Jag är professor i byggteknik, och mitt arbete består av undervisning och forskning kring hållbarhetsrelaterade frågor som berör samspelen mellan byggnader, energi och miljö. Min bakgrund innefattar byggteknik och miljövetenskap, och hade docentur i bygg- och energiteknik i 2015 vid Linnéuniversitetet.
Jag handleda examensarbeten på grund- och masternivå, och undervisar kurser i energi- och klimateffektivt byggande och livscykelanalys.
Min forskning fokuserar på byggsimulering, installationsteknik och livscykel modellering av energi, ekonomi och miljöpåverkan skapade av byggda miljön.
Mina forskargrupper
Byggnadsfysik Byggnadsfysik är ett av forskningsområdena inom ämnet byggteknik. Vår forskning består av två huvudområden: byggnadsenergisimulering och livscykel modellering av energi, ekonomi och…
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) är ett av de nyaste forskningsområdena vid institutionen för byggteknik. Det kombinerar den breda, vetenskapliga kunskapen från flera olika…
Träbyggnadsteknik Den huvudsakliga inriktningen för forskningsmiljön Träbyggnadsteknik inom ämnet byggteknik är träbyggnadsteknik och tillämpad mekanik. Forskningen är i stor utsträckning tillämpad…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: GreenBIM Transnationell masterexamen i BIM och energieffektivitet i byggnader GreenBIM kommer att främja ett sammanlänkat högre utbildningssystem genom att lokalt skapa innehåll med experter…
Projekt: Hållbart byggande med trä – materialeffektivt värdeskapande från trämaterial till byggnader Genom forskning och utveckling av ny kunskap kommer projektet att bidra till ökad konkurrenskraft…
Projekt: Klimatneutrala Växjö 2030 Detta projekt är ett forskningssamarbete med Växjö kommun för ett klimatneutralt Växjö 2030 och om hur digitala verktyg kan stödja målet och vägen dit.
Projekt: Möjligheter och verktyg för att förbättra cirkularitet vid byggande av flervåningshus i trä Att övergå till en mer cirkulär ekonomi är nödvändigt för en resurseffektiv och konkurrenskraftig…
Projekt: Större konkurrenskraft för KL-träbaserade byggsystem genom effektiv konstruktion och reducerat kolavtryck Målet med detta projekt är att öka konkurrenskraften för korslimmat trä som…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Smart cities – projekt Ready Ready-projektet är ett internationellt forskningsprojekt på fem år (2014-2019), finansierat av Europeiska kommissionen, med fokus på att implementera avancerade…
Projekt: Sustainable structural engineering Målet för detta projekt var en tvåårig masterutbildning som ger studenterna kunskap inom konstruktionsteknik och samtidigt belyser livscykelaspekter.…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Leichter, M., Dodoo, A., Piccardo, C. (2024). Life cycle assessment of energy renovation versus demolition and new construction in the context of a social housing project. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Boussaa, Y., Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2024). Comprehensive renovation of a multi-apartment building in Sweden : techno-economic analysis with respect to different economic scenarios. Building Research & Information. 52 (4). 463-478.
Status: Publicerad -
Boussaa, Y., Dodoo, A., Nguyen, T., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2023). Integrating Passive Energy Efficient Measures to the Building Envelope of a Multi-Apartment Building in Sweden : Analysis of Final Energy Savings and Cost Effectiveness. Buildings. 13 (10).
Status: Publicerad -
Al-Najjar, A., Dodoo, A. (2023). Modular multi-storey construction with cross-laminated timber : Life cycle environmental implications. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 18 (2). 525-539.
Status: Publicerad -
Ahn, N., Dodoo, A., Riggio, M., Muszynski, L., Schimleck, L., et al. (2022). Circular economy in mass timber construction : State-of-the-art, gaps and pressing research needs. Journal of Building Engineering. 53.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Dorn, M., Olsson, A., Bader, T.K. (2022). Exploring the synergy between structural engineering design solutions and life cycle carbon footprint of cross-laminated timber in multi-storey buildings. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 17 (1). 30-42.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A. (2020). Primary energy and economic implications of ventilation heat recovery for a multi-family building in a Nordic climate. Journal of Building Engineering. 31 (101391). 1-14.
Status: Publicerad -
Piccardo, C., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2020). Retrofitting a building to passive house level : A life cycle carbon balance. Energy and Buildings. 223. 1-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Vadiee, A., Dodoo, A., Jalilzadehazhari, E. (2020). Heat Supply Comparison in a Single-Family House with Radiator and Floor Heating Systems. Buildings. 10 (1). 1-22.
