Workshop – Forskning om undervisning och lärande i övergången från förskoleklass till skola.
Workshopen genomförs vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö och inleds med en gemensam middag 6 december efterföljt med workshop 7 december
Under workshopen kommer kortare forskningspresentationer varvas med gruppdiskussioner samt ett avslutande panelsamtal. Vid anmälan finns möjlighet att anmäla intresse för presentation av forskning.
Syftet med workshopen är att synliggöra och diskutera pågående forskning samt att etablera ett mångdisciplinärt och nordiskt nätverk av forskare som forskar om undervisning och lärande i övergången från förskoleklass till skola. Det vetenskapliga värdet förväntas bli samarbeten som leder till nya gemensamma vetenskapliga frågeställningar och studier, studier vars resultat kan spridas såväl vetenskapligt som populärvetenskapligt.
För att möjliggöra ett nordiskt perspektiv har tre nordiska forskare speciellt bjudits in:
- Heidi Harju Luukkainen, Helsingfors Universitet: A Multi-theoretical Perspective on Early Childhood Education Research and Practice in Finland.
Heidi´s website - Jóhanna Einarsdóttir, Islands Universitet: Transition between preschool and primary school: Times of continuity and change.
Jóhanna´s website - Martin Carlsen, Agder University, Norge: Playful learning of mathematics in the transition from kindergarten to school: Opportunities and challenges.
Martin´s website
Program workshop
Lecture hall: N1017, N - Buildning
9.00-9.15 Welcome
9.15-10.00 Heidi Harju Luukkainen, Helsingfors Universitet: A Multi-theoretical Perspective on Early Childhood Education Research and Practice in Finland.
Full abstract
Over the past decade, there has been a growing focus on early childhood education and care (ECEC) at the political and social levels, leading many countries to implement educational reforms. In Finland, ECEC is viewed as an investment in the future, backed by extensive research highlighting the benefits of early education for both individuals and society as a whole. Consequently, the organization and implementation of early education and care carry significant importance. In Finland, ECEC is characterized by a systematic and goal- oriented framework that encompasses upbringing, education, and care. Here, pedagogy plays a central role, aiming to foster excellence for future generations. In an upcoming presentation, Professor Harju- Luukkainen will highlight key aspects of ECEC, such as the foundations of early childhood teacher education, pedagogical principles, collaboration between families and professionals, and the promotion of playful learning.
The presentation will draw upon the important findings outlined in their latest books:
- Assessing and Evaluating Early Childhood Education Systems (2022)
- Special Education in the Early Years Perspective on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries (2022)
- Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care – A Multi-theoretical perspective on Research and Practice (2022)
- Special Education in the Early Years Perspective on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries (2022)
- Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Immigrant Students in the Nordic Countries (2023)
- Nordic Families, Children and Early Childhood Education (2019)
10-10.15 FIKA
10.15-11.00 Martin Carlsen, Agder University, Norge: Playful learning of mathematics in the transition from kindergarten to school: Opportunities and challenges.
Full abstract
According to the mathematics education literature, playfulness and mathematical inquiry in mathematical activities may establish coherence between kindergarten and primary school. Mathematics education research literature is, however, sparse with respect to in-depth analyses of the role of play in early mathematics learning. Examples will be discussed concerning how teachers may teach playful and inquiry-based learning activities that will contribute to developing children’s appropriation of central concepts and operations of early mathematics through mathematical reasoning.
11.10-12.15 Short presentations1 & exchange of experience2
- Camilla Björklund: Implementing a structural approach to numbers in preschool class mathematics education.
- Helena Ackesjö & Marina Wernholm: Children as experts - transitions in a digital childhood.
- Annie-Maj Johansson: Teaching ecology and biodiversity in preschool class.
- Maria Walla: Mathematics education in the preschool class – assessment and equity.
12.15-13.15 LUNCH
13.15-14.00 Jóhanna Einarsdóttir, Islands Universitet: Transition between preschool and primary school: Times of continuity and change.
Full abstract
The presentation will focus on the the challenges facing ECEC in the times of accountability and schoolification and the impact they have on transitions between the school levels. Continuity and change during transition will be discussed.
14.00-14.15 FIKA
14.15-15.30 Short presentations1 & exchange of experience2
- Sergej Ivanov: Nordic educational policy on criticality instruction for six-year-olds.
- Emelie Patron: An exploration of how multimodal teaching and the creation of digital animations contribute to six-year-olds’ meaning-making in Chemistry.
Ann-Charlotte Rohman Roth, Kristina Danielsson, Marina Wernholm: Among dragons and witches – young children´s interaction and negotiations when creating fairy tales with digital tools.
- Hanna Palmér, Jorryt van Bommel, Andreas Ebbelind: Problem solving and problem posing in preschool class mathematics.
15.30-16.00 Panel discussion3: Reflections on the day.
1 10 minutes for each short presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions.
2 Reflections in small groups
3 Heidi Harju Luukkainen, Martin Carlsen and Jóhanna Einarsdóttir.