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Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry Group medarrangör till cancerkonferens

Konferensen A quantitative perspective on cancer, som arrangeras 2018, finansieras av Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Nordita – the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics – har beslutat att finansiera en ny upplaga av konferensen A quantitative perspective on cancer. Konferensen kommer att äga rum på Nordita i Stockholm under 2018; exakt datum är dock inte bestämt än. För mer information och eventuell förhandsanmälan, kontakta docent Ran Friedman, ledare för forskargruppen Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry Group och en av arrangörerna av konferensen.


  • Ran Friedman, Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry Group, Linnéuniversitetet
  • Merja Heinäniemi, University of Eastern Finland
  • Yuval Kluger, Yale University, USA
  • Marcus Ringnér, SciLifeLab, Stockholm/Uppsala


From a clinical point of view, cancer is a devastating disease. From the point of view of theoretical physics, it is fascinating. Cancer progression involves cells changing shape, cells that migrate under constraints imposed by the human body, flow of blood and cells, and changing of the physical characteristics of a human tissue, to give just a few examples. Moreover, some aspects of cancer development, such as population genetics, are well routed within subfields of theoretical physics.

In this conference, we will host world-renown experts in cancer research who will present their views of fundamental problems that limit our understanding of cancer (and where theoretical physics might be helpful). In addition, leading physicists and theoretically-oriented scientists from related fields will discuss theory and modelling applied to cancer research.