Anders Pehrsson
ProfessorAnders Pehrsson bedriver forskning och undervisning kring företags internationella strategier. I forskningen studeras till exempel strategiska drivkrafter bakom framgångsrika etableringar på exportmarknader som Storbritannien, Tyskland, USA och Östeuropa. Studier har gjorts av företag inom många branscher, inkl. fordon och telekommunikation. Forskningen leder till utveckling av modeller och metoder som företag kan använda för att öka sin internationella konkurrenskraft.
Anders blev civilingenjör i industriell ekonomi 1980 och ekonomie doktor 1986 vid Tekniska Högskolan i Linköping. Avhandlingen avser strategisk planering och omvärldsbedömningar och studier gjordes främst inom koncernerna ASEA och Ericsson. Han blev docent i företagsekonomi 1994 vid Stockholms universitet samt professor i företagsekonomi vid Växjö universitet 2000.
Han är en idrottsamatör med de främsta meriterna Smålandsmästare i bordtennis för 15-årslag 1971 med Värnamo BTK samt tiden 2.47 på Lidingöloppets 30 km 1981.
Anders undervisar på alla nivåer: kandidat-, magister/master- och doktorandnivån. Han ansvarar för kurser med anknytning till forskningen och han föreläser, håller seminarier, handleder och examinerar.
Anders har fått fler än 100 arbeten publicerade. Dessa inkluderar:
- Artiklar i ledande vetenskapliga tidskrifter som Strategic Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review och Journal of International Entrepreneurship.
- Bland annat tre monografier som har publicerats av förlaget Routledge i London och New York.
- Flera bokkapitel.
- Ett stort antal bidrag till internationellt ledande konferenser som arrangerats av bland annat Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management och Academy of International Business.
Anders är sedan 2014 redaktör för den vetenskapliga tidskriften European Business Review.
Som sakkunnig har han fler än 100 gånger granskat vetenskapliga arbeten som har skickats till ledande journaler, bokförlag och konferenser. Granskningar har gjorts på uppdrag av bland annat journalerna Asia Pacific Management Review, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, European Business Review, European Journal of Marketing, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Administrative and Social Sciences, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Management Research News, Management Research Review, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal och Telecommunications Policy samt bokförlagen Prentice Hall Europe, Routledge Research och Addison-Wesley.
Anders utnämdes 2009 till:
"Outstanding Reviewer on European Business Review
at the Emerald Literati Network 2009 Awards for Excellence"
Som sakkunnig medverkar han också ofta vid bedömning av sökandes kompetenser inför befordringar och tillsättningar av tjänster för lektorer, docenter och professorer. Vidare opponerar han vid doktorsdisputationer och ingår i betygskommittéer.
Slutligen har Anders stor erfarenhet av interna uppdrag. Denna har han fått genom att bland annat vara ordförande för forskarämneskollegiet i företagsekonomi 2001-2006, ledamot i fakultetsnämnden för samhällsvetenskap och ledamot i Ekonomihögskolans råd för kompetens och rekrytering.
Vi är kvalitetscertifierade
Ekonomihögskolan och Linnéuniversitetet är ackrediterade av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Pehrsson, A. (2020). An acquisition or a greenfield subsidiary? : The impact of knowledge on sequential establishments in a host country. International Marketing Review. 37 (2). 377-396.
Status: Publicerad -
Pehrsson, A., Pehrsson, A. (2020). Instantly upgrading a foreign subsidiary's value-adding scope : impact on growth. Review of International Business and Strategy. 30 (1). 25-41.
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Pehrsson, A. (2019). When are innovativeness and responsiveness effective in a foreign market?. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 17 (1). 19-40.
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Pehrsson, A. (2019). Business relatedness in international diversification : Achievements, gaps, and propositions. European Business Review. 31 (2). 197-217.
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Pehrsson, A. (2017). Foreign subsidiaries’ competitive strategy : the impact of corporate support and local competition. European Business Review. 29 (6). 606-627.
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Pehrsson, A. (2016). How does a foreign subsidiary’s differentiation strategy fit competitive dynamics and mandate?. European Business Review. 28 (6). 690-708.
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Pehrsson, A. (2016). Sequential expansion in a foreign market : knowledge drivers and contingencies of establishments of additional subsidiaries. European Business Review. 28 (3). 285-311.
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Pehrsson, T., Ghannad, N., Pehrsson, A., Abt, T., Chen, S., et al. (2015). Dynamic capabilities and performance in foreign markets : developments within international new ventures. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 13 (1). 28-48.
