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Anders Rantzer - Professor vid Lunds universitet
On Minimax Adaptive Control
Kl13.30 - 14.15
The history of adaptive control dates back at least to aircraft autopilot development in the 1950s. Computer control and system identification led to a surge of research interest during the decades to follow. Recently, research activities have been stimulated by the progress in machine leaning. Abundance of data and computing resources creates an ever-growing stream of engineering opportunities for adaptation. This presentation will focus on linear time-invariant systems with uncertain parameters restricted to a finite set. By studying min-max dynamic games like in H-infinity control, it is possible to compute adaptive feedback controllers with bounded l2-gain from disturbances to errors. The gain bound refers to the closed loop system, including the non-linear learning procedure. As a result, robustness to unmodelled dynamics (possibly nonlinear and infinite-dimensional) follows from the small gain theorem.