Forskningsseminarium: Matematikdidaktik
The lack of discursive opportunities when becoming a mathematics teacher.
Vecka 16 kommer Sonja Lutovac (Oulu University, Finland) till oss som Andreas Ebbelinds (Linnaeus University) gäst. Seminariet handlar om deras samarbete med att förstå processen att bli lärare i matematik.
In this talk, we attempt to open a discussion about mathematics teacher education settings constraining prospective teachers’ discursive opportunities, a phenomenon noted in our respective doctoral dissertations (Ebbelind, 2020; Lutovac, 2014). These two doctoral dissertations represent two different types of prospective teachers from three countries. Prospective primary school teachers who had positive experiences and interest in mathematics on the one hand, and prospective teachers who struggled with mathematics and were insecure about their future mathematics teaching on the other. We allow us to speculate, both empirically and theoretically, about the implications of discursive opportunities for prospective teachers' process of becoming a mathematics teacher and highlight the need to place effort to offer sufficient discursive opportunities to prospective teachers. A conference paper with the same title was presented at the conference Mathematical Views, 2023, and will be published during spring 2024 in the journal Lumat.
The content in this presentation refers to mathematics education. Still, the phenomenon can be generalized to other subjects, even though we will suggest that the issue might be more complex in relation to the subject of mathematics.
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