Seminarium i matematik
Andrei Khrennikov:Quantum-like modelling of human behaviour: from decision theory to social laser
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Andrei Khrennikov
Quantum-like modelling of human behaviour: from decision theory to social laser
Kl13.15 - 14.00
We briefly discuss quantum-like modeling, application of the quantum formalism outside of physics: from molecular biology to cognition, decision making, ecological and social systems, as well as AI systems. This multidisciplinary research flowered during the last 10 years and attracted experts from various communities. Quantum-like modeling has to be distinguished from studies on quantum physical processes in biosystems, e.g., quantum biophysics and quantum cognition (in the spirit of Penrose and Hameroff). In the quantum-like modelling a biosystem is considered as the black box processing information in accordance to laws of quantum information and probability theories. Such studies were initiated by the impossibility of decision theory based on classical probability to resolve numerous paradoxes, e.g., the Allais (1953), Ellsberg (1961), and Machina (1987) paradoxes; the corresponding experimental data is related to probability fallacies and irrational behavior. We shall discuss quantum-like framework for various cognitive effects, e.g., the order and disjunction effects, interconnection of information processing by unconscious and consciousness, and social processes (theory of social laser for massive protests). One of the main tools are quantum measurement theory and theory of open quantum systems.
1. A. Khrennikov, Ubiquitous quantum structure: from psychology to
fnances, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2010.
2. Busemeyer, J.R., Bruza, P. D. Quantum models of cognition and decision,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012.
3. E. Haven and A. Khrennikov, Quantum Social Science, Cambridge
Press, Cambridge, 2013.
4. A. Wendt, (2015). Quantum Mind and Social Science (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
5. Khrennikov, A. (2020). Social laser. Jenny Stanford Publ., Singapore.
1. A. Khrennikov, Ubiquitous quantum structure: from psychology to
fnances, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2010.
2. Busemeyer, J.R., Bruza, P. D. Quantum models of cognition and decision,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012.
3. E. Haven and A. Khrennikov, Quantum Social Science, Cambridge
Press, Cambridge, 2013.
4. A. Wendt, (2015). Quantum Mind and Social Science (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
5. Khrennikov, A. (2020). Social laser. Jenny Stanford Publ., Singapore.
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