Jag är professor i byggteknik vid fakulteten för teknik på Linnéuniversitetet. Mitt arbete består av forskning, handledning, undervisning och kursutveckling men jag är även lärarrepresentant i universitetsstyrelsen och utför ibland olika sakkunniguppdrag. Jag disputerade i byggnadsmekanik på Lunds tekniska högskola år 2003 och jag har en civilingenjörsexamen i väg- och vattenbyggnadsteknik.
Min kompetens omfattar främst numeriska och laborativa metoder för strukturmekaniska analyser, samt kunskap om trämaterials mekaniska egenskaper, men jag är även intresserad av bl.a. byggnadsfysik och akustik.
På grundnivå undervisar jag i byggnadsmekanik, akustik och ibland byggnadsfysik, och på avancerad nivå i strukturmekanisk modellering och balkteori. Jag brukar också varje år handleda några examensarbeten. Jag tycker att det är roligt med undervisning, är glad för kontakten med studenter och arbetar gärna med utvecklingsarbete inom undervisning.
Inom forskning och utbildning på forskarnivå är jag särskilt intresserad av beräkningsmodeller för analys av trämaterial och användning modeller för prediktion av egenskaper som styvhet och styrka hos virke eller andra träbaserade komponenter som limträ och korslimmat trä. Min forskning bygger även på experimentellt arbete som omfattar insamling av mätdata från optisk skanning av virkesytor, undersökningar med röntgen och datortomografi och digital bildanalys för beräkning av töjningar i mekaniskt belastade provkroppar.
Forskningen bedriver jag i samverkan med forskarkollegor och doktorander, på Linnéuniversitet och internationellt. I många fall samverkar vi också med företag som är intresserade av nya eller förbättrade produktionsmöjligheter som forskningsresultaten kan leda till.
Mina forskargrupper
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) är ett av de nyaste forskningsområdena vid institutionen för byggteknik. Det kombinerar den breda, vetenskapliga kunskapen från flera olika…
Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies Inom forskningsområdet Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies vill man vid Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)…
Hållfasthetssortering av virke Virke uppvisar stora variationer i mekaniska egenskaper, vilket gör sortering av virke till rätt hållfasthetsklass viktigt för konkurrenskraften gentemot andra…
Träbyggnadsteknik Den huvudsakliga inriktningen för forskningsmiljön Träbyggnadsteknik inom ämnet byggteknik är träbyggnadsteknik och tillämpad mekanik. Forskningen är i stor utsträckning tillämpad…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Detektion av kvistar och fiberorientering i virke baserat på skanning, modellering och maskininlärning Projekt syftar till att utveckla nya metoder för att detektera inre egenskaper hos…
Projekt: Större konkurrenskraft för KL-träbaserade byggsystem genom effektiv konstruktion och reducerat kolavtryck Målet med detta projekt är att öka konkurrenskraften för korslimmat trä som…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: CT-skanning och betydelsen av kvistar i konstruktionsvirke Detta projekt syftade till att genomföra en ingående analys av trämaterial på mikrometernivå med hjälp av datortomografi. Specifikt…
Projekt: Hållfasthetssortering av konstruktionsvirke och limträlameller genom laserskanning och tredimensionell strukturmodellering Detta projekt går ut på att utveckla en metod för att med hög…
Projekt: Identifiering av ytdefekter på trä genom optisk skanning Syftet med detta forskningsprojekt är att få ökad kunskap om och bättre förståelse för hur olika egenskaper hos trä och ytfel hos…
Projekt: Limmad balk av sidobräder – förstudie kring tekniska egenskaper och marknadsförutsättningar Projektets mål är att klarlägga de viktigaste tekniska egenskaperna för en balk av sammanlimmade…
Projekt: Lokal fiberorientering i granvirke och dess betydelse för virkets egenskaper Detta projekt syftar till att öka kunskapen om fiberorienteringen nära kvistar i plankor, vilket är en…
Projekt: Sustainable structural engineering Målet för detta projekt var en tvåårig masterutbildning som ger studenterna kunskap inom konstruktionsteknik och samtidigt belyser livscykelaspekter.…
Projekt: Sustainable use of virgin and recovered raw material streams for innovative bio-based products and business stimulation in Southern Sweden Detta projekt syftar till att öka effektiviteten i…
Projekt: Utnyttjande av förnyelsebar biomassa och restmaterial för tillverkning av miljövänliga biobaserade kompositer Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla och testa miljövänliga kompositer gjorda…
Såddprojekt: Vibration-based strength grading of sawn timber Det övergripande syftet med detta såddprojekt inom Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) var att…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Olsson, A., Abdeljaber, O. (2024). Predicting out-of-plane bending strength of cross laminated timber : Finite element simulation and experimental validation of homogeneous and inhomogeneous CLT. Engineering structures. 308.
