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Internationalisation Forum

Internationalisation Forum är ett möte för Ekonomihögskolans personal den andra tisdagen varje månad under september till juni via Zoom.

Det är ett öppet forum och ingen anmälan krävs.

Linnaeus University was among the first in the country to engage in the new European collaborative initiative several years ago. Since then, several faculty members at the School of Business and Economics have successfully been working in various EUniWELL projects, with new upcoming initiatives.

On Tuesday, 10th of September, from 08.30 – 09.30, Internationalisation Forum is hosting a session on EUniWELL:

EUniWELL: Entering a New Dimension of International Collaboration and Beyond

Per Pettersson Löfquist, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Tourism Over the years, Per has taken part in various international and EU-funded projects, like Interreg and Erasmus. These experiences have deepened his understanding of different educational systems, universities, and collaborative methods. Per is also active in an EUniWell collaboration focused on International Service Learning under WP11. He heads a course on social media strategies and campaigns, where students create content for not-for-profit organizations across new digital platforms. This year, the course is partnered with Station Linné in Öland, offering students the opportunity to apply their skills in a real-world context.

Daniel Alvunger, Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences Daniel is the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Linnaeus University, where he also serves as a Professor of Education. With a PhD in history and a background in high school teaching, his research focuses on vocational education, curriculum theory, and teacher training. Additionally, he is a board member of the European University for Well-being (EUniWell), advancing Linnaeus University's engagement in European collaborations through EUniWell.

Unlocking Opportunities for EUniWELL Collaborations

Camilla Andersson Lundqvist, International Relations Advisor, at the LNU Office for External Relations