Cornelius Holtorf
ProfessorJag läste förhistorisk arkeologi, antropologi och humanosteologi i Tyskland, England och Wales. Efter min avhandling 1998 var jag anställd som forskare och lärare vid Göteborgs universitet (1998-1999), University of Cambridge (1999-2002), Riksantikvarieämbetet Stockholm (2002-2004) och Lunds universitet (2005-2008).
Sedan 2008 jobbar jag i Kalmar, sedan 2011 som professor i arkeologi vid Linnéuniversitetet. Jag leder forskarskolan GRASCA.
Sedan 2017 innehar jag på Linnéuniversitetet en Unescoprofessur i 'Heritage Futures' som sysslar med framtiden i relation till kultur- och naturarv.
Mina forskargrupper
Centrum för tillämpat kulturarv Tillämpat kulturarv handlar om att utforska kulturarvens inneboende potential att förändra samhället. Centrum för tillämpat kulturarv vid Linnéuniversitetet syftar till…
UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures Vilket kulturarv lämnar vi efter oss och till vilken nytta för människor i framtiden? Vi hjälper de som arbetar i kulturarvssektorn att planera för framtida…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Att skapa alternativa framtider för kulturarvet Projektmedlemmar: Cornelius Holtorf, Sarah May Deltagande organisationer: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, One Earth: New Horizons Message och…
Projekt: Turismutveckling efter pandemi Detta tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojekt studerar hur intressenter i besöksekonomin ur olika infallsvinklar hanterar den osäkerhet som den nuvarande…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Clarke, J., Haour, A., Morel, H., Forster, J., Orlove, B., et al. (2025). Curating transformation can strengthen adaptation and minimize losses and damages. npj Climate Action. 4 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Bolin, A. (2024). Heritage futures : A conversation. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. 14 (2). 252-265.
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Holtorf, C. (2023). The Climate Heritage Paradox : how rethinking archaeological heritage can address global challenges of climate change. World archaeology. 55 (3). 268-281.
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Holtorf, C. (2022). Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Beyond Quarantine : Reflections From Sweden on COVID-19 and Its Consequences. Revista de Arqueologia. 35 (1). 53-68.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Wollentz, G., Holtorf, C. (2022). Framtidsmedvetande på museer : Några svenska länsmuseer i fokus. Nordisk Museologi. 34 (2). 5-22.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Alfsdotter, C., Dutra Leivas, I., Eboskog, M., Engström, E., et al. (2021). Uppdragsarkeologiska möjligheter : Nya sätt att tänka om en samtidsverksamhet i en framtidsbransch. In Situ Archaeologica. 15. 5-30.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2020). An archaeology for the future : from developing contract archaeology to imagining post-corona archaeology. Post-Classical Archaeologies. 10. 57-72.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2020). Conservation and Heritage As Creative Processes of Future-Making.. International Journal of Cultural Property. 27 (2). 277-290.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2020). Heritage Futures, Prefiguration and World Heritage. Forum Kritische Archäologie. 9. 1-5.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Muniz, T.S.A. (2020). Cultural heritage building up future thinking. Cadernos do Lepaarq. 17 (34). 337-344.
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Holtorf, C. (2018). Embracing change : how cultural resilience is increased through cultural heritage. World archaeology. 50 (4). 639-650.
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Holtorf, C. (2018). Conservation and heritage as future-making. ICOMOS University Forum. 1. 1-13.
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Ståhl, O., Tham, M., Holtorf, C. (2017). Towards a Post-Anthropocentric Speculative Archaeology (through Design) : . Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. 4 (2). 238-246.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C., May, S., Wollentz, G. (2017). No future in archaeological heritage management?. World archaeology. 49 (5). 639-647.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2017). Perceiving the Past : From Age Value to Pastness. International Journal of Cultural Property. 24 (4). 497-515.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2017). What’s wrong with cultural diversity in world archaeology?. Claroscuro. 16. 1-14.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2016). Långtidsförvaring av kärnavfall : Från samtidsarkeologi till framtidsarkeologi. Primitive tider. 18. 285-295.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2016). The Contemporary Archaeology of Nuclear Waste : Communicating with the Future. Arkæologisk Forum. (35). 31-37.
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Holtorf, C. (2015). Eine Archäologie der Ideen. EAZ Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift. 56 (1/2).
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). Are We All Archaeologists Now? : Introduction. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. 2 (2). 217-219.
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Holtorf, C. (2015). Averting loss aversion in cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 21 (4). 405-421.
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Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2014). Communicating with future generations : what are the benefits of preserving for future generations? Nuclear power and beyond. The European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies. 4. 315-330.
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Holtorf, C. (2014). The time travellers’ tools of the trade : some trends at Lejre. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 20 (7-8). 782-797.
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Holtorf, C. (2013). On Pastness : A Reconsideration of Materiality in Archaeological Object Authenticity. Anthropological Quarterly. 86 (2). 427-444.
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Holtorf, C. (2013). The Zoo as a Realm of Memory. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures. 22 (1). 98-114.
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Holtorf, C. (2013). The need and potential for an archaeology orientated towards the present. Archaeological Dialogues. 20 (1). 12-18.
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Holtorf, C. (2012). Культурное наследие и современное общество : [Cultural heritage and contemporay society]. Музей. (9). 8-17.
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Holtorf, C. (2012). The Heritage of Heritage. Heritage & Society. 5 (2). 153-174.
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Holtorf, C. (2011). L’apport du patrimoine culturel à la société : changements en cours. Museum International (French edition). 63 (1-2). 8-17.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2011). 文化遗产对社会贡献的变迁 : [The Changing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Society]. 国际博物馆(中文版) (Guoji Bowuguan (Zhongwenban)). 250 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2011). The Changing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Society. Museum International. 63 (1-2). 8-16.
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Holtorf, C. (2010). Meta-stories of archaeology. World archaeology. 42 (3). 381-393.
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Holtorf, C. (2010). Ironic heritage : Overcoming divisions between communities through shared laughter about the past. Museum International. 62 (1-2). 91-99.
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Holtorf, C. (2010). On the Possibility of Time Travel. Lund Archaeological Review. 15-16. 31-41.
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Holtorf, C. (2009). A Comment on Hybrid Fields and Academic Gate-Keeping.. Public Archaeology. 8 (2/3). 310-316.
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Holtorf, C. (2009). World Heritage in Perspective. Norwegian Archaeological Review. 42 (2). 196-200.
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Holtorf, C. (2009). A European perspective on indigenous and immigrant archaeologies. World archaeology. 41 (4). 672-681.
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Holtorf, C. (2009). Archaeology - from usefulness to value. Archaeological Dialogues. 16 (2). 182-186.
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Holtorf, C. (2008). Zoos as heritage : an archaeological perspective. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 14 (1). 3-9.
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Holtorf, C., Ortman, O. (2008). Endangerment and Conservation Ethos in Natural and Cultural Heritage: The Case of Zoos and Archaeological Sites. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 14 (1). 74-90.
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Holtorf, C. (2008). Entre culture populaire et science, la «marque archéologique». Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie. 113 (September 2008). 26-30.
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Holtorf, C. (2008). The Cunning Means of Domination. Archaeologies. 4 (1). 190-200.
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Holtorf, C. (2007). Can you hear me at the back? Archaeology, communication and society. European Journal of Archaeology. 10 (2/3). 149-165.
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Holtorf, C. (2007). What Does Not Move Any Hearts – Why Should It Be Saved? The Denkmalpflegediskussion in Germany. International Journal of Cultural Property. 14 (1). 33-55.
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Holtorf, C. (2006). Can less be more? Heritage in the age of terrorism. Public Archaeology. 5. 101-109.
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Holtorf, C. (2005). Beyond crusades: how (not) to engage with alternative archaeologies. World Archaeology. 37. 544-551.
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Holtorf, C. (2004). The future of electronic scholarship. Internet Archaeology. 15.
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Holtorf, C. (2002). Notes on the life history of a pot sherd. Journal of Material Culture. 7. 49-71.
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Holtorf, C. (2000). Sculptures in captivity and monkeys on megaliths. Observations in Zoo Archaeology. Public Archaeology. 1. 195-210.
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Holtorf, C. (1998). The life-history of megaliths in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). World Archaeology. 30. 23-38.
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Holtorf, C. (1996). Towards a Chronology of Monuments: Understanding Monumental Time and Cultural Memory. Journal of European Archaeology. 4. 119-152.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2022). Why cultural heritage needs foresight. Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage : A European Adventure for Research and Innovation.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2021). Lessons from archaeology and heritage studies for the long-term preservation of records, knowledge and memory concerning deep geological disposal sites for nuclear waste. Interdisciplinary Research Symposium on the Safety of Nuclear Disposal Practices safeND. 287-288.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). The Significance of Managing Heritage Processes in Times of Crisis. Advancing Risk Management for the Shared Future : Proceedings of the ICOMOS 6 ISCs Joint Meeting. 178-185.
- Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2014). Nuclear waste as cultural heritage of the future : 14361. WM2014 Proceedings.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2024). Museum futures and other heritage futures. Handbook of Futures Studies. UK, Edward Elgar Publishing. 145-156.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2024). Archaeology and the Future. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. London, Academic Press. 652-659.
- Holtorf, C. (2023). Teaching futures literacy for the heritage sector. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Heritage. London, Routledge. 527-542.
- Holtorf, C., Myrup Kristensen, T. (2023). Reconsidering Heritage Destruction and Sustainable Development in a Long-Term Perspective. The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Destruction. Routledge. 413-423.
- Holtorf, C. (2023). Towards a World Heritage for the Anthropocene. Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times : Coloniality, Climate Change, and Covid-19. London, Routledge. 111-126.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2022). Nuclear Waste as Critical Heritage. Toxic Immanence : Decolonizing Nuclear Legacies and Futures. Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press. 262-281.
- Holtorf, C., Höglund, J. (2022). Making Sense of Virtual Heritage : How Immersive Fitness Evokes a Past that Suits the Present. Virtual Interiorities : Book Three: Senses of Place and Space. ETC Press. 77-98.
- Holtorf, C. (2022). Periodization of the future. Historical Understanding : Past, Present, and Future. Bloomsbury Academic. 167-178.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2021). Final reflections : The future of heritage. Cultural Heritage and the Future. Routledge. 264-269.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2021). Introduction : Cultural heritage as a futuristic field. Cultural Heritage and the Future. Routledge. 1-28.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2021). What lies ahead? : Nuclear waste as cultural heritage of the future. Cultural Heritage and the Future. Routledge. 144-158.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2021). Perceptions of the future in preservation strategies : (Or: why Essly von Eysselsberg’s body is no longer taken across the lake). Cultural Heritage and the Future. Routledge. 59-71.
- Buser, M., Van Luik, A., Nelson, R., Holtorf, C. (2021). Radioactive heritage of the future : A legacy of risk. Cultural Heritage and the Future. Routledge. 176-197.
- Harrison, R., Desilvey, C., Holtorf, C., Macdonald, S. (2020). ‘For ever, for everyone …’. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 3-19.
- Holtorf, C., May, S. (2020). Uncertainty, collaboration and emerging issues. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 336-343.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Renforcer la résilience culturelle en apprenant à apprécier le changement et la transformation. Les futurs humanistes de l’apprentissage : Perspectives des chaires UNESCO et des réseaux UNITWIN. Paris, Unesco. 24-27.
- Harrison, R., Desilvey, C., Holtorf, C., Macdonald, S., Bartolini, N., et al. (2020). Discussion and conclusions. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 465-488.
- Penrose, S., Harrison, R., Holtorf, C., May, S. (2020). The hundred-thousand-year question : First cross-theme knowledge-exchange workshop, 8–11 March 2016, Forsmark and Stockholm, Sweden. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 143-151.
- Wollentz, G., May, S., Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2020). Toxic heritage : Uncertain and unsafe. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 294-312.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Enhancing cultural resilience by learning to appreciate change and transformation. Humantistic futures of learning : Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks. Paris, Unesco. 24-26.
- Lyons, A., Holtorf, C. (2020). The one-million-year time capsule. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 325-335.
- May, S., Holtorf, C. (2020). Uncertain futures. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 263-275.
- Holtorf, C. (2019). ‘From One Monkey to Another’ : Death and Memory in Zoos and Animal Sanctuaries. Tidens landskap : En vänbok till Anders Andrén. Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 301-303.
- Colomer, L., Holtorf, C. (2019). What is cross-cultural heritage? : Challenges in identifying the heritage of globalized citizens. Cultural heritage, ethics and contemporary migrations. Routledge. 147-164.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2018). Archaeology and the Future. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology : Living Edition. Cham, Springer.
- Holtorf, C., Petersson, B. (2018). Archaeology and Time Travel. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology : Living edition. Berlin, Springer.
- Holtorf, C. (2018). Heritage : Public Perceptions. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Berlin, Springer.
- Holtorf, C. (2018). Authenticity and Pastness in Cultural Heritage Management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology : Living edition. Berlin, Springer.
- Holtorf, C. (2018). Preservation Paradigm in Heritage Management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology : Living Edition. Berlin, Springer.
- Holtorf, C., Burström, M. (2018). Archaeology and the Present. The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell. 68-72.
- Holtorf, C. (2017). Face-to-Face with the Past : Pompeii to Lejre. The Archaeology of Time Travel : Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century. Archaeopress. 175-190.
- Holtorf, C. (2017). Introduction : The Meaning of Time Travel. The Archaeology of Time Travel : Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century. Archaeopress. 1-22.
- Holtorf, C. (2016). The time travellers’ tools of the trade : some trends at Lejre. Re-Enacting the Past : Heritage, Materiality and Performance. Routledge. 102-117.
- Holtorf, C. (2015). What future for the life-history approach to prehistoric monuments in the landscape?. Landscape biographies : geographical, historical and archaeological perspectives on the production and transmission of landscapes. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 167-181.
- Holtorf, C. (2015). Archaeology and cultural memory. International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. Elsevier. 881-884.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2015). Contemporary Heritage and the Future. The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research. New York, Palgrave Macmillan. 509-523.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2014). Zukunftsbilder in erhaltungsstrategien. Diachrone zugänglichkeit als prozess : kulturelle überlieferung in systematischer sicht. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter. 197-214.
