Anders Forsman
ProfessorKan nås på personlig mobil: 0706-272738
Anders Forsman undervisar och forskar i biologi med inriktning mot evolutionär ekologi. Han är också ämnesansvarig för forskarutbildningsämnet Ekologi.
Hans forskning handlar om hur evolutionära processer bidrar till mångfalden av form, färg, funktion och beteende mellan olika livsformer. Han undersöker också hur variation mellan individer påverkar populationers och arters ekologiska framgång och förmåga att fortleva i en värld där levnads-betingelserna ständigt förändras.
Forsman studerar insekter (torngräshoppor), grodor, ormar, ödlor, fiskar och däggdjur. Forskningen kombineras av beteendestudier, experiment, genetiska markörer och teoretiska modeller.
Forskningen är av relevans för tillämpad naturvård och kan bidra till ett mer hållbart jordbruk, fiske och skogsbruk.
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Klimatförändringarna har ökat artrikedomen av dagfjärilar i Sverige och Finland - kan få stora konsekvenser för ekosystemen Nyhet
15,5 miljoner till forskning om den svenska ekens roll i klimatomställningen Nyhet
Fritt flödande vattendrag är viktigare för hälsosamma fiskbestånd än man tidigare trott Nyhet
Forskare föreslår ny strategi för utveckling av läkemedel och vaccin Nyhet
Nytt forskningsprojekt om extremväders påverkan på biologisk mångfald och pollinerande insekter Nyhet
Carpe solis – solbadande karpar trotsar naturens lagar Nyhet
Från sött till salt – gäddan är förberedd på allt Nyhet
Svårt att förutspå hur den globala uppvärmningen kommer att påverka livet i våra hav och sjöar baserat på nuvarande forskning Nyhet
Att välja rätt är inte lätt Nyhet
Mina forskargrupper
Evolutionär ekologi Forskning inom evolutionär ekologi syftar till att förstå hur variationsrikedomen inom och mellan olika livsformer har uppkommit.
Fiskekologi Östersjöns kustnära bestånd av rovfisk, främst abborre och gädda, har under senare decennier minskat kraftigt. Bakomliggande orsaker kan vara förändrade näringsvävar, konkurrens och störda…
Linnaeus University Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS) EEMiS är en spetsforskningsmiljö som studerar ekologiska och evolutionära interaktioner från land till hav.
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Doktorandprojekt: Hur påverkas kustnära kolflöden av klimatförändringar? Det är en stor utmaning att förstå hur klimatförändringarna kommer påverka biodiversitet, biogeokemiska processer samt…
Projekt: Anpassning till förändringar: expanderande skogsekosystem i ett föränderligt klimat Detta projekt studerar ekens utbredning och den biologiska mångfald som är kopplad till ekskogar, samt…
Projekt: Betydelsen av fiskvägar och vandringshinder för populationsdynamik, evolution och livskraft hos lekvandrande fisk Många rinnande vattendrag i Sverige och utomlands är påverkade av dammbyggen…
Projekt: Effekter av klimatförändringar i en Östersjövik som har värmts upp under 50 år Idag saknas kunskap om vilka konsekvenser den globala uppvärmningen kommer att få för Östersjöns ekosystem och…
Projekt: Kombinerade effekter av torka och bete på biodiversitet i jordbrukslandskapet Leder en kombinerad effekt av torka och bete till att ekosystem kollapsar? Vi kommer att besvara frågan om och…
Projekt: Kommer det mikrobiella filtret att förhindra metanutsläpp från Östersjöns kuster i en varmare framtid? I en varmare framtid kommer det att bli mer metanproduktion i sediment i kustområden.…
Projekt: Långtidsuppvärmda Östersjövikar kan avslöja hur klimatförändringar påverkar biodiversitet och ekosystemfunktioner Idag saknas kunskap om hur den globala uppvärmningen kommer att påverka…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Seidel, L., Broman, E., Ståhle, M., Bergström, K., Forsman, A., et al. (2024). Climate change induces shifts in coastal Baltic Sea surface water microorganism stress and photosynthesis gene expression. Frontiers in Microbiology. 15.
Status: Publicerad -
Franzén, M., Hall, M., Sunde, J., Forsman, A. (2024). Regeneration patterns of native and introduced oak species in Sweden : Investigating the roles of latitude, age, and environmental gradients. Forest Ecology and Management. 561.
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Li, S., Nilsson, E., Seidel, L., Ketzer, J.M., Forsman, A., et al. (2024). Baltic Sea coastal sediment-bound eukaryotes have increased year-round activities under predicted climate change related warming. Frontiers in Microbiology. 15.
