Welcome to the LNUC Concurrences Seminar Series in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies!
Steven Labarakwe, Samburu Elder
Peter Skoglund, Linnaeus University
Ebbe Westergren, Linnaeus University
Peter Skoglund is an archaeologist who received his PhD from Lund University in 2005. He has worked as a researcher at the Swedish Rock Art Research Archives at the University of Gothenburg and is now Professor in Archaeology at Linnaeus University. Peter is principal investigator of ‘Making Rock Art Today – Encounters with Practicing Samburu Rock Art Painters’, which is a joint research project including colleagues in Archaeology and Anthropology at Adelaide University, Kenyatta University, National Museums of Kenya and staff from NGOn Empower the Northern Frontier.
Cultural Heritage and Local Empowerment: The Importance of Community Conversations Among the Samburu in Northern Kenya
In the first part of this presentation, we will discuss some general aspects of community conversations among the Samburu in northern Kenya. In Samburu culture, community conversations are a traditional way in which a community comes together to address common issues. Everybody in the community–elders, women, and young people–are invited to listen and speak their minds. The conversations continue until consensus is reached. In the second part of the paper, we will address how community conversations have been used as an important tool to develop and elaborate decision on cultural heritage management among the Samburu. We will provide examples from projects conducted by Linnaeus University and Kalmar County Museum from 2011 and onwards. The presentation aims to problematize the relationships between local customs and national laws and provide an example of the importance to integrate local knowledges into the management and development of cultural heritage in Kenya.
The seminar will be held in English.
Please register if you want to participate via Zoom.
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies