Mina forskargrupper
Maskinteknik Forskningen inom ämnet maskinteknik är bred och har sitt huvudsakliga fokus inom sex områden: strukturdynamik, materialteknik, industriell ekonomi, systemekonomi, materialmekanik, samt…
Smart Industry Group (SIG) Smart Industry Group (SIG) är en tvärvetenskaplig forskargrupp med expertis från datavetenskap och maskinteknik. SIG:s fokus är att göra produktion och produkter inom…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Monsivais, I., Méndez, F., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Lizardi, J. (2022). Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Thin Microchannel Filled with a Porous Medium. Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer. 36 (1). 40-50.
Status: Publicerad -
Khalid, H., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A. (2021). Substituting Ti-64 with Aa2099 as material of a commercial aircraft pylon. Advances in Materials Science. 21 (2). 77-92.
Status: Publicerad -
Elrakayby, H., Gonzalez, D., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Mandal, P., Zuelli, N. (2020). A study on modelling the superplastic behaviour of Ti54M alloy. Solid State Phenomena. 306. 9-14.
Status: Publicerad -
Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Mill, F., Mount, A.R., Duffield, S., Sherlock, A. (2018). 3D multiphysics model for the simulation of electrochemical machining of stainless steel (SS316). The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 95. 2959-2972.
Status: Publicerad -
Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Mandal, P., Gonzalez, D., Zuelli, N., Blackwell, P. (2018). Studies on titanium alloys for aerospace application. Diffusion and defect data, solid state data. Part A, Defect and diffusion forum. 385. 419-423.
Status: Publicerad -
Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Farrell, M., Zuelli, N., Staiano, A. (2017). A comparative study assessing the wear behaviour of different ceramic die materials during superplastic forming. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 48 (10). 983-992.
Status: Publicerad -
Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Mill, F., Mount, A.R. (2016). Surface finish control by electrochemical polishing in stainless steel 316 pipes. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 23. 83-89.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Sneddon, S., De Silva, A.K., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Jayasinghe, P. (2022). Precision improvements in ECM via tool insert development by 3D printing. 21st CIRP CONFERENCE ON ELECTRO PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL MACHINING, ISEM XXI June, 14 to 17, 2022 in Zurich. 459-464.
- Mandal, P., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Gonzalez, D., Elrakayby, H., Blackwell, P. (2020). Superplastic behaviour of Ti54M and Ti64. The 14th World Conference on Titanium (Ti 2019).
- Bylya, O., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Stefani, N., Blackwell, P. (2017). Al-Li Alloys : The Analysis of Material Behaviour during Industrial Hot Forging. International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 7-12.
- Gomez-Gallegos, A.A. (2012). Maquinado Electroquímico : fundamentos y simulación utilizando elemento finito. CONACYT Scholarship Symposium of Holders in Europe, 29 - 30 November 2012.
- Ruiz-Huerta, L., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Caballero-Ruiz, A. (2009). Investigación del Proceso de Corte Por Chorro de Agua(WJC) y sus Aplicaciones en Micromecánica. 9th Ibero-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Khalid, H., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A. (2021). Substituting Ti-64 with AA2099 as Material of a Commercial Aircraft Pylon. Book of Abstracts of International online conference"Advanced manufacturing materials and research : new technologies and techniques AMM&R2021"February 19, 2021. 28-28.
- Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Mandal, P., Gonzalez, D., Zuelli, N., Blackwell, P. (2018). Studies on Ti54M Titanium Alloy for Application within the Aerospace Industry. Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - ICSAM 2018 : 13th International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials ICSAM 2018.
- Ruiz-Huerta, L., Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Caballero-Ruiz, A. (2009). Investigacion del processo de corte por chorro de agua (wjc) y sus aplicaciones en micromecanica. IX Congreso iberoamericano de ingeniería mecánica: Cibim9, 17-20 de Noviembre del 2007, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria : memoria técnica, resúmenes.
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Gomez-Gallegos, A.A. (2016). Electrochemical machining: towards 3D simulation and application on SS316. Doctoral Thesis. University of Edinburgh.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Gomez-Gallegos, A.A., Mount, A.R., Mill, F. (2014). Surface finish study of electrochemical machined stainless steel 316 : Intended Symposia: Electrochemistry of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials. UK, Royal Society of Chemistry, International Society of Electrochemistry, SCI.