Status: Publicerad -
Truong, N.L., Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2020). Implications of supplying district heat to a new urban residential area in Sweden. Energy. 194. 1-18.
Status: Publicerad -
Piccardo, C., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2020). Retrofitting with different building materials : life-cycle primary energy implications. Energy. 192. 1-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2019). Effect of different frame materials on the primary energy use of a multi storey residential building in a life cycle perspective. Energy and Buildings. 185. 259-271.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Ayarkwa, J. (2019). Effects of Climate Change for Thermal Comfort and Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in a Sub-Saharan African Climate. Buildings. 9 (10).
Status: Publicerad -
Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2019). Design strategies and measures to minimise operation energy use for passive houses under different climate scenarios. Energy Efficiency. 12 (1). 299-313.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A. (2019). Lifecycle impacts of structural frame materials for multi-storey building systems. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering. 24 (1). 17-28.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Truong, N.L. (2018). Primary energy benefits of cost-effective energy renovation of a district heated multi-family building under different energy supply systems. Energy. 143. 69-90.
Status: Publicerad -
Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2018). Effects of energy efficiency measures in district-heated buildings on energy supply. Energy. 142. 1114-1127.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Tettey, U.Y.A., Gustavsson, L. (2017). Influence of simulation assumptions and input parameters on energy balance calculations of residential buildings. Energy. 120 (1). 718-730.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2017). Final energy savings and cost-effectiveness of deep energy renovation of a multi-storey residential building. Energy. 135. 563-576.
Status: Publicerad -
Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2017). Energy use implications of different design strategies for multi-storey residential buildings under future climates. Energy. 138. 846-860.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Tettey, U.Y.A., Gustavsson, L. (2017). On input parameters, methods and assumptions for energy balance and retrofit analyses for residential buildings. Energy and Buildings. 137. 76-89.
Status: Publicerad -
Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2016). Primary energy implications of different design strategies for an apartment building. Energy. 104. 132-148.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2016). Energy use and overheating risk of Swedish multi-storey residential buildings under different climate scenarios. Energy. 97. 534-548.
Status: Publicerad -
Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2015). Renewable-based heat supply of multi-apartment buildings with varied heat demands. Energy. 93. 1053-1062.
Status: Publicerad -
Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Effects of different insulation materials on primary energy and CO2 emission of a multi-storey residential building. Energy and Buildings. 82. 369-377.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2014). Lifecycle carbon implications of conventional and low-energy multi-storey timber building systems. Energy and Buildings. 82. 194-210.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2014). Lifecycle primary energy analysis of low-energy timber building systems for multi-story residential buildings. Energy and Buildings. 81. 84-97.
Status: Publicerad -
Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Effects of heat and electricity saving measures in district-heated multistory residential buildings. Applied Energy. 118. 57-67.
Status: Publicerad -
Bonakdar, F., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Cost-optimum analysis of building fabric renovation in a Swedish multi-story residential building. Energy and Buildings. 84. 662-673.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2013). Life cycle primary energy use and carbon footprint of wood-frame conventional and passive houses with biomass-based energy supply. Applied Energy. 112. 834-842.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2012). Effect of thermal mass on life cycle primary energy balances of a concrete- and a wood-frame building. Applied Energy. 92. 462-472.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2012). Lifecycle primary energy analysis of conventional and passive houses. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. 3 (2). 105-111.
Status: Publicerad -
Sathre, R., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Lippke, B., Marland, G., et al. (2012). Comment on “Material nature versus structural nurture: the embodied carbon of fundamental structural elements". Environmental Science and Technology. 46 (6). 3595-3596.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2011). Building energy-efficiency standards in a life cycle primary energy perspective. Energy and Buildings. 43 (7). 1589-1597.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2011). Primary energy implications of ventilation heat recovery in residential buildings. Energy and Buildings. 43 (7). 1566-1572.
Status: Publicerad -
Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Danielski, I. (2011). Primary energy implications of end-use energy efficiency measures in district heated buildings. Energy and Buildings. 43 (1). 38-48.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2010). Life cycle primary energy implication of retrofitting a wood-framed apartment building to passive house standard. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 54 (12). 1152-1160.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2009). Carbon implications of end-of-life management of building materials. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 53 (5). 276-286.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Khalili, N., Dodoo, A. (2023). Circular economy in wood multi-storey building construction : A systematic literature review. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Transition” : 12-13 October, Växjö.
- Ahn, N., Bjarvin, C., Riggio, M., Muszynski, L., Schimleck, L., et al. (2023). Envisioning mass timber buildings for circularity : life cycle assessment of a mass timber building with different end-of-life (EoL) and post-EoL options. WCTE 2023-World Conference on Timber Engineering : Timber for a Livable Future, 19-22 June, Oslo. 2898-2906. 3581-3587.