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Polic, D., Yildirim, Y., Merilaita, S., Franzén, M., Forsman, A. (2024). Genetic structure, UV-vision, wing coloration and size coincide with colour polymorphism in Fabriciana adippe butterflies. Molecular Ecology. 33 (5).
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Reneland-Forsman, L., Forsman, A. (2024). From taking decisions to receiving information : Changes in board meeting minutes at Swedish universities. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education. 6 (4). 70-96.
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Franzén, M., Askling, J., Kindvall, O., Johansson, V., Sunde, J., et al. (2024). Landscape properties and density dependence shape the movement patterns of three threatened butterflies. Landscape Ecology. 39 (9).
Status: Publicerad -
Seidel, L., Sachpazidou, V., Ketzer, J.M., Hylander, S., Forsman, A., et al. (2023). Long-term warming modulates diversity, vertical structuring of microbial communities, and sulfate reduction in coastal Baltic Sea sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology. 14.
Status: Publicerad -
Franzén, M., Francioli, Y., Sjöberg, G., Forsman, A. (2023). Positive shifts in species richness and abundance of moths over five decades coincide with community-wide phenotypic trait homogenisation. Journal of Insect Conservation. 27. 323-333.
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Franzén, M., Forsman, A., Karimi, B. (2023). Anthropogenic Influence on Moth Populations : A Comparative Study in Southern Sweden. Insects. 14 (8).
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Hall, M., Nordahl, O., Forsman, A., Tibblin, P. (2023). Maternal size in perch (Perca fluviatilis) influences the capacity of offspring to cope with different temperatures. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10.
Status: Publicerad -
Sunde, J., Franzén, M., Betzholtz, P., Francioli, Y., Pettersson, L.B., et al. (2023). Century-long butterfly range expansions in northern Europe depend on climate, land use and species traits. Communications Biology. 6 (1).
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Polic, D., Yildirim, Y., Vila, R., Ribeiro Cardoso, P.R., Franzén, M., et al. (2023). Large-scale spatial variation and phenotypic integration in three Argynnini species inform about functions and evolutionary drivers of butterfly wings. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11.
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Seidel, L., Broman, E., Nilsson, E., Ståhle, M., Ketzer, J.M., et al. (2023). Climate change-related warming reduces thermal sensitivity and modifies metabolic activity of coastal benthic bacterial communities. The ISME Journal. 17. 855-869.
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Betzholtz, P., Forsman, A., Franzén, M. (2023). Associations of 16-Year Population Dynamics in Range-Expanding Moths with Temperature and Years since Establishment. Insects. 14 (1).
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Berggren, H., Nordahl, O., Yildirim, Y., Larsson, P., Tibblin, P., et al. (2023). Effects of environmental translocation and host characteristics on skin microbiomes of sun-basking fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 290 (2013).
Status: Publicerad -
Betzholtz, P., Forsman, A., Franzén, M. (2023). Increased Abundance Coincides with Range Expansions and Phenology Shifts : A Long-Term Case Study of Two Noctuid Moths in Sweden. Diversity. 15 (12).
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Franzén, M., Francioli, Y., Askling, J., Kindvall, O., Johansson, V., et al. (2022). Yearly weather variation and surface temperature drives the spatiotemporal dynamics of a threatened butterfly and its host plant. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10.
Status: Publicerad -
Berggren, H., Tibblin, P., Yildirim, Y., Broman, E., Larsson, P., et al. (2022). Fish Skin Microbiomes Are Highly Variable Among Individuals and Populations but Not Within Individuals. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12.
Status: Publicerad -
Seidel, L., Broman, E., Ståhle, M., Nilsson, E., Turner, S., et al. (2022). Long-term warming of Baltic Sea coastal waters affects bacterial communities in bottom water and sediments differently. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Seidel, L., Ketzer, J.M., Broman, E., Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Rahmati-Abkenar, M., et al. (2022). Weakened resilience of benthic microbial communities in the face of climate change. ISME Communications. 2 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Polic, D., Yildirim, Y., Lee, K.M., Franzén, M., Mutanen, M., et al. (2022). Linking large-scale genetic structure of three Argynnini butterfly species to geography and environment. Molecular Ecology. 31 (6). 4381-4401.
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Kozlov, M.V., Oudendijk, Z., Forsman, A., Lanta, V., Barclay, M.V.L., et al. (2022). Climate shapes the spatiotemporal variation in color morph diversity and composition across the distribution range of Chrysomela lapponica leaf beetle. Insect Science. 29 (3). 942-955.
