Seminarium i matematik

Johan Jönsson och Jakob Streipel

Välkommen till föreläsningar i seminarieserien i matematik.

Föreläsning 1


Johan Jönsson


A Probabilistic Approach to Non-Markovian Impulse Control


Kl 13:15-14


We present new results on non-Markovian impulse control problems. These are proved using probabilistic tool i.e the so called Snell envelopes. Unlike traditional verification theorems, our approach guarantees existence of an optimal control merely from condition on the data, wich are furthermore rather weak.

Föreläsning 2


Jakob Streipel


An introduction to Maass forms


Kl 14:15-15


Automorphic forms are a broad generalisation of the notion of periodic functions, and of those modular forms are the most well-known examples. A close cousin to, but in certain ways very much distinct from, modular forms are Maass forms, which take a different path toward this generalisation. In this talk we will give an introduction to Maass forms, along with some of their differences and similarities compared to modular forms people may be more familiar with.
We will also discuss how these notions can be generalised to higher rank groups than those that were traditionally considered by Maass, and explore some recent results regarding these higher rank objects.


Rum för båda föreläsningar är B1006, Hus B i Växjö.
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