- Holtorf, C. (2014). Archäologie und öffentlichkeit. Schlüsselbegriffe der prähistorischen archäologie. Münster, Waxmann Verlag. 39-44.
- Holtorf, C. (2013). Material animals : an archaeology of contemporary zoo experiences. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 627-641.
- Holtorf, C., Fairclough, G. (2013). The New Heritage and re-shapings of the past. Reclaiming Archaeology : Beyond the Tropes of Modernity. London and New York, Routledge. 197-210.
- Holtorf, C. (2013). The Past People Want : Heritage for the Majority?. Appropriating the Past : Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Archaeology. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 63-81.
- Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2013). Heritage Futures and the Future of Heritage. Counterpoint : Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen. Oxford, Archaeopress. 739-746.
- Holtorf, C. (2012). Archaeology in the Contemporary World. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 100-102.
- Holtorf, C., James, E. (2012). Popular Culture : Portrayal of Archaeology in archaeology in Science Fiction. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 652-653.
- Holtorf, C. (2012). Popular Culture, Portrayal of Archaeology in : Archaeology as a Theme. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 653-654.
- Holtorf, C. (2012). Popular Culture, Portrayal of Archaeology in : Archaeology in Fiction and Nonfiction. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 651-652.
- Holtorf, C., Fagan, B. (2012). Popular Culture, Portrayal of Archaeology in : Overview. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 649-650.
- Holtorf, C. (2012). Popular Culture, Portrayal of Archaeology : Archaeology on Screen. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 650-651.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2021). Cultural Heritage and the Future. Routledge. 299.
- Harrison, R., Desilvey, C., Holtorf, C., Macdonald, S., Bartolini, N., et al. (2020). Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 567.
- Holtorf, C., Pantazatos, A., Scarre, G. (2019). Cultural heritage, ethics and contemporary migrations. Routledge. 256.
- Holtorf, C., Kealy, L., Kono, T. (2018). A contemporary provocation : reconstructions as tools of future-making : Selected papers from the ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions, Paris, 13 – 15 March 2017. Paris, ICOMOS.
- Petersson, B., Holtorf, C. (2017). The Archaeology of Time Travel : Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century. Oxford, Archaeopress. 316.
- Holtorf, C., Myrup Kristensen, T. (2015). International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol 21, Iss 4, 2015 : Special Issue, Heritage Erasure. Taylor & Francis. 313-421.
- Holtorf, C. (2015). Forum on Nara+20 : Heritage and Society 8 (2). Maney Publishing. 139-188.
- Holtorf, C. (2015). Are We All Archaeologists Now? : Forum in Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 2(2). Equinox Publishing. 217-259 and S1-S30.
- Holtorf, C., Bauer, A., Díaz-Andreu, M., Waterton, E., Silberman (editor-In-Chief), N.A. (2012). The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. ca 2000.
Artikel, recension (Refereegranskat)
Holtorf, C. (2019). Rezension zu: Stabrey, U. (2017). Archäologische Untersuchungen. Über Temporalität und Dinge (Histoire 98). Bielefeld: transcript. 27 Bilder, 244 S. ISBN 978-3-8376-3586-7.. Archäologische Informationen. DGUF. 42. 397-398.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2023). Heritage practices and the mobilization of society in times of conflict: We can do better. TEA. 78. 64-66.
Status: Publicerad -
Pintucci, A., Holtorf, C. (2021). A Conversation with Cornelius Holtorf. Ex Novo: Journal of Archaeology. 6. 239-244.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2020). Editorial (to the special issue on Authenticity and Reconstruction). International Journal of Cultural Property. 27 (2). 161-164.
Status: Publicerad -
Poloni, R.J.S., Funari, P.P.A., Holtorf, C. (2020). Interview with Cornelius Holtorf : [Entrevista com Cornelius Holtorf]. Revista Memória em Rede. 12 (23). 7-18.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2020). Post-Corona Archaeology : Creating a New Normal?. The European Archaeologist. (66). 18-23.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2019). The valuable contributions of archaeology to present and future societies. Antiquity. 93 (372). 1661-1663.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2018). Was hat Archäologie mit mir zu tun? : Eine Archäologie der Zukunft. Archéologie Suisse : Archäologie der Schweiz. 41 (3). 24-29.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2017). Por que preservar?. Revista de Arqueologia. 30 (2). 193-207.
Status: Publicerad -
Harrison, R., Bartolini, N., Desilvey, C., Holtorf, C., Lyons, A., et al. (2016). Heritage Futures. Archaeology International. 19. 19-72.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Myrup Kristensen, T. (2015). Heritage erasure : rethinking 'protection' and 'preservation'. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 21 (4). 313-317.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). Ein Kommentar zu Matthias Jungs Kritik an „Citizen Science“.. Forum Kritische Archäologie. 4. 59-61.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2015). GRASCA – Linnéuniversitetets nya forskarskola i uppdragsarkeologi. Gjallarhornet. 35 (4). 6-7.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Kono, T. (2015). Forum on Nara +20 : An Introduction. Heritage & Society. 8 (2). 139-143.
