Andreas Linderholt
DocentMitt forskningsområde är strukturdynamik. Jag ägnar mig bland annat åt experimentell dynamik, numeriska modeller och simulering.
Inom strukturdynamik studerar vi vad som händer med en struktur när den utsätts för en belastning som ändras med tiden. Vi undersöker strukturers dynamiska beteenden med avseende på prestanda, komfort, livslängd, ljud och vibrationer, samt hur man på olika sätt kan förhindra eller få kontroll över dessa förlopp.
Vind-inducerade vibrationer i höga och lätta byggnader
Inom området vind-inducerade vibrationer i höga och lätta byggnader ingår modellering av komponenter och hela byggnader. De dynamiska modellerna måste vara tillräckligt komplexa för att beskriva dynamiken hos byggnaden. Samtidigt måste modellerna vara enkla för att bli praktiskt användbara. Artikeln "Reduced and test-data correlated FE-models of a large timber truss with dowel-type connections aimed for dynamic analyses at serviceability level" av Pierre Landel och Andreas Linderholt, undersöks modeller, representerande ett stabiliserande ramverk till en byggnad, oav lika komplexitetsgrade. Modellernas data jämförs med data från vibrationsprov. Nedan länkas till artikeln:
Artiklar om ljud i träbyggnader
Spridning av ljud i träbyggnader är ett område som forskare från institutionen för maskinteknik är involverade i. Andreas Linderholt har, tillsammans med Jörgen Olsson vid RISE som tagit sin doktorsexamen vid Linnéuniversitetet, publicerat flera artiklar i detta ämne.
- Metoder för prediktion, mätning och klarering av lågfrekvent stegljudsisolering i träbaserade flervåningshus (pdf-fil) i tidskriften Bygg & teknik (4/21)
- Low-frequency impact sound of timber floors: A finite element–based study of conceptual designs i tidskriften Building Acoustics (vol 28, issue 1, 2021) från Sage Publishing
- Incremental use of FFT as a solution for low BT-product reverberation time measurements i tidsskriften Applied Acoustics, Volume 203, 28 February 2023
- Sound insulation dataset of 30 wooden and 8 concrete floors tested in laboratory conditions i Data in Brief (vol 49, augusti 2023)
- Suitability of standardized single-number ratings of impact sound insulation for wooden floors – psychoacoustic experiment i Building and Environment (vol 244, 1 oktober 2023)
Mina forskargrupper
Maskinteknik Forskningen inom ämnet maskinteknik är bred och har sitt huvudsakliga fokus inom sex områden: strukturdynamik, materialteknik, industriell ekonomi, systemekonomi, materialmekanik, samt…
Smart Industry Group (SIG) Smart Industry Group (SIG) är en tvärvetenskaplig forskargrupp med expertis från datavetenskap och maskinteknik. SIG:s fokus är att göra produktion och produkter inom…
Vetenskapliga beräkningar och partiella differentialekvationer Under detta forskningstema studeras beräkningsmetoder för partiella differentialekvationer, analys av differential- och…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Demonstrationsmiljö för smart och innovativ automatisering i tillverkningsindustrin (Smart-IAT) Målet med detta projekt är att utveckla och etablera en demonstrationsmiljö inom avancerad…
Projekt: Funktionsstabilitet – metalliska strukturer Detta projekt syftar till att öka kunskap och förståelse kring hur en metallisk strukturs och/eller komponents operativa livslängd kan påverkas…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Hongisto, V., Laukka, J., Alakoivu, R., Virtanen, J., Hakala, J., et al. (2023). Suitability of standardized single-number ratings a of impact sound insulation for wooden floors : Psychoacoustic experiment. Building and Environment. 244.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, J., Linderholt, A., Jarnerö, K., Hongisto, V. (2023). Incremental use of FFT as a solution for low BT-product reverberation time measurements. Applied Acoustics. 203.
Status: Publicerad -
Hongisto, V., Alakoivu, R., Virtanen, J., Hakala, J., Saarinen, P., et al. (2023). Sound insulation dataset of 30 wooden and 8 concrete floors tested in laboratory conditions. Data in Brief. 49.
