- Heldag

The EEMiS retreat - Challenges in research

The EEMiS retreat promises to be an engaging and collaborative gathering, with its primary aim being the sharing of ongoing research within the EEMiS community. The theme this year will be “Challenges in research” and the retreat this year will focus on young career scientists.

1st and 2nd year PhD students will provide posters for a poster session, 3rd and 4th year PhD students and Post Docs will deliver 10-minute presentations on their work.

We have two amazing external speakers, A. Murat Eren (Meren) and Monika Quinones Winder, who will give inspiration lectures, offering insightful glimpses into their work.

Additionally, we will have Hanna Tuvesson as a guest speaker who will give a flash talk on ethics in science and will do a workshop on ethics in science with us.

Beyond research dissemination, the conference will foster cross-collaborative ideas among participants, encouraging the exchange of knowledge and the development of innovative solutions within the frame of EEMiS. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to practice soft skills crucial for effective communication and teamwork.

The EEMiS Retreat is a 2-day event that will take place at Ekerum Resort Öland in Ekerum (Öland). 

Last day to register: September 11th!

Deadline to send in your poster: September 18th!

- Heldag Ekerum Resort, Öland Lägg till i din kalender