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Franzén, M., Francioli, Y., Askling, J., Kindvall, O., Johansson, V., et al. (2022). Differences in phenology, daily timing of activity, and associations of temperature utilization with survival in three threatened butterflies. Scientific Reports. 12 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Sunde, J., Yildirim, Y., Tibblin, P., Bekkevold, D., Skov, C., et al. (2022). Drivers of neutral and adaptive differentiation in pike (Esox lucius) populations from contrasting environments. Molecular Ecology. 31 (4). 1093-1110.
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Kindvall, O., Franzén, M., Askling, J., Forsman, A., Johansson, V. (2022). Subsidized Common Agricultural Policy grazing jeopardizes the protection of biodiversity and Natura 2000 targeted species. Animal Conservation. 25 (5). 597-607.
Status: Publicerad -
Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Bravo, G., Farjam, M., Van Weeren, R., et al. (2021). Long-term dynamics of institutions : Using ABM as a complementary tool to support theory development in historical studies. JASSS : Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 24 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
De Moor, T., Farjam, M., Van Weeren, R., Bravo, G., Forsman, A., et al. (2021). Taking sanctioning seriously : The impact of sanctions on the resilience of historical commons in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies. 87. 181-188.
Status: Publicerad -
Tamario, C., Degerman, E., Polic, D., Tibblin, P., Forsman, A. (2021). Size, connectivity and edge effects of stream habitats explain spatio-temporal variation in brown trout (Salmo trutta) density. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 288 (1961).
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Forsman, A., De Moor, T., Van Weeren, R., Farjam, M., Molood, A.E.D., et al. (2021). Comparisons of historical Dutch commons inform about the long-term dynamics of social-ecological systems. PLOS ONE. 16 (8).
Status: Publicerad -
Yildirim, Y., Forsman, A., Sunde, J. (2021). How well do genetic markers inform about responses to intraspecific admixture? : A comparative analysis of microsatellites and RADseq. BMC Genomic Data. 22 (1).
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Polic, D., Tamario, C., Franzén, M., Betzholtz, P., Yildirim, Y., et al. (2021). Movements and occurrence in two closely related fritillary species. Ecological Entomology. 46 (2). 428-439.
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Hall, M., Nordahl, O., Larsson, P., Forsman, A., Tibblin, P. (2021). Intra-population variation in reproductive timing covaries with thermal plasticity of offspring performance in perch Perca fluviatilis. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90 (10). 2236-2347.
Status: Publicerad -
Sunde, J., Yildirim, Y., Tibblin, P., Forsman, A. (2020). Comparing the performance of microsatellites and RADseq in population genetic studies : analysis of data for pike (Esox lucius) and a synthesis of previous studies. Frontiers in Genetics. 11. 1-17.
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Tibblin, P., Hall, M., Svensson, P.A., Merilä, J., Forsman, A. (2020). Phenotypic flexibility in background-mediated color change in sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology. 31 (4). 950-959.
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Nordahl, O., Koch-Schmidt, P., Tibblin, P., Forsman, A., Larsson, P. (2020). Vertical movements of coastal pike (Esox lucius) : on the role of sun basking. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 29 (1). 18-30.
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Farjam, M., De Moor, T., Van Weeren, R., Forsman, A., Dehkordi, M.A.E., et al. (2020). Shared Patterns in Long-Term Dynamics of Commons as Institutions for Collective Action. International Journal of the Commons. 14 (1). 78-90.
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Voelkl, B., Altman, N.S., Forsman, A., Forstmeier, W., Gurevitch, J., et al. (2020). Reproducibility of animal research in light of biological variation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 21. 384-393.
Status: Publicerad -
Franzén, M., Betzholtz, P., Pettersson, L.B., Forsman, A. (2020). Urban moth communities suggest that life in the city favours thermophilic multi-dimensional generalists. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 287 (1928). 1-10.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Polic, D., Sunde, J., Betzholtz, P., Franzén, M. (2020). Variable colour patterns indicate multidimensional, intraspecific trait variation and ecological generalization in moths. Ecography. 43 (6). 823-833.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., De Moor, T., Van Weeren, R., Bravo, G., Ghorbani, A., et al. (2020). Eco-evolutionary perspectives on emergence, dispersion and dissolution of historical Dutch commons. PLOS ONE. 15 (7). 1-21.
Status: Publicerad -
Franzén, M., Forsman, A., Betzholtz, P. (2019). Variable color patterns influence continental range size and species-area relationships on islands. Ecosphere. 10 (1). 1-11.
