Bettina Vogt, Phd, is a researcher and senior lecturer of education and a member of the SITE research group (Studies in curriculum, teaching and evaluation). In her research, she focuses on the fields of comparative education, General Didaktik and critical curriculum studies, and here, mainly on questions related to assessment, teaching and justice, as well as the methodological aspects in context-sensitive comparisons.
She is responsible for courses on thesis writing, assessment, evaluation and classroom management in the teacher education programmes and a supervisor and examiner for student theses. She is also a co-supervisor on the doctoral level.
Moreover, Vogt works as an editor and editorial secretary of the peer-reviewed scientific journal “Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige” (Education Research in Sweden). She has been a member of the doctoral board of SWERA (Swedish Education Research Association) and its chairperson between 2016-2017, and is today a member of the journal board (tidskriftsråd) of SWERA.
Mina forskargrupper
Centrum för pedagogisk ledning Centrum för pedagogisk ledning vid Linnéuniversitetet utgör en portal för att möta den samhällsutmaning som det innebär att på vetenskaplig grund och utifrån beprövad…
Läroplansteori och didaktik (SITE) Inom forskargruppen "Läroplansteori och didaktik" studerar vi grundläggande utbildningsvetenskapliga och pedagogiska frågor som till exempel: Vad räknas som kunskap…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Wahlström, N., Vogt, B. (2025). A Reconceptualization of Schooling and Teaching: A Renewed Interest in Bildung-Oriented Didaktik and Transactional Realism. Educational Theory. Educational Theory.
Status: Publicerad -
Nordin, A., Vogt, B. (2024). On the Relevance of Education Research From a Non-Affirmative Perspective : A Constructive Critique. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk. 10 (4). 57-70.
Status: Publicerad -
Wahlström, N., Bossér, U., Vogt, B. (2023). Teaching as a pedagogical responsibility : an introduction. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 55 (1). 1-7.
Status: Publicerad -
Vogt, B. (2022). Supportive assessment strategies as curriculum events in a performance-oriented classroom context. European Educational Research Journal. 21 (6). 1023-1040.
Status: Publicerad -
Wahlström, N., Adolfsson, C., Vogt, B. (2020). Making Social Studies in Standards-Based Curricula. Journal of Social Science Education. 19 (SI). 66-81.
Status: Publicerad -
Falkenberg, K., Vogt, B., Waldow, F. (2017). Ständig geprüft oder kontinuierlich unterstützt? Schulische Leistungsbeurteilung in Schweden zwischen formativem Anspruch und summativer Notwendigkeit : [Constant examination or continuous support? Assessment practices in Sweden between formative aspiration and summative necessity]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 63 (3). 317-333.
Status: Publicerad -
Falkenberg, K., Vogt, B., Waldow, F. (2015). Bildungsmarkt in Bullerbü : Zur aktuellen Debatte über die "Schulkrise“ in Schweden.. Die Deutsche Schule (DDS). 107 (2). 104-118.
Status: Publicerad
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Vogt, B. (2017). Just assessment in school : - a context-sensitive comparative study of pupils' conceptions in Sweden and Germany. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 370.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Frank, J., Schmidt, C., Sundberg, D., Vogt, B., Wahlström, N. (2022). Knowledge, Curriculum and Teaching on Matters That Concern : A Concluding Discussion. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 141-155.
- Vogt, B. (2022). The Students' Role in Standards-Based Education : Critical Reflections on Pedagogical Implications. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 60-75.
- Vogt, B. (2021). Ansträngning och betyg – uppfattningar om rättvis bedömning. Hållbar bedömning : Bildning, välbefinnande och utveckling i skolans bedömningsarbete. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 147--165.
- Nordin, A., Vogt, B. (2021). Perspektiv på läroplansteori : vad räknas som kunskap?. Vetenskapliga teorier för lärare. Natur och kultur. 72.
- Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D., Schmidt, C., Sundberg, D., Vogt, B. (2019). Coding scheme for analysing classroom discourse and conceptualisations of knowledge. Classroom research : Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 39-43.
- Vogt, B. (2019). The presence of assessment in classroom activities : Heuristic conceptualisations for classroom research. Classroom research– Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 31-38.