Status: Publicerad -
Abdeljaber, O., Olsson, A. (2024). Cross-sectional analysis of timber boards using convolutional long short-term memory neural networks. Construction and Building Materials. 451.
Status: Publicerad -
Penvern, H., Demoulin, L., Pot, G., Viguier, J., Roux, B., et al. (2024). A laboratory method to determine 3D fibre orientation around knots in sawn timber : case study on a Douglas fir specimen. Wood Science and Technology. 58. 1735-1760.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Schirén, W., Hu, M. (2024). Dynamic and quasi-static evaluation of stiffness properties of CLT : longitudinal MoE and effective rolling shear modulus. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 83 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Schirén, W., Segerholm, K., Bader, T.K. (2023). Relationships between stiffness of material, lamellas and CLT elements with respect to out of plane bending and rolling shear. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 81. 871-886.
Status: Publicerad -
Abdeljaber, O., Habite, T., Olsson, A. (2023). Automatic estimation of annual ring profiles in Norway spruce timber boards using optical scanning and deep learning. Computers & structures. 275.
Status: Publicerad -
Hu, M., Olsson, A., Hall, S., Seifert, T. (2022). Fibre directions at a branch-stem junction in Norway spruce : a microscale investigation using X-ray computed tomography. Wood Science and Technology. 56. 147-169.
Status: Publicerad -
Habite, T., Abdeljaber, O., Olsson, A. (2022). Determination of pith location along Norway spruce timber boards using one dimensional convolutional neural networks trained on virtual timber boards. Construction and Building Materials. 329.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Pot, G., Viguier, J., Hu, M., Oscarsson, J. (2022). Performance of timber board models for prediction of local bending stiffness and strength-with application on douglas fir sawn timber. Wood and Fiber Science. 54 (4). 226-245.
Status: Publicerad -
Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Dorn, M., Olsson, A., Bader, T.K. (2022). Exploring the synergy between structural engineering design solutions and life cycle carbon footprint of cross-laminated timber in multi-storey buildings. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 17 (1). 30-42.
Status: Publicerad -
Habite, T., Abdeljaber, O., Olsson, A. (2021). Automatic detection of annual rings and pith location along Norway spruce timber boards using conditional adversarial networks. Wood Science and Technology. 55. 461-488.
Status: Publicerad -
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2020). Prediction of tensile strength of sawn timber : definitions and performance of indicating properties based on surface laser scanning and dynamic excitation. Materials and Structures. 53 (3). 1-20.
Status: Publicerad -
Habite, T., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2020). Automatic detection of pith location along norway spruce timber boards on the basis of optical scanning. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 78. 1061-1074.
Status: Publicerad -
Van Blokland, J., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Daniel, G., Adamopoulos, S. (2020). Crack formation, strain distribution and fracture surfaces around knots in thermally modified timber loaded in static bending. Wood Science and Technology. 54. 1001-1028.
Status: Publicerad -
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2020). Prediction of tensile strength of sawn timber : models for calculation of yield in strength classes. Materials and Structures. 53 (3). 1-15.