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Pehrsson, A., Pehrsson, T. (2015). Competition barriers and foreign subsidiary growth : propositions on the contextual role of strategic orientation. International Journal of Business Competition and Growth. 4 (1-2). 3-23.
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Pehrsson, A. (2014). Firms' customer responsiveness and performance : the moderating roles of dyadic competition and firm's age. Journal of business & industrial marketing. 29 (1). 34-44.
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Pehrsson, A. (2014). Foreign value-adding of industrial firms : associations with international strategy and market experience. Journal of Strategy and Management.. 7 (2). 155-171.
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Pehrsson, A., Pehrsson, T. (2014). Consistent resource base of a foreign subsidiary’s greenfield expansion : a conceptual framework and propositions. European Business Review. 26 (1). 64-78.
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Pehrsson, A., Svensson, G. (2013). Corporate strategy and the environment : fit through teleological approaches. International Journal of Business Excellence. 6 (5). 572-583.
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Pehrsson, A. (2013). Consistency across international marketing strategy, international marketing experience, and value-adding roles of foreign subsidiaries. Journal of International Marketing Strategy. 1 (1). 15-25.
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Pehrsson, A. (2012). Competition barriers and strategy moderations : Impact on foreign subsidiary performance. Global Strategy Journal. 2 (2). 137-152.
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Pehrsson, A. (2011). Firms’ customer responsiveness : Relationships with competition, market growth, and performance. Journal of Strategy and Management.. 4 (4). 347-364.
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Pehrsson, A. (2011). Product/customer scope : Competition antecedents, performance effects, and market context moderations. European Business Review. 23 (5). 418-433.
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Pehrsson, A. (2010). Business-relatedness and strategy moderations : Impacts on foreign subsidiary performance. Journal of Strategy and Management.. 3 (2). 110-133.
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Pehrsson, A. (2009). Barriers to entry and market strategy : a literature review and a proposed model. European Business Review. 21 (1). 64-77.
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Pehrsson, A. (2009). Marketing strategy antecedents of value adding by foreign subsidiaries. International Marketing Review. 26 (2). 151-171.
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Pehrsson, A. (2008). Customer access and competitive certainty : Performance effects in Swedish foreign subsidiaries. Strategic Change. 17 (5-6). 179-192.
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Pehrsson, A. (2008). Value adding in foreign markets : A three-country study of associations of strategy and performance. European Business Review. 20 (1). 20-35.
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Pehrsson, A. (2008). Application of the PSE model for market entry : Ericsson enters the US market. Business Strategy Series. 9 (4). 168-175.
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Pehrsson, A. (2008). Strategy antecedents of modes of entry into foreign markets. Journal of Business Research. 61 (2). 132-140.
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Pehrsson, A. (2007). The strategic states model : strategies for business growth. Business Strategy Series. 8 (1). 58-63.
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Pehrsson, A. (2006). Business relatedness and performance : a study of managerial perceptions. Strategic Management Journal. 27. 265-282.
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Pehrsson, A. (2006). Business relatedness measurements : state-of-the-art and a proposal. European Business Review. 18 (5). 350-363.
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Pehrsson, A. (2006). Business scope and competitive differentiation : a study of strategy consistency. Strategic Change: Business scope and competitive differentiation. 15 (7-8). 319-330.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Pehrsson, A., Rollins, M. (2018). Market knowledge and dynamic capabilities in creating competitive advantage in an international new venture. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 4301-4308.
- Pehrsson, A. (2017). International Firms’ Market Orientation and Use of Knowledge : Implications for Market Information Systems. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 4596-4602.
- Pehrsson, A. (2017). How does a foreign unit's differentiation strategy fit the competition context?. Paper presented at the 43nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Milan, Italy, December 14-16, 2017.
- Pehrsson, A. (2016). Firm’s international competitiveness : innovativeness and customer responsiveness of the foreign subsidiary. 'International Business in a Multi-speed Global Economy', 43rd Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business AIB-UKI (UK & Ireland Chapter).
- Pehrsson, A. (2016). Foreign subsidiary’s differentiation : innovativeness, customer responsiveness, and contingencies. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Rome, Italy, June 5-7, 2016.
- Pehrsson, A. (2016). Global competitiveness through foreign subsidiaries’ differentiation : the moderating roles of competitive dynamics and mandate. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, Vienna, Austria, December 2-4, 2016.
