IMS Aurora

Analyzing multimodal data using MAXQDA

This week's seminar is in cooperation with the Multimodal Communication research group at Örebro University.

About the seminar

For further information, see below a message from the workshop organizers:

Analyzing multimodal data using MAXQDA

Welcome to a workshop on using MAXQDA for coding multimodal research data. MAXQDA is a software used for coding various types of data, including texts, images, audio files, and videos. 

The seminar on November 6 will be organized as a workshop focused on getting started with practical coding work. Gustav Westberg will begin the workshop with a few words on his experience from using MAXQDA to code data in the ongoing project Antisemitic Manifestations: The Semiotics of Antisemitism in Sweden and Experiences Among Jewish Youth.

Nota bene: Gustav is not a MAXQDA expert, and the software has many features and affordances that he does not use in his research.

This introduction will therefore not be a comprehensive overview of everything you can do in MAXQDA. Instead, it will serve as an introduction to how MAXQDA can help achieve analytical structure in diverse multimodal datasets.

After Gustavs introduction, the seminar will be conducted as a workshop where the participant will try out using MAXQDA to code data from their own research projects. Thus, as preparation for this, you need to:

- downlead a free trial version of MAXQDA:

- bring some kind of data that you want to code

- Preferably have a look at this tutorial on how to start up MAXQDA:

The workshop will conclude with a discussion on the pros and cons in using a program such as MAXQDA.


Photo: 'Aurora - Connecting Senses’, Cristina Pop-Tiron & Signe Kjær Jensen

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