Status: Publicerad -
González-Ruibal, A., Harrison, R., Holtorf, C., Wilkie, L. (2014). Archaeologies of Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past : an interview with Victor Buchli and Gavin Lucas. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. 1 (2). 265-276.
Status: Publicerad -
Harrison, R., Wilkie, L., González-Ruibal, A., Holtorf, C. (2014). Editorial. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. 1 (1). 1-6.
Status: Publicerad -
Larkin, J., Clark, K., Baxter, I., Bewley, R., Holtorf, C. (2013). Public Archaeology response to ‘The future care of our nation’s heritage’ debate. Public Archaeology. 12 (3). 200-210.
Status: Publicerad -
Bailey, D., Holtorf, C. (2013). Interview with Cornelius Holtorf. Studii de Preistorie. 10. 7-12.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2012). No Farewell to Interpretation. Current Swedish Archaeology. 20. 57-60.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2012). Kritische Archäologie ist angewandte Archäologie (open access). Forum Kritische Archäologie. 1. 100-103.
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Holtorf, C. (2011). My Historic Environment. The Historic Environment : Policy & Practice. 2 (2). 157-159.
Status: Publicerad -
Alexandersson, A., Aronsson, P., Holtorf, C., Gustafsson, B.E., Westergren, E. (2011). Introduction. Museum International. 63 (1-2). 6-7.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2011). “You call this archaeology?” asks Petersson : Comment on Petersson, Att gräva nuet.... In Situ archaeologica. 11. 161-162.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Petersson, B. (2010). The Archaeology of Time Travel : An Introduction. Lund Archaeological Review. 15-16. 27-30.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2010). Comment. Current Anthropology. 51 (6). 782-783.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2009). Radical Constructivism : Knowledge Beyond Epistemology. Tomsk State University Bulletin. 329. 77-80.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2008). Comment on A. González-Ruibal, Time to destroy. An archaeology of supermodernity. Current Anthropology. 49 (2). 265-266.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2008). The Past is Now : An interview with Anders Högberg. European Journal of Archaeology. 11 (1). 7-22.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2008). Academic critique and the need for an open mind (a response to Kristiansen). Antiquity. 82 (2). 490-492.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2007). Learning from Las Vegas: Archaeology in the Experience Economy. The SAA Archaeological Record. 7 (3). 6-10,25.
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Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2006). Talking people – from community to popular archaeologies. Lund Archaeological Review. 11-12. 79-88.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2006). Über archäologisches Wissen (with a comment by U. Veit and a response by me). Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift. 47. 349-370.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2006). One World Archaeology Today. Archaeologies. Journal of the World Archaeological Congress. 2. 87-93.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Holtorf, C. (2019). UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : a presentation of our work 2017-2019. 2019 KNUCH UNESCO Chair International Conference : Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2015). Archaeology and the future : Managing nuclear waste as a living heritage. Radioactive Waste Management and Constructing Memory for Future Generations : Proceedings of the International Conference and Debate, 15-17 September 2014, Verdun, France. 97-101.
Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Frid, P., Holtorf, C. (2021). Wow! : The Future is Calling. Unesco.
- Brate, M., Hanberger, P., Holtorf, C., Richardson, D. (2012). Places, People, Stories. Kalmar, Linnaeus University.
- Holtorf, C. (2012). Search the Past - Find the Present : Qualities of Archaeology and Heritage in Contemporary Society. Oxford, Archaeopress.
- Holtorf, C. (2010). Search the past – find the present : The value of archaeology for present-day society. Amsterdam, Erfgoed Nederland.
- Holtorf, C. (2007). Archaeology is a Brand! The Meaning of Archaeology in Contemporary Popular Culture. Oxford / Walnut Creek, California, Archaeopress / Left Coast Press.
- Holtorf, C. (2005). From Stonehenge to Las Vegas. Archaeology as Popular Culture. Lanham, Altamira Press.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Holtorf, C. (2024). Destruição e reconstrução do patrimônio cultural como produção do future.. Estudos Críticos de Patrimônio : Abordagens Transnacionais. São Paolo, Tirant Brasil. 61-77.
- Holtorf, C. (2024). The road to anywhere : Rooted cosmopolitanism in the universe. Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging : Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Routledge. 256-264.
- Holtorf, C. (2024). Life in Plastic, Its Fantastic. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Plastics. London and New York, Routledge. 550-558.
- Holtorf, C. (2024). Regenerating heritage processes and practices in historical reconstruction. The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Architectural Reconstruction. Routledge. 97-106.
- Holtorf, C. (2023). Taking care of nuclear waste (A visual essay). Toxic Heritage : Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice. Routledge. 325-331.
