Professor John Airey, Stockholms universitet
Seminarium Centrum för naturvetenskapernas didaktik

Social Semiotics in the Teaching and Learning of University Science

Välkommen till ett seminarium som arrangeras av Centrum för naturvetenskapernas didaktik.


Professor John Airey, Stockholms universitet


"Social Semiotics in the Teaching and Learning of University Science"


In this seminar I will discuss the application of social semiotics to the teaching and learning of university science. Social semiotics is the study of the meaning-making practices of specific social groups - in this case researchers within the science disciplines. Science disciplines leverage a wide range of semiotic resources such as graphs, diagrams, mathematical representations, hands on work with apparatus, language, gestures etc. In my work I study how students learn to integrate these resources to do physics and what teachers can do to help them in this process. Over the years, I have been involved in the development of a number of theoretical constructs to help us to better understand the different roles semiotic resources play in learning university physics. In this presentation I will explain some of these terms and give examples of their usefulness for teasing out how learning is taking place.

Datum och tid

10 januari 2023 kl. 10.00-11.30


Sal Ma129K, hus Magna, Kalmar och via Zoom: länk till seminariet

Seminariet hålls på engelska

Tvärvetenskapligt samarbete

Aktiviteten är en del av Centrum för naturvetenskapernas didaktik som har medlemmar från flera fakulteter och som sysslar med didaktisk forskning och utveckling av undervisning inom de naturvetenskapliga ämnena.