Status: Publicerad -
Nordahl, O., Koch-Schmidt, P., Sunde, J., Yildirim, Y., Tibblin, P., et al. (2019). Genetic differentiation between and within ecotypes of pike (Esox lucius) in the Baltic Sea. Aquatic conservation. 29 (11). 1923-1935.
Status: Publicerad -
Sunde, J., Larsson, P., Forsman, A. (2019). Adaptations of early development to local spawning temperature in anadromous populations of pike (Esox lucius). BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19. 1-13.
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Zvereva, E.L., Castagneyrol, B., Cornelissen, T., Forsman, A., Hernandez-Agueero, J.A., et al. (2019). Opposite latitudinal patterns for bird and arthropod predation revealed in experiments with differently colored artificial prey. Ecology and Evolution. 9 (24). 14273-14285.
Status: Publicerad -
Betzholtz, P., Forsman, A., Franzén, M. (2019). Inter-individual variation in colour patterns in noctuid moths characterizes long-distance dispersers and agricultural pests. Journal of applied entomology. 143 (9). 992-999.
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Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S., Forsman, A. (2018). Size variability effects on visual detection are influenced by colour pattern and perceived size. Animal Behaviour. 143. 131-138.
Status: Publicerad -
Sunde, J., Tamario, C., Tibblin, P., Larsson, P., Forsman, A. (2018). Variation in salinity tolerance between and within anadromous subpopulations of pike (Esox lucius). Scientific Reports. 8.
Status: Publicerad -
Nordahl, O., Tibblin, P., Koch-Schmidt, P., Berggren, H., Larsson, P., et al. (2018). Sun-basking fish benefit from body temperatures that are higher than ambient water. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 285 (1879).
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Yildirim, Y., Tinnert, J., Forsman, A. (2018). Contrasting patterns of neutral and functional genetic diversity in stable and disturbed environments. Ecology and Evolution. 8 (23). 12073-12089.
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Sunde, J., Tibblin, P., Larsson, P., Forsman, A. (2018). Sex-specific effects of outbreeding on offspring quality in pike (Esox lucius). Ecology and Evolution. 8 (21). 10448-10459.
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Zverev, V., Kozlov, M., Forsman, A., Zvereva, E. (2018). Ambient temperatures differently influence colour morphs of the leaf beetle Chrysomela lapponica : roles of thermal melanism and developmental plasticity. Journal of Thermal Biology. 74. 100-109.
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Tinnert, J., Forsman, A. (2017). The role of dispersal for genetic and phenotypic variation : insights from comparisons of sympatric pygmy grasshoppers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 122 (1). 84-97.
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Forsman, A., Berggren, H. (2017). Can spatial sorting associated with spawning migration explain evolution of body size and vertebral number in Anguilla eels?. Ecology and Evolution. 7 (2). 751-761.
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Betzholtz, P., Franzén, M., Forsman, A. (2017). Colour pattern variation can inform about extinction risk in moths. Animal Conservation. 20 (1). 72-79.
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Forsman, A., Betzholtz, P., Franzén, M. (2016). Faster poleward range shifts in moths with more variable colour patterns. Scientific Reports. 6. 1-8.
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Tibblin, P., Berggren, H., Nordahl, O., Larsson, P., Forsman, A. (2016). Causes and consequences of intra-specific variation in vertebral number. Scientific Reports. 6.
Status: Publicerad -
Tibblin, P., Forsman, A., Borger, T., Larsson, P. (2016). Causes and consequences of repeatability, flexibility and individual fine tuning of of migratory timing in pike. Journal of Animal Ecology. 85 (1). 136-145.
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Tinnert, J., Berggren, H., Forsman, A. (2016). Population-specific effects of interbreeding and admixture on reproductive decisions and offspring quality. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 53 (1-2). 55-68.
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Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S., Forsman, A. (2016). Colour polymorphism protects prey individuals and populations against predation. Scientific Reports. 6.
Status: Publicerad -
Tinnert, J., Hellgren, O., Lindberg, J., Koch-Schmidt, P., Forsman, A. (2016). Population genetic structure, differentiation, and diversity in Tetrix subulata pygmy grasshoppers : roles of population size and immigration. Ecology and Evolution. 6 (21). 7831-7846.
Status: Publicerad -
Berggren, H., Nordahl, O., Tibblin, P., Larsson, P., Forsman, A. (2016). Testing for local adaptation to spawning habitat in sympatric subpopulations of northern pike by reciprocal translocation of embryos. PLOS ONE. 11 (5).