- Pehrsson, A. (2014). Entrepreneurial orientation and subsidiary’s knowledge-based growth on foreign markets. Proceedings of The 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business : "Local Contexts in Global Business": Vancouver, Canada, June 23-26. 265-266.
- Pehrsson, A. (2014). Sequential post-entry expansion on foreign markets : drivers of the establishment of additional wholly-owned subsidiaries. Proceedings of The 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business : "Local Contexts in Global Business": Vancouver, Canada, June 23-26. 102-102.
- Pehrsson, A. (2014). Competition barriers and foreign subsidiary performance : the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation. .
- Pehrsson, A. (2013). An integrated perspective on global strategy implementation : a study of foreign value-adding. .
- Pehrsson, A. (2012). Consistency of international marketing strategy. Proceedings of The 32nd Annual International Conference of The Strategic Management Society.
- Pehrsson, A. (2012). Business strategy of foreign subsidiaries : Performance effects and customer access moderations. Proceeding of the 54st Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business.
- Pehrsson, A. (2011). Business strategy of foreign subsidiaries : Performance effects and customer access moderations. 31st Annual International Conference of The Strategic Management Society.
- Pehrsson, A. (2010). Competition antecedents of a firm’s business focus and the moderation effect of market knowledge. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of The Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September, 2010. .
- Pehrsson, A. (2010). Competition antecedents of strategy differentiation : A study of managerial cognition. Proceedings of the Special Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Levi Summit, Finland, 17-20 March, 2010..
- Pehrsson, A. (2009). International diversification and subsidiary performance : impacts of business relatedness and market experience. Proceedings of The 51th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business.
- Pehrsson, A. (2008). ENTRY BARRIERS, COMPETITORS’ STRATEGIES AND INTERACTIONS : IMPACTS ON FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of Academy of International Business.
- Pehrsson, A. (2008). Knowledge of competition-based entry barriers : effects on market strategy. Proceedings of The 28th Annual International Conference of The Strategic Management Society.
- Pehrsson, A. (2007). Business Relatedness in International Settings : Performance Effects in Two Customer Contexts. Proceedings of The Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA, 3-8 August, 2007..
- Pehrsson, A. (2006). Value adding in international settings : strategy causes and performance effects. Proceedings of The 2nd Annual Copenhagen Conference on Strategic Management, 12-13 December, 2006.
- Pehrsson, A. (2006). International business establishments and local competition : a three-country study of performance effects. Proceedings of The 26th Annual International Conference of The Strategic Management Society, Vienna, Austria, 29 October-1 November, 2006..
Bok (Refereegranskat)
- Pehrsson, A. (2024). Digital Business Strategy : Content, Context and Cases. Routledge.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Pehrsson, A. (2016). Firm’s strategic orientation, market context, and performance : literature review and opportunities for international strategy research. European Business Review. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 28 (4). 378-404.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Pehrsson, A., Torres-Ortega, R. (2020). Guest editorial. European Business Review. 32 (1). 1-3.
Status: Publicerad -
Pehrsson, A., Svensson, G. (2011). Business strategy in different contexts. European Business Review. 23 (5).
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Pehrsson, A. (2007). Customer access, competitive certainty and interactions : performance effects in two strategy contexts. The 3rd Annual Copenhagen Conference on Strategic Management.
Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Pehrsson, A. (2008). International Strategy : Methods for Competitiveness. Växjö University Press, Växjö.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Cognitive obstacles to realization of competitive international synergy. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 120-134.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Implementation of international geographic expansion. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 59-68.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Relationships in the model. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 45-56.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Global responsiveness through digitalized production : The cargo handling firm. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 97-104.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Balancing global standardization and responsiveness. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 112-119.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Components of the model for competitive international strategy. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 19-44.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Content of the volume. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 1-14.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Contributions to strategy literature. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 163-165.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Putting the model for competitive international strategy into practice. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 153-162.
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Strategy competence and expansion in a host country. Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 69-96.
- Pehrsson, A. (2005). Successful foreign establishments. Creation of Industrial Competitiveness : CIC 2001-2004. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 95-112.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Pehrsson, A. (2021). Competitive International Strategy : Key Implementation Issues. Routledge. 186.
- Pehrsson, A., Al-Najjar, B. (2005). Creation of Industrial Competitiveness : CIC 2001-2004. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 224.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Pehrsson, A. (2007). Entreprenörens strategiska dilemman. Den lekande farbrorn. 63-67.
- Pehrsson, A. (2006). Some key features of marketing strategy. Marketing : Broadening the horizons. Studentlitteratur, Lund. 43-58.