The EEMiS retreat - Challenges in research
The EEMiS retreat promises to be an engaging and collaborative gathering, with its primary aim being the sharing of ongoing research within the EEMiS community. The theme this year will be “Challenges in research” and the retreat this year will focus on young career scientists.
1st and 2nd year PhD students will provide posters for a poster session, 3rd and 4th year PhD students and Post Docs will deliver 10-minute presentations on their work.
We have two amazing external speakers, A. Murat Eren (Meren) and Monika Quinones Winder, who will give inspiration lectures, offering insightful glimpses into their work.
Additionally, we will have Hanna Tuvesson as a guest speaker who will give a flash talk on ethics in science and will do a workshop on ethics in science with us.
Beyond research dissemination, the conference will foster cross-collaborative ideas among participants, encouraging the exchange of knowledge and the development of innovative solutions within the frame of EEMiS. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to practice soft skills crucial for effective communication and teamwork.
The EEMiS Retreat is a 2-day event that will take place at Ekerum Resort Öland in Ekerum (Öland).
Last day to register: September 11th!
Deadline to send in your poster: September 18th!
Keynote speakers
Monika Winder is a professor in marine ecology at Stockholm University. Her research explores aquatic food web interactions and how they respond to changes in the environment. She has developed a novel approach that combines DNA metabarcoding and network modelling to study the importance of hidden diversity within complex communities – an approach that started with many failures and more challenges ahead to expand to multi trophic levels. She tries to create an environment where the focus is on learning and discovery, embracing mistakes as part of the scientific journal, with hopefully along the way some successful outcomes.
Read more about Monika on the links below:
A. Murat Eren (Meren): I am a computer scientist and microbial ecologist who studies microbial lifestyles in a wide range of habitats that span from oceans to insect ovaries. Established at the intersection between computer science and microbiology, my group combines state-of-the-art computational strategies and molecular tools to shed light on the ecology and evolution of naturally occurring microbial populations, with the primary aim of understanding strategies that enable microbes thrive within their ever-changing environments. Our group strives to promote openness and transparency in science with our open-source software development and reproducible science efforts, and invest our time in community building and 'omics training efforts.
Read more about Meren on the links below:
Thursday 3 October
8.30 bus leaves at tourist office in Kalmar harbor
9.00-10.00 Arriving + coffee + group photo
10.00-10.30 Welcoming words – Katie, Andreas will introduce voting for best poster and best presentations
10.30-11.30 External speaker – Murat Eren – zoom
11.30-11.35 Break
11.35-12.00 Presentations
- Lisa von Friesen “Microbes on sinking particles in the Baltic Sea: The role of picophytoplankton in carbon export”
- Christian Furbo Reeder “Unravelling the Nitrogen Fixation-Primary Production feedback loop”
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.30 Check in rooms / walk
- Julia Weißenbach
- Ida Krogsgaard Svendsen
- Danilo Di Leo
- Marc Hauber “Vitamin B1 status of fish in the Baltic Sea - a pop quiz”
- Henrik Flink “Transient cognitive impacts of oxygen deprivation caused by catch-and-release angling”
- Francesca Leggieri
- Carolina González “A microbiology global analysis of the deep bedrock”
- Songjun Li
- Marcus Hall
15.00-15.30 Fika
15.30-16.15 Failure presenation Mark+Anders
In parallel: PI meeting (16.15-18.00)
Flash talks:
- Murat: PI-PHD relationship
- Monica: (tba)
Woo Clap / interactive anonymous activity - what problems/challenges have people from the audience faced already?
Then → Round table
17.00-18.00 Round table → talking about things that came up in the woo clap, questions/discussion starting now…
18.00-20.00 Dinner
20.00-22.00 Freetime/Games
Friday 4 October
8.00-9.00 Breakfast
9.00-9.30 Ethical presentation Hanna Tuvesson
9.30-11.00 Ethical Workshop with Hanna Tuvesson
11.00-11.30 Fika + Check Out
11.30-12.30 External speaker – Monika Winder “The role of biodiversity in marine food web interactions”
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Poster session/feedback sheets - if 6 posters - 6 groups given 1 feedback per poster
14.30-15.00 Fika and prices
Closing words
15.00-16.00 Drive back