Sustainable learning of statistics
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Sustainable learning is learning that persists and grows over time. It continues beyond formal instruction, and what has been learned in one situation can be expanded and used in other situations. We address one of the fundamental questions in statistics education research: what makes learning of statistics sustainable? Our conjecture is that enabling learners to focus on variability in statistics will most likely facilitate more sustainable learning of statistics. This conjecture has two sources of support. Learning and teaching of statistics involves two lines of reasoning: deterministic, oriented towards exact numbers and causal explanations, and stochastic, oriented towards uncertainty and variability. Both are important. However, there seem to be a general tendency among people to reason deterministically rather than stochastically. Research shows that a focus on variability in statistics can help in learning to reason stochastically. The second source concerns variation in learners’ experience. Research drawing upon phenomenography and variation theory argues that experiencing differences and similarities are necessary conditions of learning. Further, we suggest that using VT as a pedagogical tool to emphasize variability in statistics to support students’ development of stochastic reasoning will potentially increase the sustainably of learning.
Lecturer: Hanan Innabi, Göteborgs universitet.
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