Status: Publicerad -
Landel, P., Linderholt, A. (2022). Reduced and test-data correlated FE-models of a large timber truss with dowel-type connections aimed for dynamic analyses at serviceability level. Engineering structures. 260.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, J., Linderholt, A. (2021). Low-frequency impact sound of timber floors : A finite element–based study of conceptual designs. Building Acoustics. 28 (1). 17-34.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, J., Linderholt, A. (2020). Measurements of low frequency impact sound frequency response functions and vibrational properties of light weight timber floors utilizing the ISO rubber ball. Applied Acoustics. 166. 1-10.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, J., Linderholt, A. (2019). Force to sound pressure frequency response measurements using a modified tapping machine on timber floor structures. Engineering structures. 196.
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Olsson, J., Linderholt, A. (2018). Low-frequency impact sound pressure fields in small rooms within lightweight timber buildings - suggestions for simplified measurement procedures. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 66 (4). 324-339.
Status: Publicerad -
Chen, Y., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2017). Experimental Validation of a Nonlinear Model Calibration Method Based on Multiharmonic Frequency Responses. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 12 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Chen, Y., Nasrabadi, V., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2016). Informative Data for Model Calibration of Locally Nonlinear Structures Based on Multi-Harmonic Frequency Responses. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 11 (5).
Status: Publicerad -
Bolmsvik, Å., Linderholt, A. (2015). Damping elastomers for wooden constructions : Dynamic properties. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 10 (3). 245-255.
Status: Publicerad -
Bolmsvik, Å., Linderholt, A., Brandt, A., Ekevid, T. (2014). FE Modelling of Light Weight Wooden Assemblies : parameter study and comparison between analyses and experiments. Engineering structures. 73. 125-142.
Status: Publicerad -
Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2005). Optimizing the informativeness of test data used for computational model updating. Mechanical systems and signal processing. 19 (4). 736-750.
Status: Publicerad -
Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2003). Parameter Identifiability in Finite Element Model Error Localization. Mechanical systems and signal processing. 17 (3). 579-588.
Status: Publicerad
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Linderholt, A. (2003). Test Design for Finite Element Model Updating : Identifiable Parameters and Informative Test Data. Doctoral Thesis. Göteborg, Chalmers tekniska högskola. 33.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2012). Finding Local Non-Linearities Using Error Localization from Model Updating Theory : Proceedings of the 30th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2012. Topic in Nonlinear Dynamics : Vol. 3. New York, Springer. 323-334.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Linderholt, A. (2023). An Experimental Exercise as Part of the Substructuring Benchmark Structure challenge. Dynamic Substructures, Volume 4. SEM 2023. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 109-112.
- Olsson, J., Linderholt, A., Jarnerö, K., Hongisto, V. (2023). Incremental use of FFT as a solution to measure short reverberation times in low one-third octave bands. Forum Acusticum Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Torino, 11-15 September 2023.
- Linderholt, A., Landel, P., Johansson, M. (2023). Forced Response Measurements on a Seven-Story Timber Building. Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2, Proceedings of the 41st IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2023. 1-4.
- Abrahamsen, R., Bjertnæs, M.A., Bouillot, J., Brank, B., Crocetti, R., et al. (2023). Dynamic response of tall timber buildings under service load : results from the dynattb research program. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2023 (WCTE 2023) : Timber for a Livable Future, 19-22 june, 2023,Oslo, Norway. 2907-2914.
- Linderholt, A., Landel, P., Johansson, M. (2023). Forced response measurements on a seven storey timberbuilding in Sweden. World Conferenceon TimberEngineering WCTE 2023 : Timber for a Livable Future, 19-22 june, 2023,Oslo, Norway. 2877-2884.
- Linderholt, A., Roettgen, D., Moldenhauer, B. (2023). Combining steel and aluminum components of the Benchmark Structure for the Technical Division on Dynamic Substructuring. International Modal Analysis Conference, IMAC XLI.
- Kodakadath Premachandran, R., Linderholt, A., Håkansson, L. (2021). Simulation models of down the hole drilling : A step towards automized drilling based on monitoring. Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
- Landel, P., Johansson, M., Linderholt, A. (2021). Comparative study of wind-induced accelerations in tall timber buildings according to four methods. WCTE 2021, World Conference on Timber Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9 - 12 August.