Status: Publicerad -
Sunde, J., Forsman, A. (2016). Mate choice is not consistent with short-term effects of intraspecific admixture in the common rough woodlouse (Porcellio scaber). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 119 (2). 359-369.
Status: Publicerad -
Tibblin, P., Forsman, A., Koch-Schmidt, P., Nordahl, O., Johannessen, P., et al. (2015). Evolutionary divergence of adult body size and juvenile growth in sympatric subpopulations of a top predator in aquatic ecosystems. American Naturalist. 186 (1). 98-110.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Betzholtz, P., Franzén, M. (2015). Variable coloration is associated with dampened population fluctuations in noctuid moths. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 282 (1808). 1-9.
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Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S., Forsman, A. (2014). Body size influences differently the detectabilities of colour morphs of cryptic prey. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 113 (1). 112-122.
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Forsman, A. (2014). Effects of genotypic and phenotypic variation on establishment are important for conservation, invasion and infection biology.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111 (1). 302-307.
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Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S., Forsman, A. (2014). Natural levels of colour polymorphism reduce performance of visual predators searching for camouflaged prey. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 112 (3). 546-555.
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Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S., Forsman, A. (2013). Detection experiments with humans implicate visual predation as a driver of colour polymorphism dynamics in pygmy grasshoppers. BMC Ecology. 13. Article number 17.
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Johansson, J., Caesar, S., Forsman, A. (2013). Multiple paternity increases phenotypic diversity in Tetrix subulata pygmy grasshoppers. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 22 (2). 79-85.
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Karpestam, E., Forsman, A. (2013). Stable isotopes reveal dietary divergence between dispersal phenotypes in Tetrix subulata pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). European Journal of Entomology. 110 (1). 65-70.
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Karpestam, E., Wennersten, L., Forsman, A. (2012). Matching habitat choice by experimentally mismatched phenotypes. Evolutionary Ecology. 26 (4). 893-907.
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Forsman, A., Wennersten, L., Karlsson, M., Caesar, S. (2012). Variation in founder groups promotes establishment success in the wild. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 279 (1739). 2800-2806.
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Wennersten, L., Johansson, J., Karpestam, E., Forsman, A. (2012). Higher establishment success in more diverse groups of pygmy grasshoppers under seminatural conditions. Ecology. 93 (12). 2519-2525.
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Wennersten, L., Karpestam, E., Forsman, A. (2012). Phenotype manipulation influences microhabitat choice in pygmy grasshoppers. Current Zoology. 58 (3). 392-400.
Status: Publicerad -
Berggren, H., Tinnert, J., Forsman, A. (2012). Spatial sorting may explain evolutionary dynamics of wing polymorphism in pygmy grasshoppers.. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 25 (10). 2126-2138.
Status: Publicerad -
Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S., Forsman, A. (2012). Reduced predation risk for melanistic pygmy grasshoppers in post-fire environments. Ecology and Evolution. 2 (9). 2204-2212.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Merilä, J., Ebenhard, T. (2011). Phenotypic evolution of dispersal-enhancing traits in insular voles. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 278 (1703). 225-232.
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Forsman, A. (2011). Rethinking the thermal melanism hypothesis: rearing temperature and coloration in pygmy grasshoppers. Evolutionary Ecology. 25 (6). 1247-1257.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Karlsson, M., Wennersten, L., Johansson, J., Karpestam, E. (2011). Rapid evolution of fire melanism in replicated populations of pygmy grasshoppers. Evolution. 65 (9). 2530-2540.
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Karpestam, E., Forsman, A. (2011). Dietary differences among colour morphs of pygmy grasshoppers revealed by behavioural experiments and stable isotopes.. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 13. 461-477.
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Caesar, S., Karlsson, M., Forsman, A. (2010). Diversity and relatedness enhance survival in colour polymorphic grasshoppers. PLOS ONE. 5 (5).
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Karlsson, M., Forsman, A. (2010). Is melanism in pygmy grasshoppers induced by crowding?. Evolutionary Ecology. 24 (5). 975-983.
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Forsman, A., Hagman, M. (2009). Association of coloration mode with population declines and endangerment in Australian frogs. Conservation Biology. 23 (6). 1535-1543.
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Karlsson, M., Johansson, J., Caesar, S., Forsman, A. (2009). No evidence for developmental plasticity of colour patterns in response to rearing substrate in pygmy grasshoppers. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 87 (11). 1044-1051.
