Iftekhar Shams
Seminarium KML Avancerade material

Bio-based Nanocomposites for Future Applications

Välkommen till ett seminarium som arrangeras av kunskapsmiljön Avancerade material.


Dr. Md. Iftekhar Shams, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh


Bio-based Nanocomposites for Future Applications


Many living organisms have evolved with nanocomposite structures having unique properties and functionalities to operate efficiently in their surrounding environment. Cellulose and chitin are the two abundant nano components of many of those nature-made nanocomposite materials; primarily occur as semi-crystalline nanoscale fibers which attracted great interest in the past two decades. Herein, the preparation of nanocelluloses and nanochitins and development in the preparation and properties of transparent nanocomposites reinforced by them were discussed. The obtained nanochitin or nanocellulose was small enough to retain the transparency of the plastic. Nanochitin plastic films exhibited much higher transparency than nanocellulose plastic films. The incorporation of chitin or cellulose nanofibers contributes to the significant improvement of the thermal expansion and mechanical properties of the plastic. Furthermore, low thermally expanded transparent film was developed by exploiting plant fibers in which individual nanofibers do not significantly agglomerate and are orientated parallel to the fiber direction in S2 layer. Finally three dimensional moldable nanocomposites were developed by using emulsification process. The properties of high light transmittance and low thermal expansion make chitin or cellulose nanocomposites promising candidates for the substrate in the manufacturing of various optoelectronic devices such as flat panel displays, bendable displays, and solar cells.

Datum och tid/Time and date

25 oktober 2022 kl. 11.00-12.00


Via Zoom eller rum N2040V, hus N, Växjö 

Seminariet hålls på engelska

Om Kunskapsmiljö Linné: Avancerade material

Det behövs nya typer av material för att möta aktuella och framtida utmaningar inom områden som energi, resurser, hälsovård och livsmedel. Syftet med kunskapsmiljön Avancerade material är att möta denna samhällsutmaning genom att skapa hållbara, funktionella material som möter framtidens behov.