- Landel, P., Linderholt, A. (2020). Validation of a structural model of a large timber truss with slotted-in steel plates and dowels. EURODYN 2020, Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics. 4349-4357.
- Abrahamsen, R., Bjertnaes, M.A., Bouillot, J., Brank, B., Cabaton, L., et al. (2020). Dynamic Response of Tall Timber Buildings Under Service Load : The DynaTTB Research Program. EURODYN 2020, XI international conferece on structural dynamics : Proceedings, Volym II. 4900-4910.
- Landel, P., Linderholt, A., Johansson, M. (2019). Test-analyses comparisons of a stabilizing glulam truss for a tall building. Book of abstracts: CompWood June 17-19, 2019, Växjö, Sweden : International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Machanics - from Material Properties to Timber Structure.
- Kodakadath Premachandran, R., Linderholt, A., Håkansson, L., Gothberg, M. (2018). Numerical 1D and 3D models representing a DTH drilling system : A comparison of accuracy and computational speed. 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018 (ICSV 25) : Hiroshima Calling. Proceedings of a meeting held 8-12 July 2018, Hiroshima, Japan. 394-401.
- Landel, P., Linderholt, A., Johansson, M. (2018). Dynamical properties of a large glulam truss for a tall timber building. Presented at the 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea, August 20-23, 2018.
- Chen, Y., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T., Xia, Y., Friswell, M.I. (2016). Validation of a model calibration method through vibrational testing of a mechanical system with local clearance. Proceedings of ISMA2016 International conference on noise and vibration engineering and USD2016 International conference on uncertainty in structural dynamics. 2581-2595.
- Bolmsvik, Å., Linderholt, A., Ormarsson, S., Vercruysse, A., Stenberg, S. (2016). Vibration Distribution Due to Continous, Intermittent or Half Embedded Elastomer Connections in Wooden Constructions. Proceeding of the 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), August 22-25, 2016 Vienna. 2912-2920.
- Olsson, J., Linderholt, A., Nilsson, B. (2016). Impact evaluation of a thin hybrid wood based joist floor. Proceedings of ISMA 2016, presented at the International Conference on Noise andVibration Engineering (ISMA). 589-602.
- Olsson, J., Linderholt, A., Jarnerö, K. (2015). Low frequency sound pressure fields in small rooms in wooden buildings with dense and sparse joist floor spacings. Proceedings of the Internoise 2015 conference : 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering.
- Bolmsvik, Å., Enquist, B., Linderholt, A. (2015). Stiffness and damping evaluation of Elastomers in different setups. Proceedings of the Internoise 2015 conference.
- Johansson, M., Linderholt, A., Bolmsvik, Å., Jarnerö, K., Olsson, J., et al. (2015). Building higher with light-weight timber structures : the effect of wind induced vibrations. Proceedings of the Internoise 2015 conference.
- Linderholt, A. (2014). Revealing the Hidden Properties of the Non-linear Structural Identification Benchmark Properties. International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXII), 3-6 February, 2014.
- Chen, Y., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2014). Frequency Response Calculations of a Nonlinear Structure a Comparison of Numerical Methods. Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 2 : Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2014. 35-44.
- Johansson, A., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2014). Model calibration and uncertainty of A600 wind turbine blades. Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 : Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2014. 215-227.
- Bolmsvik, Å., Linderholt, A., Olsson, J. (2014). Model calibration of wooden structure assemblies : using EMA and FEA. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Quebec City, 10-14 August, 2014.
- Chen, Y., Yaghoubi, V., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2014). Model Calibration of a Locally Non-linear Structure Utilizing Multi Harmonic Response Data. Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 2 : Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2014. 97-109.
- Linderholt, A. (2013). Model Calibration of an A600 Wind Turbine Blade. Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXI).
- Bolmsvik, Å., Linderholt, A., Jarnerö, K. (2012). FE modeling of a lightweight structure with different junctions. Euronoise 2012-proceedings. 162-167.