Status: Publicerad -
Wennersten, L., Forsman, A. (2009). Does colour polymorphism enhance survival of prey populations?. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 276 (1665). 2187-2194.
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Caesar, S., Forsman, A. (2009). Do polyandrous pygmy grasshopper females obtain fitness benefits for their offspring?. Behavioral Ecology. 20 (2). 354-361.
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Forsman, A., Åberg, V. (2008). Associations of variable coloration with niche breadth and conservation status among Australian reptiles. Ecology. 89. 1201-1207.
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Karlsson, M., Caesar, S., Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J. (2008). Dynamics of colour polymorphism in a changing environment: Fire melanism and then what?. Oecologia. 154 (4). 715-724.
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Forsman, A., Åberg, V. (2008). Variable coloration is associated with more northerly geographic range limits and larger range sizes in North American lizards and snakes. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 10. 1025-1036.
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Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J., Caesar, S., Karlsson, M. (2008). A model of ecological and evolutionary consequences of color polymorphism. Ecology. 89. 34-40.
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Caesar, S., Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2007). Testing the role of co-adapted genes versus bet hedging for mating strategies in colour polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 90. 491-499.
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Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J., Caesar, S. (2007). Fitness benefits of diverse offspring in pygmy grasshoppers. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 9 (8). 1305-1318.
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Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2006). Differential habitat selection by pygmy grasshopper color morphs; interactive effects of temperature and predator avoidance. Evolutionary ecology. 20 (3). 235-257.
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Forsman, A., Hagman, M. (2006). Calling is an honest indicator of paternal genetic quality in poison frogs. Evolution. 60 (10). 2148-2157.
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Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2006). Pygmy grasshoppers (Tetrix sp.) – eye-catching variation. Entomologisk Tidskrift. 127. 145-150.
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Civantos, E., Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J. (2005). “Developmental instability and immune function in colour polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Evolutionary ecology. 19 (1). 1-14.
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Civantos, E., Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2005). Immune function, parasitization and extended phenotypes in colour polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Biological journal of the Linnean Society. 85 (3). 373-383.
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Civantos, E., Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A., Martin, J., Lopez, P. (2004). Indirect effects of prey coloration on predation risk: grasshoppers versus lizards. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 6. 201-213.
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Forsman, A., Herrström, J. (2004). Asymmetry in size, shape and colour impairs the protective value of conspicuous colour patterns.. Behavioral Ecology. 15:141-147.
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Forsman, A., Hagman, M. (2003). Correlated evolution of conspicuous coloration and body size in poison frogs (Dendrobatidae).. Evolution 57: 2904-2910.
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Forsman, A., Merilaita, S. (2003). Fearful symmetry? Intra-individual comparisons of asymmetry in signalling versus cryptic colour patterns in butterflies.. Evolutionary Ecology 17: 491-507..
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Nilsson, M., Forsman, A. (2003). Evolution of conspicuous colouration, body size and gregariousness: a comparative analysis of lepidopteran larvae. Evolutionary Ecology. 17. 51-66.
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Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2003). Correlated evolution of color pattern and body size in polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers, Tetrix undulata.. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 16. 1308-1318.
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Forsman, A., Ringblom, K., Civantos, E., Ahnesjö, J. (2002). Coevolution of color pattern and thermoregulatory behavior in polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers, Tetrix undulata. Evolution. 56. 349-360.
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Forsman, A. (2001). Clutch size versus clutch interval: life history strategies in the colour polymorphic pygmy grasshopper Tetrix subulata. Oecologia. 129. 357-366.
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Forsman, A. (2000). Some like it hot: intra-population variation in behavioral thermoregulation in color-polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Evolutionary Ecology. 14. 25-38.
Status: Publicerad -
Civantos, E., Forsman, A. (2000). Determinants of survival in juvenile Psammodromus algirus lizards. Oecologia. 124. 64-72.
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Forsman, A. (1999). Temperature influence on escape behaviour in two species of pygmy grasshoppers. Ecoscience. 6. 35-40.
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Forsman, A. (1999). Variation in thermal sensitivity of performance among color morphs of a pygmy grasshopper, Tetrix subulata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 12. 869-878.
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Forsman, A., Merilaita, S. (1999). Fearful symmetry: pattern size and asymmetry affects aposematic signal efficacy. Evolutionary Ecology. 13. 131-140.
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Forsman, A. (1999). Reproductive life history variation among colour morphs of the pygmy grasshopper, Tetrix subulata. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 67. 247-261.
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Forsman, A., Appelqvist, S. (1999). Experimental manipulation reveals differential effects of colour pattern on survival in male and female pygmy grasshoppers. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 12. 391-401.
