Nordisk läroplansteoretisk konferens - Education between hope and happening
Nu är det dags för den nionde nordiska läroplansteoretiska konferensen. På temat "Education between hope and happening" är syftet att utveckla läroplansteorin och läroplansforskningen genom att samla nordiska läroplansteoretiska forskare.
Konferensen har ambulerat mellan lärosäten i Sverige, Finland och Norge vartannat år med början 2005 vid Uppsala universitet. Senast hölls den vid Åbo akademi, Vasa, Finland, 2019.
Läroplansteori handlar om olika sätt att studera och förstå utbildningars mål, innehåll, genomförande och utfall. Inom det breda läroplansteoretiska fältet kan det handla om historiska läroplansanalyser, olika sätt att betrakta samtida utbildningsinnehåll och utbildningspolitik såväl som att studera undervisningspraktiker och hur de villkoras av olika samhälleliga förhållanden.
Konferensen är en fysisk två dagar med key-note-föreläsningar, seminarier, paneldiskussioner och en gemensam konferensmiddag den 20 oktober. Konferensen är begränsad till antalet deltagare. Det mindre formatet ser vi som en förutsättning för att ha tid att reflektera över frågor som rör läroplansforskningens utveckling och ställning i Norden och internationellt.
Både doktorander och seniora forskare är välkomna att presentera sina artikel- och forskningsprojekt inom eller med anknytning till läroplansteori under parallella paper-sessioner. Presentationer sker på skandinaviska eller engelska.
Tidigare konferenser
2005 Uppsala Universitet
2007 Örebro Universitet
2009 Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö
2011 Oslo Universitet
2013 Uppsala Universitet
2015 Örebro Universitet
2017 Göteborgs universitet
2019 Åbo Akademi, Vasa
Thursday 20 October
10.00-11.00 Registration
Gallerian, House K
11.00-12.00 Key-note föreläsning Stefan Hopmann: What are schools able to do?
Chair: Ninni Wahlström
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Gallerian, House K
13.00-14.30 Session 1
Paper session 1a:
Chair: Tine Proitz
- Tomas Englund, Örebro University: From Bildung to a curriculum for democracy.
- Bettina Vogt & Ninni Wahlström, Linnaeus University: A re-conceptualization of schooling and teaching: the renewed interest in Bildung and transactional realism.
- Kirsten Sivesind, Oslo University: The democratic value of Didaktik, curriculum and pedagogy.
- Armend Tahirsylaj, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Elisabeth Rønningen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Marit Honerød Hoveid, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Dagrun Astrid Aarø Engen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Bildung in/and Curriculum
Paper session 1b:
Chair: Andreas Bergh
- Mattias Börjesson, University of Gothenburg: Between neo-traditionalism, social constructivism and social realism – an analysis of the 2022 Swedish social studies curriculum.
- Ole Andreas Kvamme; Berit Karseth & Eli Ottesen: Oslo University: The turn to values in global education policy: The case of the Norwegian curriculum renewal (LK20).
- Greta Marthinussen, Agder University: Exploring deep learning from a Bildung-centered general didactic perspective - possibilities and limitations.
- Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Linnaeus University: Local Quality Management - The Local Governance of the Swedish Schools in the light of a re-centralization movement.
Paper session 1c:
Chair: Christina Niemi Mølstad
- Daniel Pettersson,University of Gävle & Andreas Nordin, Linnaeus University: Curriculum policy making by control, prediction, and comparison.
- Ana Lucia L. da Silva, Inland Norway University: Between global trends and national traits – a comparison between curriculum policy and textbooks in Brazil and Norway.
- Richard Andersson, Linnaeus University: Pragmatic organizational routines as adaptive tools in untangling a policy dilemma in the Swedish School-age Educare.
- Tiril Smerud, University of South-Eastern Norway: Teachers’ Influence on Curriculum Development: The case of the Norwegian LK20.
14.40-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-16.30 Session 2
Paper session 2a:
Chair: Kirsten Sivesind
- Sverker Lindblad, Gothenburg University & Gun-Britt Wärvik, University of Gothenbur: Curriculum Theorizing the Reforming of Doctoral Education: Reflections on Paradigmatic Changes in Educational Research in Sweden.
- Ane Qvortrup, University of Southern Denmark & Anders Ljungdalh, University of Southern Denmark: Investigating the academic level through analyses of student exam papers.
- Johanna Annala, Tampere University: Boundaries of Knowledge in Cross-Institutional Curricula in Higher Education.
- Jorunn Spord Borgen, University of South-Eastern Norway & Tine S. Prøitz, University of South-Eastern Norway: The role of knowledge in teacher education.
Paper session 2b:
Chair: Mattias Börjesson
- Ilmi Willbergh, University of Agder: Teaching the “human universal” in the diverse particularity of classrooms. A theoretical study from a Bildung-centered general didactic perspective.
- Daniel Pettersson, University of Gävle & Charlotta Rönn, Mid-Sweden University: Students’ Peer Strategies and Teachers’ Assessment Dilemmas.
- Lena Glaes-Coutts, Linnaeus University & Ulrika Bossér, Linnaeus University: Curriculum making in preschool: developing conversations around a reflection tool to deconstruct curriculum language.
