Brigitte Pircher
Institutionen för statsvetenskap
Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap
I am currently on a leave of absence from Linnaeus University and have been working as an Associate Professor at Södertörn University since August 2024. For inquiries, please contact me at Södertörn University,
Work Experiences
- 2007-2009: Head of office/policy adviser, European Parliament, Brussels and Strasbourg
- 2009-2013: Professional development and quality management in conflict management and community work in social housing, wohnpartner, City of Vienna, Vienna
- 2013-2015: Publication and communication manager, University of Vienna, Vienna
- 2016: Completed PhD at the University of Vienna, Vienna
- 2016, 2018: Lecturer, University of Vienna, Vienna (20%)
- 2016-2024: Post-doc fellow, Assistant/Associate Professor, Linnaeus University, Växjö
- 2020-2022: Postdoctoral researcher, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen (20%)
- 2024-present: Associate Professor, Södertörn University, Stockholm
EU politics, EU institutions, policy-making, EU law and its implementation, social policies, internal market.
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Bättre lagstiftning under Ursula von der Leyen Detta forskningsprojekt undersöker EU-kommissionens Bättre lagstiftning-agenda under ordföranden Ursula von der Leyen, med särskilt fokus på…
Projekt: DIGRIS - Implementeringsutmaningar av digitaliseringsrättigheter i Sverige Projektet tar sitt avstamp i den Europeiska unionens (EU) digitaliseringsstrategi med syftet att undersöka hur små…
Projekt: ESG-påverkansindex inom högre utbildning (Shift) Shift syftar till att öka kapaciteten hos högre utbildningsinstitutioner (HEI:er) att bidra till de globala hållbarhetsmålen. Detta genom att…
Såddprojekt: Accessibility and Inclusion – Digitalization Rights in Law and Practice Syftet för detta såddprojekt, inom Kunskapsmiljön Digitala Transformationer, är att analysera den europeiska…
Såddprojekt: Hållbar upphandling i företags leverantörskedjor Projektet undersöker i vilken utsträckning organisationer granskar sina leverantörer med avseende på deras sociala och miljömässiga…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Den strategiska användningen av offentlig upphandling Forskningsprojektet strävade efter att identifiera variationer i hur de offentliga upphandlingsreglerna tillämpas i EU:s medlemsstater.…
Projekt: EU-kommissionens nämnd för lagstiftningskontroll Detta projekt utforskade rollen för EU-kommissionens nämnd för lagstiftningskontroll och analyserade i vilken utsträckning nämnden påverkar…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Munta, M., Pircher, B., Bekker, S. (2024). Ownership of national recovery plans : next generation EU and democratic legitimacy. Journal of European Public Policy. 31 (11). 3787-3811.
Status: Publicerad -
Loxbo, K., Pircher, B. (2024). Complexity meets flexibility: unintended differentiation in EU public procurement. Journal of European Public Policy. 1-27.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Pircher, B., De La Porte, C., Szelewa, D. (2024). Actors, costs and values : the implementation of the Work-Life Balance Directive. West European Politics. 47 (3). 543-568.
Status: Publicerad -
Im, Z.J., Larsen, T.P., Pircher, B. (2024). European Social Dialogues : Shaping EU Social Policy through Parental Leave Rights. Industrial & labor relations review. 77 (5). 685-715.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B. (2023). Compliance with EU Law from 1989 to 2018 : The Commission's Shift from a Normative to a Regulative Approach. Journal of Common Market Studies. 61 (3). 763-780.
Status: Publicerad -
De La Porte, C., Im, Z.J., Pircher, B., Szelewa, D. (2023). The EU's work-life balance directive : Institutional change of father-specific leave across member states. Social Policy & Administration. 57 (4). 549-563.
Status: Publicerad -
De La Porte, C., Im, Z.J., Pircher, B., Ramos Martin, N., Szelewa, D. (2023). An examination of ‘instrumental resources’ in earmarked parental leave : The case of the work-life balance directive. Journal of European Social Policy. 33 (5). 525-539.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B. (2022). EU public procurement policy during Covid-19 : A turning point for legitimate EU governance?. Politics and Governance. 10 (3). 131-142.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B., Farjam, M. (2021). Oppositional voting in the Council of the EU between 2010 and 2019 : Evidence for differentiated politicisation. European Union Politics. 22 (3). 472-494.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B. (2020). The Council of the EU in Times of Economic Crisis : A Policy Entrepreneur for the Internal Market. Journal of Contemporary European Research. 16 (1). 65-81.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B. (2020). EU public procurement policy : the economic crisis as trigger for enhanced harmonisation. Journal of European Integration. 42 (4). 509-525.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B., Loxbo, K. (2020). Compliance with EU Law in Times of Disintegration : Exploring Changes in Transposition and Enforcement in the EU Member States between 1997 and 2016. Journal of Common Market Studies. 58 (5). 1270-1287.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B. (2017). Member states’ opposition in the Council of the European Union and its impacts on the implementation of directives. Austrian Journal of Political Science. 46 (3). 1-10.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Pircher, B. (2023). Der EU-Ausschuss für Regulierungskontrolle : Ein unscheinbares Gremium mit großem Einfluss auf die EU-Gesetzgebung. Infobrief EU &International. 2. 7-11.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Pircher, B. (2019). Policy-Making in the European Council and the Council of the EU on Europe 2020 : The Presidency Effect. Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 55-74.
