write in the chat.