- Holtorf, C. (2023). Przyjmując zmiany : jak dziedzictwo kulturowe zwiększa rezyliencję kulturową. Krytyczne studia nad dziedzictwem : pojęcia metody, teorie i perspektywy. Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 330-348.
- Holtorf, C. (2022). An Archaeology of Growth and Regeneration. Under storkökets golv : Arkeologisk undersökning i Gamla Skogsby september och oktomber 2021. 85-123.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Archaeology and Present-day Society : Memories and Prospects. From Past to Present : Studies in Memory of Manfred O. Korfmann. Bonn, Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH. 565-568.
- Holtorf, C., Petersson, B. (2020). Archaeology and Time Travel. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 653-662.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). "Cultural heritage is concerned with the future" : a critical epilogue. Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage : Construction, Transformation and Destruction. London, UCL Press. 309-311.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). The Sounds of Former Silence. The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics and Music : Studies in Honour of Cajsa S. Lund. Berlin, Ekho verlag. 11-12.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Destruction and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage as Future-Making. The Future of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues : Heritage Reconstruction in Theory and Practice. Cham, Springer. 157-172.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Heritage : Public Perceptions. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 5024-5028.
- Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2020). Archaeology and the Future. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 646-653.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Authenticity and Pastness in Cultural Heritage Management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 1237-1238.
- Holtorf, C. (2020). Preservation Paradigm in Heritage Management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 8898-8901.
- Holtorf, C. (2019). Recipe for unlearning. Oikology : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 139-139.
- Holtorf, C. (2019). The Need for Applied Archaeology in Europe. Global Social Archaeologies : Making a Difference in a World of Strangers. Routledge. 240-242.
- Scarre, G., Holtorf, C., Pantazatos, A. (2019). Introduction. Cultural heritage, ethics and contemporary migrations. Routledge. 1-10.
- Holtorf, C. (2019). Cultural heritage, nuclear waste and the future : what’s in it for us?. Bewaren of Weggooien?. Middelburg, Zeeuwse Ankers & COVRA. 11.01-11.17.
- Holtorf, C., Petersson, B. (2017). Time Travel to the Present : Interview with Erika Andersson Cederholm. The Archaeology of Time Travel : Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century. Archaeopress. 257-270.
- Holtorf, C. (2016). Changing Concepts of Temporality in Cultural Heritage and Themed Environments. Time and Temporality in Theme Parks. Hannover, Wehrhahn Verlag. 115-130.
- Holtorf, C. (2016). Pastness in Themed Environments. A Reader in Themed and Immersive Spaces. Pittsburgh, ETC Press. 31-37.
- Bailey, D.W., Holtorf, C. (2016). Interview with Cornelius Holtorf. Archaeology Today : Discussions of Themes, Goals, and Methods. Târgoviște, Editura Cetatea de Scaun. 185-199.
- Holtorf, C. (2014). Authenticity and Pastness in Cultural Heritage Management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 711-713.
- Holtorf, C. (2014). Heritage: Public Perceptions. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 3361-3366.
- Holtorf, C. (2014). Preservation Paradigm in Heritage Management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. 6128-6131.
- Holtorf, C. (2014). Time for archaeology! : a personal portfolio of fieldwork. Med hjärta och hjärna : en vänbok till professor Elisabeth Arwill-Nordbladh. Gothenburg, Göteborgs universitet. 51-64.
- Holtorf, C. (2012). The Colours of the Past. From Archaeology to Archaeologies : The ‘Other’ Past. Oxford, Archaeopress. 102-105.
- Holtorf, C. (2011). Imagine This: Archaeology in the Experience Society. Contemporary Archaeologies: Excavating Now. Frankfurt/M, Peter Lang Publishing Group. 47-64.
- Holtorf, C., Piccini, A. (2011). Introduction: Fragments from a Conversation about Contemporary Archaeologies. Contemporary Archaeologies: Excavating Now. Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang Publishing Group. 9-29.
- Holtorf, C. (2010). The Presence of Pastness : Themed Environments and Beyond. Staging the Past. : Themed Environments in Transcultural Perspective. Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag. 23-40.
- Holtorf, C. (2010). Monte da Igreja, Torre de Coelheiros, Évora : Gedanken zur ‘Lebensgeschichte’ eines Megalithgrabes. Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Iberischen Halbinsel und Mitteleuropas : Studien in honorem Philine Kalb. Bonn, Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH. 273-279.
- Holtorf, C., Petersson, B. (2009). Arkeologi i tv. Intervju med Mikael Hylin, producent för programserien Utgrävarna. Arkeologi och samhälle. Lund, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia. 29-51.
- Holtorf, C., Piccini, A. (2009). Introduction: Fragments from a Conversation about Contemporary Archaeologies. Contemporary Archaeologies: Excavating Now. Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang Publishing Group. 9-29.
- Holtorf, C. (2009). Arkeologi – när resan är målet. Arkeologi och samhälle. Lund, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia. 125-139.