Status: Publicerad -
Van Blokland, J., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Adamopoulos, S. (2019). Prediction of bending strength of thermally modified timber using high-resolution scanning of fibre direction. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 77 (3). 327-340.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Briggert, A., Oscarsson, J. (2019). Increased yield of finger jointed structural timber by accounting for grain orientation utilizing the tracheid effect. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 77 (6). 1063-1077.
Status: Publicerad -
Lukacevic, M., Kandler, G., Hu, M., Olsson, A., Füssl, J. (2019). A 3D model for knots and related fiber deviations in sawn timber for prediction of mechanical properties of boards. Materials & design. 166. 1-18.
Status: Publicerad -
Gečys, T., Bader, T.K., Olsson, A., Kajėnasa, S. (2019). Influence of the rope effect on the slip curve of laterally loaded, nailed and screwed timber-to-timber connections. Construction and Building Materials. 228. 1-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Hu, M., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J. (2018). Modelling local bending stiffness based on fibre orientation in sawn timber. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 76 (6). 1605-1621.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Pot, G., Viguier, J., Faydi, Y., Oscarsson, J. (2018). Performance of strength grading methods based on fibre orientation and axial resonance frequency applied to Norway spruce (Picea abies L.), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and European oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl./Quercus robur L.). Annals of Forest Science. 75 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Briggert, A., Hu, M., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2018). Tracheid effect scanning and evaluation of in-plane and out-of-plane fibre direction in Norway spruce using. Wood and Fiber Science. 50 (4). 411-429.
Status: Publicerad -
Hu, M., Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., et al. (2018). Growth layer and fibre orientation around knots in Norway spruce : a laboratory investigation. Wood Science and Technology. 52 (1). 7-27.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2017). Strength grading on the basis of high resolution laser scanning and dynamic excitation : a full scale investigation of performance. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 75 (1). 17-31.
Status: Publicerad -
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2016). Three-dimensional modelling of knots and pith location in Norway spruce boards using tracheid-effect scanning. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 74 (5). 725-739.
Status: Publicerad -
Hu, M., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., Serrano, E. (2016). Assessment of a Three-Dimensional Fiber Orientation Model for Timber. Wood and Fiber Science. 48 (4). 271-290.
Status: Publicerad -
Hu, M., Johansson, M., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Enquist, B. (2015). Local variation of modulus of elasticity in timber determined on the basis of non-contact deformation measurement and scanned fibre orientation. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 73 (1). 17-27.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Källsner, B. (2015). Shear modulus of structural timber evaluated by means of dynamic excitation and FE analysis. Materials and Structures. 48 (4). 977-985.
Status: Publicerad -
Jarnerö, K., Brandt, A., Olsson, A. (2015). Vibration properties of a timber floor assessed in laboratory and during construction. Engineering structures. 82. 44-54.
Status: Publicerad -
Vessby, J., Källsner, B., Olsson, A., Girhammar, U.A. (2014). Evaluation of softening behaviour of timber light-frame walls subjected to in-plane forces using simple FE models. Engineering structures. 81. 464-479.
Status: Publicerad -
Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2014). Localized modulus of elasticity in timber and its significance for the accuracy of machine strength grading. Wood and Fiber Science. 46 (4). 489-501.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Serrano, E., Källsner, B., Johansson, M., et al. (2013). Prediction of timber bending strength and in-member cross-sectional stiffness vartiation on basis of local wood fibre orientation. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 71 (3). 319-333.
Status: Publicerad -
Serrano, E., Vessby, J., Olsson, A. (2012). Modeling of fracture in the sill plate in partially anchored shear walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 138 (10). 1285-1288.
Status: Publicerad -
Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2012). Strain fields around knots in Norway spruce specimens exposed to tensile forces. Wood Science and Technology. 46 (4). 593-610.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Johansson, M., Källsner, B. (2012). Prediction of timber bending strength on basis of bending stiffness and material homogeneity assessed from dynamic excitation. Wood Science and Technology. 46 (4). 667-683.
