Seminarium i matematik

Roger Pettersson:Time-discetization for a stochastic Schrödinger equation with a time multipoint boundary condition

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Roger Petterssont 


Time-discetization for a stochastic Schrödinger equation with a time multipoint boundary condition


Kl13.15 - 14.00


A Schrödinger equation driven by a cylindrical Brownian motion with a time multipoint boundary condition is considered. The initial value depends on a finite number of future values. Existence and uniqueness of a solution formulated as a mild solution is obtained. A single-step implicit Euler-Maruyama type difference scheme is suggested as a numerical solution. Convergence rate for the solution of the difference scheme is established. The theoretical statements for the difference scheme is supported by a numerical example. (Joint work with Ali Sirma and Tarkan Aydin).