- Holtorf, C. (2009). Imagine This: Archaeology in the Experience Society. Contemporary Archaeologies: Excavating Now. Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang Publishing Group. 47-64.
- Holtorf, C. (2009). Archäologie als Prozess. Leggere il tedesco per gli studi umanistici: progrediti. Venezia, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina.
- Petersson, B., Jennbert, K., Holtorf, C. (2009). Introduktion: arkeologi och samhälle. Arkeologi och samhälle. Lund, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia. 7-11.
- Holtorf, C. (2009). Notes on the Lifehistory of a Potshard. The Modern Historiography Reader. Western Sources. Abingdon and New York, Routledge. 497-504.
- Holtorf, C. (2009). Visions of the twentieth century. Defining Moments: Dramatic Archaeologies of the Twentieth-Century. Oxford, Archaeopress. 65-82.
- Holtorf, C. (2008). Der Zoo als Ort der Erinnerung. Mensch, Tier und Zoo. Der Tiergarten Schönbrunn im internationalen Vergleich vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute. Wien osv, Böhlau. 345-361.
- Holtorf, C. (2008). Popular culture and archaeology. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York, Academic Press. 1859-1868.
- Holtorf, C. (2008). The Life-history Approach to Monuments: An Obituary?. Gropar & monument. En vänbok till Dag Widholm. Kalmar, Kalmar Studies in Archaeology, 4. 411-427.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Holtorf, C. (1998). Monumental Past: The Life-histories of Megalithic Monuments in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). Doctoral Thesis. Electronic monograph based on my thesis.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Eliasson, E., Holtorf, C. (2024). GRASCA i praktiken 2015-2024. Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Linnéuniversitetet. 270.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2024). Progress Report: UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : Period: 09/2023 – 08/2024. Linnéuniversitetet. 18.
- Reinhold, S., Holtorf, C., Högberg, A., Pettersson-Löfquist, P., Strzelecka, M. (2023). Post-Pandemic Tourism Development : Navigating Uncertainty in the Visitor Economy. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 29.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2023). Progress Report: UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : Period: 09/2022 – 08/2023. Linnéuniversitetet. 18.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2022). Progress Report : UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures: Period: 09/2021 – 08/2022. Linnéuniversitetet. 18.
- Holtorf, C., Carleklev, S., Petersson, B., Greek, A. (2022). FKH i siffror – reloaded : Förslag på komplement till redovisning av vår verksamhet. Linnéuniversitetet. 11.
- Holtorf, C. (2016). Stories that matter : Presenting archaeological sites and heritage in Botswana. 15.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Holtorf, C., Piccini, A. (2011). Contemporary Archaeologies : Excavating Now. Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang Publishing Group. 220.
- Holtorf, C., Piccini, A. (2009). Contemporary Archaeologies: Excavating Now. Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Petersson, B., Jennbert, K., Holtorf, C. (2009). Arkeologi och samhälle. Lund, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia.
- Holtorf, C., Karlsson, H. (2000). Philosophy and Archaeological Practice. Perspectives for the 21st century. Göteborg, Bricoleur Press.
- Holtorf, C., Gazin-Schwartz, A. (1999). Archaeology and Folklore. London and New York, Routledge.
Artikel, recension (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Holtorf, C. (2025). A Post-Critical Theory of Cultural Heritage : Review of S. Muñoz-Viñas (2023) A Theory of Cultural Heritage: Beyond The Intangible. London and New York: Routledge.. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. 1-4.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Holtorf, C. (2021). Dr Space Junk vs The Universe : Archaeology and the Future : by Alice Gorman, Sydney, NewSouth Publishing, 2019, 304 pp., ISBN 9781742236247 (pbk). Australian Archaeology. Taylor & Francis. 87 (2). 210-211.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2021). Stefanie Samida, Die arch ologische Entdeckung als Medienereignis. Heinrich Schliemannund seine Ausgrabungen im ffentlichen Diskurs, 1870–1890 : Edition Historische Kulturwissenschaften Band 3. Waxmann, Münster, New York 2018. 29,90 €. ISBN 978-3-8309-3789-0 (Softcover). 26,99 €. ISBN 978-3-8309-8789-5 (E-Book). 336 Seiten mit 20 Abbildungen.. Germania. Gebr. Mann Verlag. 98. 455-456.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2021). Review of R. A.Joyce (2020) The Future of Nuclear Waste. What Art and Archaeology Can Tell Us about Securing the World’s Most Hazardous Material.. Technology and culture. Johns Hopkins University Press. 62 (3). 921-923.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2021). Review of Deep time reckoning: how future thinking can help Earth now, by Vincent Ialenti, Cambridge MA and London, MIT Press, 2020, 186 pp., £22 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-26253926-5. Time & Mind. Taylor & Francis Group. 14 (4). 543-546.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2020). [Review of] Spooky Archaeology: Myth and the Science of the Past. JEB J. CARD. 2018. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque : x + 413 pp. $75.