- Younis, A., Dodoo, A. (2022). Comparative Carbon-Footprint Analysis of Residential Buildings with Different Structural Materials. State-of-the-art Materials and Techniques in Structural Engineering and Construction.
- Muszyński, L., Riggio, M., Puettmann, M., Dodoo, A., Schimleck, L., et al. (2021). Conceptualizing the End of Life for Mass Timber Panel Buildings towards Circularity : Mapping the Gaps in Knowledge. The state of circularity : The content of "the 2nd International Conference on Circular Systems for the Built Environment"..
- Dodoo, A., Muszyński, L. (2021). End-of-life management of cross laminated timber multi-storey buildings : A case for designing for post-use material recovery and environmental benefits.. Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE) 2021, August 09 - 12, Santiago, Chile..
- Boussaa, Y., Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2021). Energy efficient measures for thermal envelope of a multi-apartment building in Sweden : Analysis of cost effectiveness with respect to carbon abatement costs implementation. eceee 2021 Summer Study on energy efficiency: a new reality?. 1015-1024.
- Guasco, M., Orlanno, M., Piccardo, C., Giachetta, A., Dodoo, A. (2020). Design optimization of a building attached sunspace through experimental monitoring and dynamic modelling. 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020). E3S Web Conference.
- Dodoo, A. (2020). Energy and indoor thermal comfort performance of a Swedish residential building under future climate change conditions. 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020), Tallinn. E3S Web Conference.
- Boussaa, Y., Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2020). Analysis of cost-effective energy efficiency measures for thermal envelope of a multi-apartment building in Sweden. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Part 3, Sweden, 2020.
- Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A. (2020). Effects of ventilation heat recovery in district-heated buildings fueled by renewable-based energy system. The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2020, December 1-10, 2020, Bangkok/Virtual.
- Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L. (2020). Techno-economic performance of heat recovery air handling units for residential buildings in a sub-arctic climate. The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2020, December 1-10, 2020, Bangkok/Virtual.
- Dodoo, A. (2019). Techno-economic and environmental performances of heating systems for single-family code-compliant and passive houses. CLIMA 2019 Congress : High Energy Performance and Sustainable Buildings.
- Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2019). Final and primary energy use for heating new residential area with varied exploitation levels, building energy performance and district heat temperatures. Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions. 6544-6550.
- Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2019). Carbon balances for a low energy apartment building with different structural frame materials. Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018). 4254-4261.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2019). Cost-optimized energy-efficient building envelope measures for a multi-storey residential building in a cold climate. Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018). 3760-3767.
- Vadiee, A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2019). A Comparison Between Four Dynamic Energy Modeling Tools for Simulation of Space Heating Demand of Buildings.. Cold Climate HVAC 2018. CCC 2018. 701-711.
- Dodoo, A., Tettey, U.Y.A., Gustavsson, L. (2019). Impacts of Common Simulation Assumptions in Sweden on Modelled Energy Balance of a Multi-family Building.. Cold Climate HVAC 2018. 689-699.
- Piccardo, C., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2019). Comparative Life-Cycle Analysis of Building Materials for the Thermal Upgrade of an Existing Building. SBE19 Brussels - BAMB-CIRCPATH "Buildings as Material Banks - A Pathway For A Circular Future"5–7 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
- Piccardo, C., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2019). Energy and carbon balance of materials used in a building envelope renovation. SBE19 Brussels - BAMB-CIRCPATH "Buildings as Material Banks - A Pathway For A Circular Future"5–7 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2019). Effects of end-of-life management options for materials on primary energy and greenhouse gas balances of building systems. Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018). 4246-4253.
- Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2017). Design strategies to minimise heating and cooling demands for passive houses under changing climate. ECEEE 2017 Summer Study : Consumption, Efficiency & Limits. 1185-1195.
- Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A. (2017). Effects of different techno-economic regimes on viability of deep energy renovation of an existing Swedish multi-family building. ECEEE 2017 Summer Study : Consumption, Efficiency & Limits. 1064-1073.
- Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2017). Impacts of parameter values interactions on simulated energy balance of residential buildings. 11th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB2017, 11-14 June 2017, Trondheim, Norway. 57-62.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2017). Life cycle primary energy use of nearly-zero energy building and low-energy building. ECEEE 2017 Summer Study : Consumption, Efficiency & Limits. 1075-1081.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2016). Climate change impacts on overheating risk and primary energy use for space conditioning of a Swedish multi-story building. CLIMA 2016 : Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress.
- Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2016). Design strategies for a Swedish residential building to minimize primary energy use and CO2 emission. The 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems : SDEWES 2016 : September 4-9, 2016. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2016). Economic analyses of energy efficiency renovation measures and packages for a district heated multi-family residential building. 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems : Book of Abstracts : September 4-9, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. 321-321.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Effect of energy efficiency requirements for residential buildings in Sweden on lifecycle primary energy use. Energy Procedia: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY, ICAE2014. 1183-1186.
- Truong, N.L., Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A. (2014). Heat supply of multi-apartment buildings with varied heat demands. Energy Procedia: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY, ICAE2014. 1464-1467.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Comparative life cycle and carbon footprint analyses of wood building systems designed as conventional or passive house standard. World Sustainable Building 2014 Barcelona Conference : Sustainable Buildings:Results Are We Moving as quickly as we should? It's up to us! Conference Proceedings Volume 2. 284-290.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Bonakdar, F. (2014). Effects of future climate change scenarios on overheating risk and primary energy use for Swedish residential buildings. Energy Procedia: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY, ICAE2014. 1179-1182.
- Tettey, U.Y.A., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Primary energy implications of different wall insulation materials for buildings in a cold climate. Energy Procedia: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY, ICAE2014. 1204-1207.
- Tettey, U.Y.A., Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A. (2014). Primary energy implications of different external wall configurations for residential buildings. World Sustainable Building 2014, Barcelona Conference : Sustainable Building:Results ; Are We Moving as Quickly as We Should? It's up to us!.
- Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2013). Effects of energy-efficiency measures and climate change mitigation policy instruments on primary energy use in district-heated buildings. ECEEE Summer Study proceedings : rethink, renew, restart. 515-522.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Tettey, U.Y.A. (2013). Primary energy and carbon dioxide implications of low-energy renovation of a Swedish apartment building. Passivhus Norden 2013. 270-282.
- Bonakdar, F., Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A. (2013). Implications of energy efficiency renovation measures for a Swedish residential building on cost, primary energy use and carbon dioxide emission. ECEEE Summer Study proceedings : rethink, renew, restart. 1287-1296.
- Dodoo, A., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2012). Implications of households building and car preferences for primary energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. ICAE 2012. 249-257.
- Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A. (2012). Life cycle primary energy use and carbon footprint of wood-frame conventional and passive houses with biomass-based energy supply. . Presentation at the International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2012, Jul 5-8, 2012, Suzhou, China.
- Gustavsson, L., Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A. (2012). Primary energy implications of heat savings in district heated buildings. Presentation at International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2012, Jul 5-8, 2012, Suzhou, China.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2012). Impact of thermal mass on lifecycle primary energy use of concrete- and timber-frame versions of a building. Presentation at COBEE 12, International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 1-4.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L. (2012). Lifecycle primary energy use and carbon footprint for conventional and passive house versions of an eight-story wood-framed apartment building. Passivhus Norden, Trondheim, Norway, October 21-23, 2012.
- Mahapatra, K., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Nair, G. (2012). System analysis of and stakeholders’ perceptions on end-use energy efficiency measures for existing Swedish multi-family buildings. COBEE 12, International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 1-4.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2011). Impacts of end-use energy efficiency measures on life cycle primary energy use in an existing Swedish multi-story apartment building. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, May 8-11.
- Gustavsson, L., Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Sathre, R. (2011). Effects of environmental taxations on district heat production structures. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, May 8-11. 3420-3427.
- Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A., Sathre, R. (2011). Impact of ventilation heat recovery on primary energy use of apartment buildings built to conventional and passive house standard. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, May 8-11.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2011). Life cycle primary energy analysis of conventional and passive house buildings. Proceeding SB11, World Sustainable Building Conference, Helsinki, Finland, October 18-21.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2010). Life cycle primary energy perspective on retrofitting an existing building to passive house standard. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2010). Primary energy implication of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery in residential buildings.. ACEEE Summer study on energy efficiency in buildings. Pacific Grove, California, USA, August 15-20.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2010). Life cycle primary energy use of an apartment building designed to the current Swedish building code or passive house standard. Passivhus Norden. Aalborg, Denmark, October 7- 8, 2010.
- Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A., Sathre, R. (2010). Life cycle primary energy use in buildings of high energy standards. ACEEE Summer study on energy efficiency in buildings. Pacific Grove, California, USA, August 15-20.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2008). Energy implications of end-of-life options for building materials. First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Proceedings Vols 1-3. 2025-2032.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2024). Lumber. Handbook of Recycling State-of-the-art for Practitioners, Analysts, and Scientists. Elsevier. 463-479.