- Brandt, A., Linderholt, A. (2012). A Periodogram-Based Method for Removing Harmonics in Operational Modal Analysis. International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2012 (ISMA 2012) : Proceedings of a meeting held 17-19 September 2012, Leuven, Belgium. Including USD 2012. 2625-2634.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2003). Test Data Informativeness Assessment for Finite Element Model Updating. Proceedings of IMAC XXI.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2002). Test Design aiming at Informative Test Data with Respect to Model Parameters. Proceedings of The International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T., Hoang, N. (2001). Information in Data Used for Finite Element Model Updating : Theory and Experiment. Proceedings of SEM Annual Conference on Experimental Mechanics.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T., Hoang, N. (2001). Informative Data for Model Parameter Updating. Proceedings of IMAC XIX. 581-586.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2001). On the Requirements of Physical Parameters to be used in Model Updating. Proceedings of International Conference on Structural System Identification.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2001). Parameter Requirements in Model Updating. Nordic Vibration Research.
- Larsson, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2000). On the Parameter Identifiability and Test Data Informativeness in Finite Element Model Error Localization. Proceedings of IMAC XVIII. 1520-1527.
- Larsson, A., Abrahamsson, T. (1999). A Comparison of Finite Element Model Error Localization Methods. 1999 IMAC XVII - 17th International Modal Analysis Conference. 929-935.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (1999). Parameter Identifiability in Finite Element Model Error Localization. Svenska Mekanikdagarna.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Linderholt, A., Landel, P., Johansson, M. (2023). Tall Timber Buildings Subjected to Wind Loads : Full Scale Experimental Dynamics. Forum Wood Building Nordic 2023, 28-29 September, Växjö.
- Kodakadath Premachandran, R., Linderholt, A., Håkansson, L. (2023). Methodology for 3D simulation and analisys of a combination of axial impact and rotation of a DTH drilling system. 29th International Congress of Sound and Vibration.
- Kodakadath Premachandran, R., Linderholt, A., Håkansson, L. (2022). Modelling of DTH drilling cycle combining both axial motion and rotation. ICSV28.
- Roettgen, D., Linderholt, A. (2022). Substructuring on Combinations of Steel and Aluminum Components of the Benchmark Structure of the Technical Division onDynamic Substructures. International Modal Analysis Conference, IMAC XL : It's not just modal anymore.
- Roettgen, D., Linderholt, A., Lopp, G. (2021). Technical Division Benchmark Structure for Dynamic Substructuring. Proceedings of the 38th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2020 : Dynamic Substructures.
- Linderholt, A. (2021). An Experimental Substructure Test Object : Components Cut Out From A Steel Structure. Dynamic Substructures, volume 4 : Proceedings of the 38th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2020. 149-156.
- Roettgen, D., Linderholt, A. (2020). Planning of a Black-box Benchmark Structure for Dynamic Substructuring. Dynamic Substructures : Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2019. 173-175.
- Linderholt, A. (2018). Transmission Simulator Mass Loading Effects in Experimental Substructuring : A Study of the Ampair 600 Benchmark System. Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4 : Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2018. 127-141.
- Olsson, J., Linderholt, A. (2018). Measurements of low frequency impact sound transfer functions of light weight timber floors, utilizing the ISO rubber ball. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 1-8.
- Kodakadath Premachandran, R., Linderholt, A., Håkansson, L., Gothberg, M. (2017). An initial investigation of the correlation between a number of drilling related quantities measured during down the hole drilling. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
- Linderholt, A., Olsson, J. (2017). A simulation based study of low frequency transient sound radiation from floors : a concrete vs. a hybrid floor. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
- Chen, Y., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2016). An Efficient Simulation Method for Large-Scale Systems with Local Nonlinearities. Special topics in structural dynamics, 34th IMAC.
- Gustafsson, P., Linderholt, A. (2016). A Study of the Accuracy of Ground Vibration Test Data Using a Replica of the GARTEUR SM-AG19 Testbed Structure. Proceedings of the 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences.
- Johansson, M., Linderholt, A., Jarnerö, K., Landel, P. (2016). Tall timber buildings : a preliminary study of wind-induced vibrations of a 22-storey building. Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016) : August 22-25, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- Chen, Y., Ahlin, K., Linderholt, A. (2016). Bias errors of different simulation methods for linear and nonlinear systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1 : Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2015. 505-520.
- Chen, Y., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T., Xia, Y., Friswell, M.I. (2016). A Pretest Planning Method for Model Calibration for Nonlinear Systems. Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 : Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2016. 371-379.
