Polaritonics: new materials and new geometries
Välkommen till ett seminarium med gästforskare Ivan Shelykh som arrangeras av kunskapsmiljön Avancerade material.
Prof. Ivan Shelykh graduated from St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University in 1999 and completed there his PhD in the domain of theoretical quantum transport. He then worked as postdoc and faculty member in the universities in France, UK, Brazil and Singapore. Curently he is employed in the University of Iceland and ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia, where he is heading a research group "Light-matter interaction in mesoscopic systems”.
Polaritonics: new materials and new geometries
Polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles forming in quantum microcavities in the regime of light-matter coupling. They possess a set of remarkable properties, which make them a unique laboratory for study of quantum collective phenomena at surprisingly high temperatures. In the presentation, we will give an overview of recent developments in polaritonics, namely the physics of polariton lattices and polaritonics of 2D materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides and сhromium halides.
Datum och tid/Time and date
5 december 2022 kl. 13.30-14.30
Via Zoom eller rum Ma348, hus Magna, Kalmar
Seminariet hålls på engelska
Om Kunskapsmiljö Linné: Avancerade material
Det behövs nya typer av material för att möta aktuella och framtida utmaningar inom områden som energi, resurser, hälsovård och livsmedel. Syftet med kunskapsmiljön Avancerade material är att möta denna samhällsutmaning genom att skapa hållbara, funktionella material som möter framtidens behov.