Status: Publicerad -
Martin, J., Forsman, A. (1999). Social costs and development of nuptial coloration in male Psammodromus algirus lizards: an experiment. Behavioral Ecology. 10. 396-400.
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Forsman, A., Appelqvist, S. (1998). Visual predators impose correlational selection on prey color pattern and behavior. Behavioral Ecology. 9. 409-413.
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Forsman, A., Shine, R. (1997). Rejection of non-adaptive hypotheses for intraspecific variation in trophic morphology in gape-limited predators. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 62. 209-223.
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Forsman, A. (1997). Thermal capacity of different colour morphs in the pygmy grasshopper Tetrix subulata. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 34. 145-149.
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Forsman, A., Lindell, L.E. (1997). Responses of a predator to variation in prey abundance: survival and emigration of adders in relation to vole density. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 75. 1099-1108.
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Lindell, L.E., Forsman, A. (1996). Density effects and snake predation: prey limitation and reduced growth rate of adders at high density of conspecifics. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 74. 1000-1007.
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Forsman, A., Lindell, L.E. (1996). Resource dependent growth and body condition dynamics in juvenile snakes: an experiment. Oecologia. 108. 669-675.
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Forsman, A. (1996). Body size and net energy gain in gape-limited predators: a model. Journal of Herpetology. 30. 307-319.
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Lindell, L.E., Forsman, A. (1996). Sexual dichromatism in snakes: support for the flicker-fusion hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 74. 2254-2256.
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Forsman, A. (1996). An experimental test for food effects on head size allometry in juvenile snakes. Evolution. 50. 2536-2542.
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Forsman, A. (1995). Heating rates and body temperature variation in melanistic and zigzag Vipera berus: does colour make a difference?. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 32. 365-374.
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Forsman, A., Shine, R. (1995). The adaptive significance of colour pattern polymorphism in the Australian scincid lizard Lampropholis delicata. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 55. 273-291.
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Forsman, A., Shine, R. (1995). Sexual size dimorphism in relation to frequency of reproduction in turtles (Testidunes: Emydidae). Copeia. 1995. 727-729.
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Forsman, A. (1995). Opposing fitness consequences of colour pattern in male and female snakes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 8. 53-70.
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Forsman, A., Shine, R. (1995). Parallel geographic variation in body shape and reproductive life history within the Australian scincid lizard Lampropholis delicata. Functional Ecology. 9. 818-828.
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Forsman, A. (1994). Growth rate and survival in relation to relative head size in Vipera berus. Journal of Herpetology. 28. 231-238.
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Forsman, A., Merilä, J., Lindell, L.E. (1994). Do scale anomalies cause differential survival in Vipera berus?. Journal of Herpetology. 28. 435-440.
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Forsman, A. (1993). Growth rate in different colour morphs of the adder, Vipera berus, in relation to yearly weather variation. Oikos. 66. 279-285.
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Forsman, A., Lindell, L.E. (1993). The advantage of a big head: swallowing performance in adders, Vipera berus (L.). Functional Ecology. 7. 183-189.
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Forsman, A. (1993). Survival in relation to body size and growth rate in the adder, Vipera berus (L.). Journal of Animal Ecology. 62. 647-655.
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Lindell, L.E., Forsman, A., Merilä, J. (1993). Variation in number of ventral scales in snakes: effects on body size, growth rate and survival in the adder, Vipera berus. Journal of Zoology. 230. 101-115.
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Merilä, J., Forsman, A., Lindell, L.E. (1992). High frequency of ventral scute anomalies in Vipera berus populations.. Copeia. 1992 (4). 1127-1130.
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Forsman, A. (1991). Variation in sexual size dimorphism and maximum body size among adder populations: effects of prey size. Journal of Animal Ecology. 60 (1). 253-267.
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Forsman, A., Lindell, L.E. (1991). Trade-off between growth and energy storage in male Vipera berus (L.) under different prey densities. Functional Ecology. 5. 717-723.
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Forsman, A. (1991). Adaptive variation in head size in Vipera berus L. populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 43 (4). 281-296.
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Forsman, A., Malmquist, M.G. (1988). Evidence for echolocation in the common shrew, Sorex araneus L. Journal of Zoology. 216. 655-662.
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Hovmark, A., Jaensson, T.G.T., Åsbrink, E., Forsman, A., Jansson, E. (1988). First isolations of Borrelia burgdorferi from rodents collected in Northern Europe. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS). 96. 917-920.