- Christine Stenersen, University of South-Eastern Norway: Students` work in the classroom: a multiple case study in lower secondary school.
Paper session 2c:
Chair: Jonathan Lilliedahl
- Malin Kronqvist Håård, Dalarna University: Disciplinary, sovereign, and pastoral power –the quest for continuous improvement and self-renewal.
- Anniken Hotvedt Sundby, Oslo University: Knowledge about what? Teachers’ interpretations of a subject curriculum document.
- Tina Lidström, Linköping University: Values in Ambiguous and Uncertain Spaces: Teacher Assistants Negotiating Discourses in the Swedish Compulsory School Context.
- Elise Farstad Djupedal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: En enhetsskole for alle? Justeringspolitikken på ungdomstrinnet i kjølvannet av det.
Symposium session 2d:
Chair: Carl-Henrik Aldofsson
- Johan Liljestrand, Gävle University & Andreas Bergh, Uppsala University: Exploring local curriculum making. Discussant: Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Linnaeus University
- Andreas Bergh, Uppsala University: Systematic quality work without quality? A study of local initiatives to challenge school segregation.
- Karin Lager, University of Gothenburg: Evaluation, a quality process.
- Pia Skott, Uppsala University: Exploring the practical aspects of local curriculum work.
- Annika Elm, Gävle University & Johan Liljestrand, Gävle University: The enactment of preschool curriculum in municipal quality work.
16.45-17.45 Key-note föreläsning Rachel Heydon: Entanglements of capability: Curricula for wellbeing in/through early childhood literacies
Chair: Bettina Vogt
19.30 Dinner at Teleborgs slott
Fiday21 October
09.00-10.00 Key-note föreläsning Berit Karseth: A place called school - a plan called curriculum Nil novi sub sole?
Chair: Andreas Nordin
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.00 Session 3
Paper session 3a:
Chair: Gun-Brit Wärwik
- Daniel Sundberg, Linnaeus University: Curriculum Controversies – Theorizing displacements in curriculum-making from a discursive institutionalist perspective.
- Klas Roth, Stockholm University: A Free Flow Between Becomings and Becoming Imperceptible – Rare, but Possible.
- Katarina Ståhlkrantz, Linnaeus University: School principals as sentient agents: Exploring principals’ translations of the standards-based curriculum through discursive institutionalism and pragmatic institutionalism.
- Jakob Billmayer, Malmö University & Stephen P. Day, University of the West of Scotland: Whose voice is it anyway? Narrative perspectives within the Scottish and Swedish Science curricula.
Paper session 3b:
Chair: Armend Tahirsylaj
- Viktor Johansson, Stockholm University & Sebastian Piepenburg Örebro University: Pupil politics at the ‘end of history’ – Elevorganisationens agenda when public became private good.
- Erik Gustavsson, Linnaeus University: The Capability to Choose: The Concept and Policy of School Choice from the Perspective of Capability Approach.
- Tatiana Mikhaylova, Gävle University & Daniel Pettersson, Gävle University: Visualizing Politics and the Politics of Visualization: New Paths for Curriculum Theory?
- Andreas Reier Jensen, University of Agder: The why, what and how of deep learning: critical analysis and additional concerns.
Paper session 3c
Chair: Ulrika Bossér
- Simona Bernotaite, Oslo University: Curriculum digitization in Norway: policy networks, spaces and otherings.
- Anna Wahlgren, Linnaeus University: The making of teaching practices in Swedish preschool.
- Dimitrios Papadopoulos,University of Gothenburg: Swedish for immigrants, expectations or deceptions.
- Christina Niemi Mølstad, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences & Daniel Pettersson, University of Gävle: Ability Testing and Performance Assessments: Production Different Kinds of Deviancy.
Paper session 3d:
Chair: Pia Skott
- Kristin Eide, Norwegian University of Science and Technology & Cecilie Haugen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Changes in power relations in Norwegian schools through early intervention and intensive training: An analysis of White paper no. 6 (2019-2020)
- Jonathan Lilliedahl, Linnaeus University: “Nudging” – hur elever i den svenska gymnasieskolan styrs till att välja värdefull kunskap.
- Eli Ottesen, Oslo University; Berit Karseth, Oslo University & Ole Andreas Kvamme, Oslo University: Digital Curriculum, digital resources: Implementation of the Norwegian LK20.
- Erik Åkesson, Linnaeus University: Rektorers införlivande och förhandling av resultatansvar i en lokal svensk kontext.
12.15-12.45 Finish/summing-up
Chair: Daniel Sundberg
- Eva Forsberg
- Sverker Lindblad
- Tomas Englund
12.45 Lunch
Key-note speakers:
• Professor Rachel. Heydon, Western University Canada (expert on curriculum, literacy, early childhood).
• Professor Berit Karseth, Oslo university, (expert on Curriculum theory, higher education, education governing, leadership).
• Professor Stefan Hopmann, Vienna University (expert on comparative studies with regard to curriculum and school development, as well as historical-comparative curriculum research and Didaktik).
Abstract bok
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