- Pircher, B. (2019). Local and Regional Involvement in Europe 2020 : A Success Story?. Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 93-108.
- Pircher, B. (2018). Entrepreneurship policy in the Council of the EU : Reaching Consensus among Member States?. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 82-99.
- Pircher, B. (2018). Debating the economic crisis in the European Parliament : Enriching the discourse. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 100-120.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Karlsson, C., Silander, D., Pircher, B. (2019). Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 272.
Rapport (Refereegranskat)
- Pircher, B. (2024). EU Better Regulation : Creating a playing field for businesses at the expense of social and environmental policies. Vienna, Verlag Arbeiterkammer Wien. 71.
- Pircher, B. (2023). The EU’s Commission Regulatory Scrutiny Board : better regulation or biased influence on legislation?. Vienna, AK Wien, Abteilung Europa und Internationales und Lobby Control. 52.
- Ramos Martín, N., Mercader Uguina, J.R., Muñoz Ruiz, A.B., Moreno Solana, A., García González, G., et al. (2023). Health and safety at work : achievements, shortcomings, and policy options. Genève, European Commission, zenodo. 154.
- De La Porte, C., Im, Z.J., Pircher, B., Szelewa, D., Ramos, N., et al. (2022). Strengthening European social rights via the work-life balance directive?. Genève, European Commission, zenodo. 88.
Dataset (Refereegranskat)
- Pircher, B., Farjam, M. (2021). Dataset to 'Oppositional voting in the Council of the EU between 2010 and 2019: Evidence for differentiated politicisation'. Sage Publications.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Berg, N., Pircher, B. (2024). Accounting for Green Public Procurement. Presented at the 46th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Bucharest, Romania, May 15-17, 2024.
- Im, Z.J., Larsen, T.P., Pircher, B. (2022). European Social Dialogues : Shaping EU social policy through parental leave rights. ILRR Workshop on Transnational Employment Relations in the European Union, 20-21 April 2022, Irish College Leuven.
- Pircher, B. (2022). The Covid-19 crisis as critical juncture for EU's policy on public procurement. .
- Pircher, B., De La Porte, C., Im, Z.J., Szelewa, D. (2022). The Politics of the Work-Life Balance Directive : Contesting Social Europe. Twenty-Eighth International Conference of Europeanists (CES), Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, June 29-July 1.
- Pircher, B. (2020). It‘s the End of the Worlds as we know them : Policy Changes in EU Compliance. UACES virtual conference, 7-11 September : Panel 404: The EU and compliance.
- Pircher, B., Loxbo, K. (2019). Member states’ compliance with EU law in times of crisis. .
- Pircher, B. (2019). The Council of the EU in times of economic crisis – enhancing neoliberal policies as crisis management. .
- Pircher, B. (2017). Debating the Economic Crisis in the European Parliament: Lessons for Entrepreneurship. .
- Pircher, B. (2017). EU Public Procurement Policy : Crisis‑induced Harmonization as Driver for European Integration?. Paper presented at the 11th ECPR General Conference, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, September 6-9, 2017.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Pircher, B. (2015). Österreichs Opposition im Rat der Europäischen Union und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Richtlinienumsetzung. Doctoral Thesis. Vienna, University of Vienna. 317.
Övrigt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Pircher, B. (2024). „Bessere“ EU-Rechtsetzung? Vorrang für Unternehmen vor gesellschaftlichen Interessen. A&W-Blog.
- Pircher, B. (2024). ‘Better regulation’? Capital first, society second. Social Europe.
- Pircher, B. (2023). Das Regulatory Scrutiny Board: Wie groß ist der Einfluss auf die EU Gesetzgebung?. AK Österreich and ÖGB.
- Pircher, B. (2021). How differentiated politicisation affects voting behaviour in the Council of the European Union. London School of Economics and Political Science.
Pircher, B. (2021). Compliance with EU law in times of European disintegration. UACES (University Association for Contemporary European Studies).
Blog post on the Research blog of the Research Network on Effective Enforcement of EU Law and policy
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Pircher, B. (2014). Meine Forschung: Welche Folgen hat Österreichs Opposition im EU-Ministerrat?. uni:view online newspaper, University of Vienna.
Status: Publicerad -
Pircher, B. (2014). Die Rolle des Europäischen Parlaments in der Beschäftigungs- und Sozialpolitik. Trendreport Arbeit, Bildung, Soziales. Vienna, Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt (FORBA). (1). 9-9.
Status: Publicerad