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Forsman, A., Ås, S. (1987). Maintenance of colour polymorphism in adder populations, Vipera berus L.: a test of a popular hypothesis. Oikos. 50. 13-16.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Reneland-Forsman, L., Forsman, A. (2024). Training doctoral supervisors to train researchers of tomorrow : a Swedish example. INTED2024 Proceedings. 2928-2932.
- Dehkordi, M.A.E., Ghorbani, A., Herder, P., Farjam, M., Forsman, A., et al. (2021). The role of wealth inequality on collective action for management of common pool resource. Advances in social simulation. 375-379.
- De Moor, T., Farjam, M., Bravo, G., Dehkordi, M., Forsman, A., et al. (2019). Common paths in long-term institutional dynamics : An analysis of rule changes in British and Dutch commons over seven centuries. Presented at: XVII Biennial IASC Conference, Lima, Peru, July 1-5, 2019.
- Farjam, M., Bravo, G., Forsman, A., De Moor, T., Ghorbani, A., et al. (2019). Eco-evolutionary perspectives on institutional dynamics of historical commons advice about sustainable utilization of shared resources. Presented at: XVII Biennial IASC Conference, Lima, Peru, July 1-5, 2019.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Tamario, C., Sunde, J., Petersson, E., Tibblin, P., Forsman, A. (2019). Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Environmental Change and Management Actions for Migrating Fish. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Frontiers Media S.A.. 7. 1-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A. (2018). On the role of sex differences for evolution in heterogeneous and changing fitness landscapes : insights from pygmy grasshoppers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. London, Royal Society Publishing. 373 (1757).
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A. (2016). Is colour polymorphism advantageous to populations and species?. Molecular Ecology. 25 (12). 2693-2698.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Wennersten, L. (2016). Inter-individual variation promotes ecological success of populations and species : evidence from experimental and comparative studies. Ecography. 39 (7). 630-648.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Berggren, H., Åström, M.E., Larsson, P. (2016). To what extent can existing research help project climate change impacts on biodiversity in aquatic environments? : A review of methodological approaches. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 4 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Larsson, P., Tibblin, P., Koch-Schmidt, P., Engstedt, O., Nilsson, J., et al. (2015). Ecology, evolution, and management strategies of northern pike populations in the Baltic Sea. Ambio. 44 (Supplement 3). S451-S461.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A., Tibblin, P., Berggren, H., Nordahl, O., Koch-Schmidt, P., et al. (2015). Pike Esox lucius as an emerging model organism for studies in ecology and evolutionary biology: a review.. Journal of Fish Biology. 87 (2). 472-479.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A. (2015). Rethinking phenotypic plasticity and its consequences for individuals, populations and species.. Heredity. 115 (4). 276-284.
Status: Publicerad -
Wennersten, L., Forsman, A. (2012). Population-level consequences of polymorphism, plasticity and randomized phenotype switching: a review of predictions. Biological Reviews. 87 (3). 756-767.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Kindvall, O., Forsman, A., Johansson, V., Askling, J., Franzén, M. (2022). Towards an improved evidence-based Natura 2000 management strategy. Animal Conservation. 25 (5). 612-613.
Status: Publicerad -
Wuerbel, H., Voelkl, B., Altman, N.S., Forsman, A., Forstmeier, W., et al. (2020). Reply to 'It is time for an empirically informed paradigm shift in animal research'. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 21. 661-662.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Forsman, A. (1997). Growth and survival of Vipera berus in a variable environment. Venomous snakes : ecology, evolution and snakebite. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 143-154.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Forsman, A. (1992). Adaptive body and head size variation in populations of the adder Vipera berus. Doctoral Thesis.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Tamario, C., Tibblin, P., Forsman, A. Effects of river fragmentation on spatial synchrony of fish and its consequences for population performance in fragments.
- Tamario, C., Nordahl, O., Bergström, K., Tibblin, P., Forsman, A. Spatial sorting according to body size and shape explains variation in spawning migration distance between species, sexes and individuals of cyprinid fish.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2006). Torngräshoppor (Tetrix sp.) – iögonfallande variation. Entomologisk Tidskrift. 127. 145-150.
Status: Publicerad -
Forsman, A. (1993). Kapprustning i Stockholms skärgård. Fauna och Flora. 88. 20-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Jaensson, T., Meijlon, H., Hovmark, A., Åsbrink, E., Forsman, A. (1989). Den fästingöverförda Borreliainfektionen i Sverige. Fauna och flora : populär tidskrift för biologi. 84. 124-129.
Status: Publicerad