Aurora - IMSmemory workshop
IMSmemory Workshop

IMSmemory Inaugural Workshop

This event is in English

IMSmemory began taking shape at Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies in 2019 with a series of theory seminars and guest lectures. With this workshop, we are announcing and celebrating its transformation into an IMS research cluster.

Speakers (in alphabetical order)

  • Dagmar Brunow, The transmediation of memory
  • Nina Ernst, Embroidery-textile in other media: comics, poetry, and memory  
  • Anne Holm, Memory of displacement in poetry performance: cooking with ghosts à la Yomi Sode
  • Nafiseh Mousavi, Graphic documentation: witnessing Tehran in ink, blood, and smoke
  • Niklas Salmose, The idealized past: contemporary nostalgia studies


The event is free, but registration is required. Please write to at the latest by Sep 21 for on-site attendance and by Oct 4 for online participation.

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