Status: Publicerad -
Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Enquist, B., Serrano, E. (2011). Strength grading of narrow dimension Norway spruce side boards in the wet state using first axial resonance frequency. International Wood Products Journal. 2 (2). 108-114.
Status: Publicerad -
Vessby, J., Serrano, E., Olsson, A. (2010). Coupled and uncoupled nonlinear elastic finite element models formonotonically loaded sheathing-to-framing joints in timber based shear walls. Engineering structures. 32 (11). 3433-3442.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, A. (2010). Probabilistic Analysis and Optimization of Roof Trusses. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering. 10. 74-89.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmela, K., Olsson, A. (2006). Dynamic properties of a sawn timber floor element with high transverse bending stiffness. Building Acoustics. 13 (4). 295-310.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Olsson, A., Bader, T.K. (2023). A design model for out of plane bending of CLT with consideration of properties of lamellas and finger joints. International Network on Timber Engineering Research : Meeting fifty-six Biel/Bienne, Switzerland August 2023. 191-210.
- Penvern, H., Pot, G., Viguier, J., Collet, R., Demoulin, L., et al. (2023). 3D fibre orientation reconstruction around a knot in Douglas fir. 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics (CompWood 2023), September 5-8, 2023, Dresden, Germany. 137-138.
- Hu, M., Olsson, A. (2023). Application of Data From X-ray CT Scanning and Optical Scanning to Adjust Model Parameters for Growth Surfaces Geometry and Fibre Directions in Norway Spruce. 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic conference on Computational Methodsin Wood Mechanics (CompWood 2023), September 5-8, 2023, Dresden, Germany. 139-140.
- Huber, J., Abdeljaber, O., Oja, J., Olsson, A. (2023). Evaluation of models of fibre orientation in sawn timber using synchronised computed tomography and optical scanning data. 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2023. 421-427.
- Pot, G., Collet, R., Olsson, A., Viguier, J., Oscarsson, J. (2021). Structural properties of Douglas fir sawn timber : Significance of distance to pith for yield in strength classes. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021.
- Habite, T., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2019). Detection of Pith Location of Norway Spruce Timber Boards on the Basis of Optical Scanning. Proceedings, 21st international nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium : Freiburg, Germany. 268-275.
- Habite, T., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2019). Automatic detection of pith location along boards of Norway spruce on the basis of data from optical scanning of longitudinal surfaces. CompWood 2019 - International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics - from material properties to Timber Structures, Växjö, Sweden, June 17-19, 2019. 64-64.
- Van Blokland, J., Adamopoulos, S., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Källander, B. (2018). Evaluation of non-destructive test methods to predict bending properties of thermally modified timber. 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), August 20-23, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 8.
- Hu, M., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J. (2018). Modelling local bending stiffness of Norway spruce sawn timber using scanned fibre orientation. Proceedings, 2018, ICEM 2018 : The 18th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 2018); Brussels, Belgium 1–5 July 2018.
- Van Blokland, J., Adamopoulos, S., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2018). Bending properties and strain fields around knots in thermally modified timber. .
- Hu, M., Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., et al. (2016). Three dimensional growth layer geometry and fibre orientation around knots : a laboratory investigation. Proceedings of WCTE 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Olsson, A. (2016). Determination of sawn timber properties using laser scanning : Development potentials and industrial applications. WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering : August 22-25, 2016, Vienna, Austria. e-book, Full Papers. 82-91.
- Briggert, A., Hu, M., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2016). Evaluation of three dimensional fibre orientation in Norway spruce using a laboratory laser scanner. WCTE 2016 : World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2015). Three dimensional knot models based on surface laser scanning. Proceedings 19th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-25 September, 2015.. 83-90.
- Hu, M., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J. (2015). An Application of 3D Fiber Angles Identified through Laser Scanning Based on Tracheid Effect. .
- Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2015). Modelling 3D orientation of knots in timber on the basis of dot laser scanning and the tracheid effect. .
- Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2015). Strength grading based on high resolution laser scanning : performance of a procedure newly approved for the European market. Proceedings of the 19th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. 232-240.
