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Seminarium i matematik

In search of biological computation through arithmetic regularities in the standard genetic code

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Scientific efforts to obtain “minimal” cells by removing as much complexity as possible have resulted in organisms that are simple by biological standards, but still extremely complex by chemical ones. More recent research goes beyond the usual perspective of emergent complexity through a mechanistic process of different outcomes that simply occur as a result of different environmental influences. Rather, it is proposed that this complexity, also seen through the flexible and adaptive behavior of an individual organism, is the result of morphogenetic mechanisms that exist on a continuum of problem-solving capacities at different scales within the biosphere. This problem-solving driven evolution is increasingly viewed within the framework of teleonomy – “evolved purposiveness” (Corning et al. 2023), or cognition-based evolution in which biological and evolutionary development is achieved and maintained through self-referential measurement of information and its communication (Miller et al. 2021).

The information-centered origin and evolution of life brings into focus the problem of biological and thus natural coding and computation. Here we will present the standard genetic code model that is based on the invariant nucleon packing quantum and the corresponding mass balances, where this fine-tuning of the nucleon distribution can be related to mathematical structures characterized by self-referentiality and the scale-free property (Mišić 2011, 2014, 2016).


Origin of life, information-based evolution, standard genetic code, self-referentiality, scale-free property.


Corning PA, Kauffman SA, Noble D et al., Eds. 2023. Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Miller WB, Enguita FJ, Leitão AL. 2021. Non-Random Genome Editing and Natural Cellular Engineering in Cognition-Based Evolution. Cells 10:1125;

Mišić NŽ. 2011. Nested Numeric/Geometric/Arithmetic Properties of shCherbak’s Prime Quantum 037 as a Base of (Biological) Coding/Computing. NeuroQuantology 9(4):702-715;

Mišić NŽ. 2014. From genetic code toward spacetime geometry. In: Theoretical Approaches to BioInformation Systems, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, pp. 101-123.

Mišić NŽ. 2016. Standard genetic code: p-Adic modelling, nucleon balances and selfsimilarity. FU Phys. Chem. Tech. 14:275–298;


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