- Linderholt, A., Chen, Y., Abrahamsson, T. (2016). Time Domain Dynamic Simulations of Locally Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems. Presented at Aerospace technology congress : The Swedish Aeronautics Congress in a Globaised world, October 11-12, 2016.
- Olsson, J., Linderholt, A. (2016). Low Frequency Force to Sound Pressure Transfer Function Measurements Using a Modified Tapping Machine on a Light Weight Wooden Joinst Floor. Proceedings of WCTE, World Conference on timber Engineering, August 22-25, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T., Johansson, A., Mahdiabadi, M.K., Rixen, D. (2016). The Dynamic Behavior of Three Sets of the Ampair 600 Wind Turbine. Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXIV), 2016.
- Olsson, J., Jarnerö, K., Linderholt, A. (2015). Evaluation of AkuLite measurements of buildings : a comparison between sound pressure stemming from tapping machine and impact ball excitations. Proceedings of the Forum Wood Building Nordic Conference 2015.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T., Johansson, A., Steinepreis, D., Reuss, P. (2015). A Comparison of the Dynamic Behavior of Three Sets of the Ampair 600 Wind Turbine. Dynamics of Coupled Structures : Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2015. 99-110.
- Linderholt, A., Scheel, M., Johansson, A. (2015). Effects of Interface Loading in Dynamic Substructuring. ICoEV 2015 : International Conference on Engineering Vibration, (ICoEV) 2015 Ljubljana, 7-10 September, 2015.
- Linderholt, A., Chen, Y., Orlowitz, E., Brandt, A. (2014). A study of the coupling between test data accuracy and life prediction. Proceedings of ISMA2014 including USD2014 : 26th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and 5th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 15-17 September 2014, Leuven, Belgium. 415-428.
- Yaghoubi, V., Chen, Y., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2013). Locally Non-Linear Model Calibration Using Multi Harmonic Responses : Applied on Ecole de Lyon Non-Linear Benchmark Structure. Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1 : Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2013. 113-123.
- Chen, Y., Nasrabadi, V., Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2012). Model calibration of locally nonlinear structures using information from sub and super harmonic responses. International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2012 (ISMA 2012) : Proceedings of a meeting held 17-19 September 2012, Leuven, Belgium. Including USD 2012. 2451-2464.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2000). On the Parameter Identifiability and Test Data Informativeness in Finite Element Model Error Localization. Proceedings of IMAC XVIII - 18th International Modal Analysis Conference. 1520-1527.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (1999). A Comparison of Finite Element Model ErrorLocalization Methods. International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XVII, Orlando, Florida, 1999.. 929-935.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Linderholt, A., Olsson, J. (2018). Combining testing and calculation for of low frequency sound and vibrations in timber buildings. Forum Wood Building Nordic 2018, 27-28 September 2018, Växjö, Sweden.
- Linderholt, A. (2014). Wind turbine blade modeling : setting out from experimental data. LMS Nordic User Conference For Automotive And Mechanical Industry, Gothenburg, 27-28 Mars, 2014.
Licentiatavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Larsson, A. (1999). Localization of Finite Element Model Errors : Error Criteria and Identifiability. Licentiate Thesis. Göteborg, CTHB. 70.
- Linderholt, A. (1999). Localization of Finite Element Model Errors : Error Criteria and Identifiability. Licentiate Thesis. Göteborg, CTHB. 78.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2014). Computational Model Updating of a Fan Blade Using Optimal Robust Test Data.
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. Robust Optimal Sensor Placement for Computational Model Updating.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Linderholt, A., Allen, M.S., D'ambrogio, W. (2021). Dynamic Substructures, Volume 4 : Proceedings of the 38th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2020. CT, USA, Springer. 199.
- Linderholt, A., Allen, M.S., Mayes, R., Rixen, D. (2020). Dynamic Substructures, Volume 4 : Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2019. Springer. 186.
- Linderholt, A., Allen, M.S., Mayes, R., Rixen, D. (2018). Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4 : Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2018. Springer. 213.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Linderholt, A., Abrahamsson, T. (2002). Test Data Informativeness Assessment for Finite Element Model Updating. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology. 22.