Seminarieserie vårterminen 2024
Välkommen till LNUC Concurrences seminarieserie i koloniala och postkoloniala studier!
Tid: 13.15−15:00 (CET, UTC+1)
Plats: Campus Växjö, Fe3016 (Dacke) / Zoom
18/1 Annual Lecture, The Aesthetics of Empire Research Cluster
Dr. Sita Balani, Lecturer in English at Queen Mary University of London:
In the fractures of sexual modernity: race-making in the present
14/3 Helge Jordheim, Professor of Cultural History, Department for Cultural
Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo: Synchronisms and
Concurrences: Visions of Simultaneity in 18th century Cultures of
Knowledge in Europe
Please note that the time for this seminar is 10:15–12:00!
25/4 Sheila Ghose, Department of Culture and Education, Södertörn
University: Neither Meme nor Mammy”: Reimaginations of Diasporic
Geocorpographies in Somali British and Somali Swedish Contemporary
16/5 Annual Lecture, The Cluster for Colonial Connections and Comparisons
Federico Navarrete Linares, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Racial mixture and the
dominance of Whiteness, the paradoxes of racism in Latin America
30/5 Audrey Horning, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queens
University Belfast: Pragmatism and Peacebuilding: Ethics, challenges,
and opportunities for engaged archaeology
Kontakta för Zoomlänk.
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