Anders Persson

Anders Persson

Institutionen för statsvetenskap Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap
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Jag undervisar i huvudsak på kurser om internationell politik, säkerhet, terrorism, demokratisering – med särskilt fokus på Europa och Mellanöstern.


Mitt primära forskningsområde rör EU:s roll i Israel-Palestinakonflikten. Jag har skrivit fyra böcker om ämnet, varav de senaste är EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967–2019 (Edinburgh University Press: 2020) och The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 1971-2013: In Pursuit of a Just Peace (Lanham, Lexington Books: 2015).

Jag har publicerat peer-review-artiklar i tidskrifter som Journal of Common Market Studies, Mediterranean Politics, Journal of European Integration, Middle East Critique, Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security och New Middle Eastern Studies.

Jag är expertkommentator på SVT, TV4 och SR i frågor rörande Israel-Palestinakonflikten och jag skriver regelbundet för Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, Al Jazeera English, Politico EU och EU Observer.

Mer info finns på min hemsida:

List of Publications (Books)

Persson, Anders (2020). More important than other conflicts: EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967–2019. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Persson, Anders (2015). The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 1971-2013: In Pursuit of a Just Peace. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Aggestam, Karin, Persson, Anders & Strömbom, Lisa (2014). Mellan krig och fred i Israel/Palestina. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Persson, Anders (2013). Defining, Securing and Building a Just Peace: The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Lund: Lund Political Studies 170.

Publications (Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters)

Persson, Anders (2019). “More Important Than Other Conflicts: The Uniqueness of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict in EC/EU Discourse” in Alaa Tartir and Timothy Seidel (eds), Palestine and Rule of Power: Local Dissent vs. International Governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Persson, Anders (2018). “Developing and legitimizing the just peace: The EU's contributing to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” in Rikard Bengtsson and Malena Rosén Sundström (eds), The EU and the Emerging Global Order. Lund: Lund University Press.

Persson, Anders (2018).”How, When and Why Did the Way the EU Speaks About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Change?”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp: 335-349.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”Introduction: The Occupation at 50: EU-Israel/Palestine Relations Since 1967”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp: 27-30.

Persson, Anders (2018).”‘EU differentiation’ as a case of ‘Normative Power Europe’ (NPE) in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp: 193-208.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Shaping discourse and setting examples: Normative Power Europe can work in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp: 1415-1431.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Palestine at the end of the state-building process: Technical achievements, political failures”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp: 433-452.

Persson, Anders (2017). “Terrorism” in Karin Aggestam and Kristine Höglund (eds), Om krig och fred: en introduktion till freds- och konfliktstudier. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Utvecklingen och legitimeringen av den rättvisa freden: EUs bidrag till fred i Israel-Palestinakonflikten”, Babylon, Vol, 15, No. 1, pp: 42-49.

Persson, Anders (2015). ”Sweden's Recognition of Palestine: A Possible Snowball Effect?”, Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics, and Culture, Vol, 20, No. 2/3, pp: 35-41.

Persson, Anders (2013). “Towards a Just Peace? Roles and Dilemmas of EU Peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine” in Karin Aggestam and Annika Björkdahl (eds), Rethinking Peacebuilding: The quest for just peace in the Middle East and the Western Balkan. Abingdon: Routledge.

Persson, Anders (2012). “Building a state or maintaining the occupation? International support for Fayyad’s state-building project”, Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 101-119.

Persson, Anders (2011). “To Manage, Resolve or Transform? The Way Forward for the EU in the Middle East Peace Process”, New Middle Eastern Studies, 1 (2011), pp: 1-20.

Other types of publications (Op-eds, working papers etc) (in selection)

Persson, Anders (2019). ”Battling With Tunisia, Better Than Poland: How Israel's Democracy Measures Up”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 23 May 2019.

Persson, Anders (2019). ”Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ could become a new Sykes-Picot for the Middle East”, Op-ed in Times of Israel, 16 May 2019.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”Israel’s Crusade Against BDS Comes at the Cost of Its Own Democracy”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 20 December 2018.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”Problematiskt att slopa stöd till Palestina”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 11 november 2018.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”Forget BDS, Losing its Liberal Democracy is Real Threat against Israel”, Op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, 4 August 2018.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”What will Trump's 'ultimate deal' mean for Palestinians?”, Op-ed in Al-Jazeera English, 28 March 2018.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”If not now, when should Europe recognise Palestine?”, Op-ed in Al-Jazeera English, 21 February 2018.

Persson, Anders (2018). ”Why There's No Chance Europe Will Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 25 January 2018.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Why Europe holds unique normative power in the Israeli-Palestine conflict”, London School of Economics' EUROPP blog, 12 September 2017.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Kan Trump lösa Israel–Palestina-konflikten?”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 20 maj 2017.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Sverige kan lära sig av Israels erfarenheter”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 11 april 2017.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Margot Wallström är inte antisemit”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 12 januari 2017.

Persson, Anders (2015). “The EU Is Disengaging From the Settlements, Not From Israel”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 12 November 2015.

Persson, Anders (2015). “The Historical Case for Europe to Recognize Palestine”, Op-ed in Huffington Post, 20 February 2015.

Persson, Anders (2015). ”What Europe can do for Israeli-Palestinian ties that the U.S. can't”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 4 February 2015.

Persson, Anders (2014). ”IS terror riskerar överträffa allt vi sett”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 3 oktober 2014.

Persson, Anders (2014). ”Därför sprack Osloavtalet”, Internationella studier, nr 2 2014

Persson, Anders & Behravesh, Maysam (2013). “Why Israel Won’t Abide Any Iran Nuclear Accord”, Op-ed in Foreign Policy in Focus, Iran Review and Asharq Al Awsat (Persian), Various dates in December 2013.

Persson, Anders (2013). ”Konflikt om långt mer än kärnvapen” Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 27 November 2013.

Persson, Anders (2013). ”EU's New Settlements Guidelines Are Already Biting/EU-klarspråk om bosättningar”, Op-ed in European Voice, Maan, Huffington Post and SvD Debatt, Various dates in October 2013.


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