
Digitala transformationer: ett dynamiskt möte mellan musik, konst och teknik

Välkommen till en konsert där Tjajkovskijs kammarmusik kombineras med AI-animerade målningar, visualiseringar och publikens egna berättelser.

Denna kväll förvandlas den klassiska konsertupplevelsen till ett konstnärligt utforskande av digital teknik och kreativitet över mediegränserna.

Tjajkovskijs pianotrio i A-moll framförs av kammarmusiktrio från Storbritannien, med Alexandra Huang-Kokina på piano, Rebekah Lesan på cello och Paul Docherty på violin. I konserten blandas Tjajkovskijs kammarmusik med AI-animerade målningar, visualiseringar och publikens egna berättelser. Det skapar ett dynamiskt samspel mellan konstarterna som bjuder publiken på en inkluderande musikalisk resa. Efter konserten följer ett samtal med pianisten och digital humanities-forskaren Alexandra Huang-Kokina.

Konsertlängd: ca 1 timme + diskussion ca 20 minuter.

Evenemanget arrangeras av:

Biljetter köps här: Nygatan 6. Eller hos Cultix, Storgatan 7, Växjö. Biljetter kan inte köpas på plats. Pris: 150 kr, barn/under 26 år: 75 kr


Hello Alexandra Huang-Kokina, pianist and digital humanities researcher, what is so special about this concert?

– In this concert, I aim to offer the audience a multifaceted appreciation of music through the integration of various art mediums, including imagery, animation, theater, and cinematic subtitles. Attendees are not merely listeners to Tchaikovsky’s compositions; they are participants in a semi-virtual experience where sound, lighting, imagery, and text mutually amplify the effects of one another. This intermedial commentary on music is the product of collaboration between myself and artificial intelligence.

Instead of focusing on the historical background of Tchaikovsky’s piano trio, I crafted a short science-fiction narrative that reimagines his legacy in a thousand years’ time – a future where an overabundance of artificial sound has hindered humanity’s progress in interplanetary competition, positing silence as humanity’s sole path forward (!).

Who do you think should attend the concert?
– This concert is truly for everyone, especially those who believe classical music is either too ‘culturally elevated’ or too costly. As a unique feature of our concert, attendees will be treated to a short film that demystifies classical music. Moreover, you’ll have the chance to engage in a friendly competition, with the opportunity to win a special prize!

What do you think Tchaikovsky would have thought about his music being combined with AI paintings?
– I believe Tchaikovsky would have embraced the integration of his music with AI-generated paintings. He might find the fusion of his compositions with ‘silent’ AI art not only harmonious but fascinating. I believe he would find solace in seeing how Nikolai Rubinstein, the musical luminary who inspired his piano trio, continues to inspire narratives that project our simultaneous fear and hope for the future of classical music.

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