- Vogt, B., Falkenberg, K., Waldow, F. (2017). Effizienz durch Vermarktlichung? : Zur Entwicklung und den Konsequenzen der Einführung von Bildungsmärkten am Beispiel Schwedens.. Ökonomisierung von Schule : Aktuelle Transformationen des schulischen Feldes in nationaler und internationaler Perspektive. Weinheim, Juventa Verlag.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B. (2024). The Need for a Reconceptualization of the Meaning of Teaching. .
- Vogt, B. (2023). Classrooms as spaces for resonance relations? Acceleration theoretical conceptualisations for multi-level curriculum analyses. .
- Vogt, B. (2021). Assessment That Supports Performance? : Findings on Curricular Result-Orientation From a Classroom-Study in Sweden. .
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Adolfsson, C. (2019). Making Social Studies in Standards-Based Curricula. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Dvorak, D., Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Dempsey, M., O'neill, N., et al. (2019). Curriculum Making and Subject Traditions : Curriculum Reforms in Social Studies and Physics and the Concept of Knowledge. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Vogt, B. (2018). Assessing assessment: Students’ conceptions of justice in relation to assessment in Germany and Sweden. Presented at CIES 2018.
- Vogt, B. (2018). Das Beurteilen der Beurteilung - Gerechtigkeitsüberzeugungen von SchülerInnen in Schweden und Deutschland zur schulischen Leistungsbeurteilung. .
- Vogt, B. (2016). ´Aber ich hab´ mich doch so angestrengt´ : Zum Zusammenhang von Anstrengung und gerechter Leistungsbeurteilung aus SchülerInnensicht. DGfE-Kongress 2016. Räume für Bildung. Räume der Bildung. Kassel, Germany, 13 - 16 March, 2016.
- Vogt, B. (2015). Just assessment in school : Pupils´ conceptions in Sweden and Germany.. Abstract book. NERA 2015, Marketisation and differentiation in education.: 43rd Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), Gothenburg, March 4-6, 2015.
- Vogt, B. (2015). Just assessment in school : Pupils´ conceptions in Sweden and Germany. Patterns of interactional justice.. ECER 2015, Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research, Network: 7. Social Injustice and Intercultural Education.
- Vogt, B., Waldow, F., Falkenberg, K., Oehme, F. (2014). Unterschiedliche Welten der Meritokratie? : Schulische Leistungsbeurteilung und Gerechtigkeit in Deutschland, Schweden und England.. .
- Waldow, F., Falkenberg, K., Oehme, F., Vogt, B. (2013). Escalating Comparative Complexity : Using a Grounded Theory Methodology in International Comparisons. ECER, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research 2013 : Network 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Vogt, B., Waldow, F., Falkenberg, K., Oehme, F. (2012). Unterschiedliche Welten der Meritokratie? : Schulische Leistungsbeurteilung und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in Deutschland, Schweden und England im Zeitalter der „standards-based reform".. .
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Vogt, B., Wahlström, N. (2022). A re-conceptualization of schooling and teaching : the renewed interest in Bildung and transactional realism. Education between Hope and Happening – Developing Powerful Curriculum Theorizing in Challenging Times, 9:e Nordiska Läroplansteorikonferensen, Linnéuniversitetet, 20-21 oktober 2022, Abstracts. 3-4.
- Vogt, B. (2021). Students´role as co-authors of curriculum events in high- and low-performing classroom contexts. .
- Vogt, B. (2020). Assessment for learning what? Formative assessment as curriculum event in a performance-oriented curricular context. .
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Adolfsson, C. (2019). How to express knowledge: Knowledge concepts for measurement in Swedish curriculum. NERA 2019 Education in a Globalized World, 6-8 March 2019, Uppsala, Sweden : Abstract Book 2019-03-06.
- Vogt, B. (2017). Calculated justice? Swedish and German pupils´ justice conceptions regarding grading between arithmetic logic and qualitative complexity. .
Rapport (Refereegranskat)
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Ståhlkrantz, K. (2024). Värdet av deltagande i förskolan för barns framtida möjligheter – en forskningssammanställning. 45.