- Johansson, M., Mahapatra, K., Vessby, J., Blom, Å., Olsson, A. (2014). Expert competence for sustainable timber engineering : a master program in close cooperation between industry and academia. WCTE 2014 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Proceedings.
- Oscarsson, J., Serrano, E., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2014). Identification of weak sections in glulam beams using calculated stiffness profiles based on lamination surface scanning. Proceedings of the 2014 World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec, Canada, 10-14 August.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2014). Improving Strength of Glulam Laminations of Norway Spruce Side Boards by Removal of Weak Sections Using Optimized Finger Jointing. Materials and Joints in Timber Structures : Recent Developments of Technology. 801-811.
- Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2014). Three dimensional fibre orientation models for wood based on laser scanning utilizing the tracheid effect. Proceedings of the 2014 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Quebec City, Canada, August 10−14, 2014.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2013). Optimization of machine strength grading of structural timber by means of bending MOE profiles with high resolution. Proceedings of the 18th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, September 24−27, 2013. 396-403.
- Hu, M., Johansson, M., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2013). Comparison of local variation of modulus of elasticity determined on basis of scanned fiber angles and full strain field measurements. The 18th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium.
- Jarnerö, K., Bolmsvik, Å., Olsson, A., Brandt, A. (2012). Effect of flexible supports on vibration performance of timber floors. Euronoise, Prague 2012, 10-13 June, 2012 : Proceedings. 214-219.
- Olsson, A., Källsner, B. (2012). Evaluation of shear modulus of structural timber utilizing dynamic excitation and FE analysis. Proceedings of CIB -W18.
- Vessby, J., Serrano, E., Olsson, A., Girhammar, U.A., Källsner, B. (2012). Simulation of bottom rail fracture in partially anchored shear walls using XFEM. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONIN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION, WORKING COMMISSION W18 - TIMBER STRUCTURES (CIB-W18) : Meeting forty-five, Växjö, Sweden, August 2012.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B., Johansson, M., Serrano, E. (2011). Determination of tensile strain fields in Norway spruce side boards using two master-slave connected contact-free measurement systems based on digital image correlation.. Proceedings (Poster session) of the 17th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Sopron, Hungary, September 14-16, 2011..
- Hu, M., Johansson, M., Olsson, A., Bengtsson, C., Brandt, A. (2011). Grading of sawn timber using the vibration technique : locating imperfections based on flexural mode shapes. 17th international nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium. 269-276.
- Jarnerö, K., Brandt, A., Olsson, A. (2010). In situ testing of timber floor vibration properties. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Johansson, M., Olsson, A. (2010). Grading of sawn timber with dynamic methods – influence of defect. WCTE 2010 – The 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Riva del Garda, Italy, 20-24 June.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2010). Strain fields around a traversing edge knot in a spruce specimen exposed to tensile forces. Proceedings of the 2010 World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Enquist, B., Serrano, E. (2010). Strength grading of wet Norway spruce side boards by use of axial dynamic excitation. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010, WCTE 2010, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, June 20-24. 1601-1606.
- Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Johansson, M., Källsner, B. (2010). Prediction of timber bending strength using dynamic excitation of bending modes. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Jarnerö, K., Brandt, A., Olsson, A. (2010). Vibration properties of a timber floor assessed in laboratory and during building construction. Proceedings of INTER-NOISE : the 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering.
- Vessby, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2008). Contact-free strain measurement of bi-axially loaded sheathing-to-framing connection. 10:th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Vessby, J., Källsner, B., Olsson, A. (2008). Influence of initial gap between timber members on stiffness and capacity of shear walls. 10:th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Olsson, A., Jarnerö, K., Källsner, B. (2008). Wooden floor structures with high transverse stiffness. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Säll, H., Källsner, B., Olsson, A. (2007). Bending strength and stiffness of aspen sawn timber. Quality Control for Wood and Wood Products. 6.
