Anneli Ekblom
Workshop on Critical Environments

Mobilility, Land, Labour, and Cattle - as Reflected Through Heritage and Environment, in the Pafuri. Region (Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe).

Welcome to the Research Cluster for Colonial Connections and Comparisons Spring seminar series! This seminar is co-organised with the Critical Environments Workshop.

Anneli Ekblom, Uppsala University

Mobilility, Land, Labour, and Cattle - as Reflected Through Heritage and Environment, in the Pafuri. Region (Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe).

Anneli Ekblom will summarise her study of the long-term historical and political ecology of the Pafuri region in Mozambique, which is soon published as Limpopo Life. Here, experimentation with cattle breeds and linked management of landscape ecology can be traced back to the beginning of the use of domesticated animals in southern Africa 2000 years ago.

Anneli will discuss how, throughout time, the economy of trade and labour has been translated into a ‘cattle economy’. While other currencies have been volatile, the cattle price has remained stable. The memory of the movements of humans and animals is attested through oral tradition and heritage practises. However, the logic of this cattle economy evaded colonial powers as well as agricultural policymakers today.  What are the prospects of this knowledge today in informing policy in and around agriculture and the local economy? Can the cattle economy be a way to combine conservation goals with local aspirations, and what would be the effects

This seminar is co-organised with the Critical Environments Workshop.

The seminar will be held in English.

Please send an email to if you want to participate via Zoom.

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