- Dodoo, A., Tettey, U.Y.A., Addo-Yobo, F. (2021). Energy and economic implications of buildings and construction. The Construction Industry : Global Trends, Job Burnout and Safety Issues. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. 215-247.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2015). Modeling Carbon Footprint of Wood-Based Products and Buildings. The Carbon Footprint Handbook. London, CRC Press. 143-162.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2014). Recycling of lumber. Handbook of recycling : state-of-the-art for practitioners, analysts, and scientists. Waltham, MA, Elsevier. 151-163.
- Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A., Mötzl, H., Sathre, R. (2013). Fundamentals : greenhouse gas and primary energy balances over a building life cycle. Wood in carbon efficient construction : Tools, methods and applications. Finland, Hämeen Kirjapaino Oy. 24-31.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2013). Background : What is life cycle assessment and carbon footprint analysis? Chapter 2.2. Wood in carbon efficient construction : Tools, methods and applications. Finland, Hämeen Kirjapaino Oy. 15-15.
Rapport (Refereegranskat)
- Sathre, R., Gustavsson, L., Dodoo, A. (2012). Report on methodological issues in determining primary energy and greenhouse gas balances over a building life cycle. Methodological report of Work Package 1 for €CO2 project. Växjö, Linnaeus university. 54.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Younis, A., Dodoo, A. (2022). Cross-laminated timber for building construction : A life-cycle-assessment overview. Journal of Building Engineering. Elsevier. 52.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Dodoo, A., Dorn, M., Olsson, A., Bader, T.K. (2022). Structural engineering and carbon footprints of CLT buildings : Commentary. Buildings & Cities. 17 January.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Dodoo, A. (2023). The competitiveness of CLT : a case for an integrated approach to reduce carbon footprint. 12th Forum Wood Building Nordic Conference, Växjö, September 28-29, 2023.
- Dodoo, A. (2019). Primary energy and economic performances of cost-optimal retrofit measures for a district heated building. Forum Wood Building Baltic 2019, 27 February- 1 March, Tallinn, Estonia..
- Dodoo, A. (2019). Effect of structural frame materials on lifecycle impacts of buildings. Forum Wood Building Baltic 2019, 27 February- 1 March, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Dodoo, A. (2012). Primary energy impact of ventilation heat recovery in a timber-frame building with different heat systems.. Forum Holzbau Nordic, Växjö 12 : International Holzbau-Forum Nordic Växjö 12 (IHN 2012), Nordic Wood Construction Conference Vertrie.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2009). Potential for reducing primary energy use in an existing Swedish apartment building : Passivhus Norden. Göteborg, Sweden, April 27-29. .
- Dodoo, A., Sathre, R. (2009). Life-cycle primary energy implication of the new Swedish Building Code. : ECEEE Summer study. La Colle Sur Loupe, Côte d’Azur, France, June 1-6.. .
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Peñaloza, D., Sathre, R. (2013). Case studies : Wälluden as case study for three wooden structure systems, Chapter 8.2. Wood in carbon efficient construction : Tools, methods and applications. Finland, Hämeen Kirjapaino Oy. 114-123.
- Dodoo, A., Sathre, R. (2013). Building level : full carbon footprint analysis, Chapter 4.5.2. Wood in carbon efficient construction : Tools, methods and applications. Finland, Hämeen Kirjapaino Oy. 47-51.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Bader, T.K., Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Schweigler, M., Dorn, M., et al. (2024). Competitive CLT - Improving the competitive advantage of CLT-based building systems through engineering design andreduced carbon footprint : Final report. Thomas Bader, Department of Building Technology, Linnaeus University. 20.
- Dodoo, A., Tettey, U.Y.A., Gustavsson, L. (2016). Energy Simulation of Existing Swedish Multi-Storey Apartment Building in Växjö : Work Package 2, Task 2.1, carried out by UNI-SE in the Ready Project.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2016). Climate impacts of wood vs. non-wood buildings. Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting. 54.
- Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R., Dodoo, A. (2015). Climate change effects over the lifecycle of a building - Report on methodological issues in determining the climate change effects over the life cycle of a building : Final report for Boverket. 54.
- Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Sathre, R. (2013). The role of wood in carbon efficient construction. Primary energy and greenhouse gas balances over the life cycle of different wood building systems : Swedish case-study building. €CO2 Work Package 1. 40.
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Dodoo, A. (2011). Life cycle primary energy use and carbon emission of residential buildings. Doctoral Thesis. Östersund, Sweden, Östersund :Department of engineering and sustainable development, Mid Sweden university. 71.