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Tips från projektet: Utbildningar om öppen vetenskap från SciLifeLab

Under våren erbjuder SciLifeLab, tillsammans med NBIS och SND en poänggivande kurs (5-9 + 27 maj) som går på djupet om öppen vetenskap i en svensk kontext och ett tillfälle (1-3 april) som ger en introduktion till forskningsdatahantering. Båda kurserna ges på engelska.

Open Science in the Swedish context

The training ‘Open Science in the Swedish context’ is designed to equip academics across all disciplines with a range of tools needed to implement Open Science practices into every step of their research project lifecycle. In this interactive, hands-on course, participants will learn about Open Science through interactive lectures, discussions with guest speakers, and practical assignments. Participants will gain first-hand experience with implementing Open Science practices into experimental planning & design, data collection & analysis, sharing & disseminating research output, long-term data accessibility & re-use, and project & researcher evaluation.

Introduction to Data Management Practices

The workshop will introduce important research data management aspects through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on computer exercises. The course is intended for researchers who want to take the first steps towards a more systematic and reproducible approach to documenting, describing and managing research data.

Topics covered will include

  • Open Science and FAIR in practice
  • Organising data, files and folders in research projects
  • Describing data with metadata
  • Documentation using Markdown
  • Publishing data to public data repositories
  • Cleaning tabular data and metadata with OpenRefine
  • Versioning data, documents and scripts (e.g. by using Git & GitHub)
  • Writing Data Management Plans

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