- Salmela, K., Olsson, A. (2006). Vibration properties of a floor system with high transverse stiffness. 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Salmela, K., Olsson, A. (2006). Vibration properties of a novel wooden floor system with high transverse bending stiffness. 2nd International Symposium on advanced Timber and Timber-Composite Elements for Buildings : Acoustic performance and low frequency vibration.
- Vessby, J., Olsson, A. (2006). Stabilizing strategies for multi-story timber frame structures. 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Bader, T.K., Füssl, J., Olsson, A. (2019). CompWood 2019 - Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics - : From Material Properties to Timber Structures: Book of Abstracts.. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 110.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Dodoo, A., Dorn, M., Olsson, A., Bader, T.K. (2022). Structural engineering and carbon footprints of CLT buildings : Commentary. Buildings & Cities. 17 January.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Serrano, E., Vessby, J., Olsson, A., Girhammar, U.A., Källsner, B. (2011). Design of Bottom Rails in Partially Anchored Shear Walls Using Fracture Mechanics. Proc. CIB-W18, Meeting 44, Alghero, Italy.
- Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J., Johansson, M., Källsner, B. (2010). Dynamic excitation and higher bending modes for prediction oftimber bending strength. Proceedings of the final conference of COST action E53.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. (2010). Tensile strain fields around an edge knot in a spruce specimen. Proceeedings of the Final Conference of COST Action E53, 4−7 May, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2010.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Enquist, B., Serrano, E. (2010). Strength grading of wet Norway spruce side boards for use as laminations in wet-glued laminated beams. Proceedings of the final conference of COST action E53, 4-7 May 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2010..
- Johansson, M., Olsson, A. (2009). Grading of sawn timber with dynamic methods – influence of defects. Proceedings of the COST E53 Workshop, Lisbon 22-23 October 2009.
- Olsson, A., Bolmsvik, Å. (2008). Acoustics in Wooden Buildings - State of the Art 2008. Joint Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting 2008 : BNAM2008-2. 4.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Bader, T.K., Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Schweigler, M., Dorn, M., et al. (2024). Competitive CLT - Improving the competitive advantage of CLT-based building systems through engineering design andreduced carbon footprint : Final report. Thomas Bader, Department of Building Technology, Linnaeus University. 20.
- Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2021). Styvhet och densitet för virke av centrumutbyte och sidobrädor av gran från Södras anläggningför KL-träproduktion i Värö : Resultat baserade på mätdata från Mönsterås i april 2020 och Växjö i december 2020. 24.
- Olsson, A., Källsner, B., Oscarsson, J., Enquist, B. (2014). Nytt paradigm för hållfasthetssortering av konstruktionsvirke : Projektrapport två. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 39.
- Olsson, A., Källsner, B., Oscarsson, J., Enquist, B. (2013). Nytt paradigm för hållfasthetssortering av konstruktionsvirke : Projektrapport ett. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 33.
- Blyberg, L., Olsson, A., Källsner, B. (2009). Fire exposed light-frame timber walls : A study on the effect of geometrical reduction of a vertically loaded I-section stud. Växjö, Växjö universitet. 1.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Hu, M., Olsson, A. Local bending stiffness for prediction of bending strength : Evaluation of models and concept.
- Oscarsson, J., Olsson, A., Enquist, B. Determination of tensile strain fields in narrow Norway spruce side boards as a basis for verification of new machine strength grading methods.
- Jarnerö, K., Olsson, A., Simmons, C., Bard, V. Vibration performance of lightweight floors in multifamily houses : Resident survey and field measurement.
Patent (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Habite, T., Abdeljaber, O., Olsson, A. (2023). Computer-implemented method and a system for estimating a pith location with regard to a timber board.
- Habite, T., Abdeljaber, O., Olsson, A. (2023). Computer-Implemented Method And A Computer System For Generating A Training Dataset For Training An Artificial Neural Network.
- Olsson, A., Serrano, E., Oscarsson, J., Enquist, B., Johansson, M., et al. (2014). Förfarande och anordning för utvärdering av en bräda av trä.