Anders Johnson

Anders Johnson

Institutionen för biologi och miljö Fakulteten för hälso- och livsvetenskap
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I am a PhD student in Ecology at the Linnaeus University Center for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS) in Kalmar, Sweden. I earned a Master of Science (MS) of Biological Sciences from Idaho State University where my thesis project focused on genomic assembly and annotation and proteomic identification of Extracellular Electron Transport within an iron respiring thermophilic bacterium. To explore this project, I utilized a multi-tool approach of whole-genome sequencing, targeted SDS-PAGE with protein sequencing, and development of a flow-through bioreactor for live imaging confocal microscopy.

I also hold two Bachelors of Science degrees from Idaho State University in Biological Sciences and Outdoor Education and during this time I was a student employee in the Biology department stockroom, a research lab, as well as a seasonal field assistant. The degree in outdoor education has proven to be very useful as my time in- and the difficulty of- my field work has increased. 


My research is centered around exploring the microbial diversity of acid sulfate soils throughout Sweden and boreal acid mine drainage. Projects currently include regional microbial community differences of active acid sulfate soils, microbial community changes during various treatments of sulfidic soil materials, microbial community changes during oxidation or reduction of metals contained in sulfidic soils, and microbial changes in acid mine drainage environments


Artikel i tid­skrift (Referee­granskat)

Doktors­avhandling, samman­läggning (Övrigt veten­skapligt)