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8263-5965-0. $39.95 (ebook, 2018), ISBN 978-0-8263-5966-7. $39.95 (paperback, 2019), ISBN 978-0-8263-5914-8. American Antiquity. Cambridge University Press. 86 (2). 440-441.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2018). [Review of] Homeless heritage. Collaborative social archaeology as therapeutic practice : Rachel Kiddey, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017, 288 pp., $85 (hardcover), ISBN 9780198746867. Heritage & Society. Abingdon-on-Thames, Taylor & Francis. 11 (1). 73-75.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2017). The Heritage of Rupture : [ Review of Patina: A Profane Archaeology. Shannon Lee Dawdy, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 2016 & Constructing Destruction: Heritage Narratives in the Tsunami City. Trinidad Rico, Routledge, New York, NY, 2016 ]. Historical Archaeology. Springer. 51 (2). 302-304.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). Comments on Suzie Thomas: Collaborate, Condemn, or Ignore? Responding to Non-Archaeological Approaches to Archaeological Heritage. European Journal of Archaeology. 18 (2). 333-334.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). [review of] Magdalena Crăciun. Material culture and authenticity : fake branded fashion in Europe. vi, 170 pp., bibliogr. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. £22.99 (paper). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. John Wiley & Sons. 21 (2). 483-484.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). JCA Book Reviews: Wallanderland. Medieturisme og skandinavisk TV-krimi by Anne Marit Waade. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. Equinox Publishing.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2013). Review of M. Kircher (2012), Wa(h)re Archäologie : Die Medialisierung archäologischen Wissens im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit Bielefeld: transcript., ISBN 3837620379. European Journal of Archaeology. 16 (3). 580-582.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2013). [review of:] Diane Barthel-Bouchier, Cultural heritage and the challenge of sustainability. Heritage & Society. 6 (2). 199-204.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2012). The Past as Carnival : Review of "Die Stämme von Köln", Anja Dreschke (dir.) 2010.. Time and Mind. Berg Publishers. 5 (2). 195-202.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2011). Where is Heritage Heading in the Age of Globalization? : Review of S. Labadi and C. Long, eds (2005) Heritage and Globalisation. London and New York: Routledge.. Heritage & Society. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press Inc.. 4 (2). 270-273.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2008). Review of J. Hines (2004) Voices in the past. English Literature and Archaeology. Time & Mind. 1 (1). 113-116.
Status: Publicerad
Övrigt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Holtorf, C. (2017). Advantages and Disadvantages of Indigenous Archaeologies : A comment on Schaepe et al, Archaeology as Therapy : Connecting Belongings, Knowledge, Time, Place, and Well-Being. University of Chicago Press. 2.
Holtorf, C. (2017). Cultural heritage beyond culturalism. Heritage for Transformation.
Blog Post at Heritage for Transformation
. - Holtorf, C. (2017). Are heritage futures relevant to UNESCO?. Heritage Futures.
- Holtorf, C., Raxworthy, R. (2017). Can heritage be thriving in an age of extinction? : Reading Chris D Thomas (2017), Inheritors of the Earth. How Nature is Thriving in an Age of Extinction. Allen Lane. Heritage Futures.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Holtorf, C. (2008). Zoos as heritage. 90.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Holtorf, C. (2006). The past in our lives: two archaeological novels. Review of R. Martin, The Sorrow of Archaeology, and J. Hildebrandt, Fördömd. European Journal of Archaeology. 9 (2/3). 287-290.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Hanscam, E., Holtorf, C. (2023). Rooted in the future : A cultural ecology of the Sycamore Gap tree. Current Archaeology. 405 (November 2). 48-50.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2021). Warum ist Archäologie so vorhersehbar?. DGUF Newsletter. 100. 33-33.
Status: Publicerad -
Bartolini, N., Breithoff, E., Desilvey, C., Fredheim, H., Harrison, R., et al. (2018). Assembling alternative futures for heritage. Context. (155). 22-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2018). During the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the heritage sector has much to learn from nuclear waste. The European Archaeologist : Newsletter of the European Association of Archaeologists.. 55. 10-11.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2018). Kulturarvssektorn är dåligt förberedd för framtiden. Respons : recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap. (4). 7-8.
Status: Publicerad -
Anonymous, .., Holtorf, C. (2018). Interview with Prof. Cornelius Holtorf : University of Linnaeus, Sweden. The Zebra's Voice. 92-94.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). New horizons. Rymden och människan: Rymdforskning i humaniora, konst och samhällsvetenskap. 16-16.
Status: Publicerad -
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C. (2015). Ett hundra tusen år fram och bakåt i tiden : arkeologi möter kärnbränsleförvaring. LMNT-nytt. 1. 24-27.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2015). GRASCA : Linnaeus University and several archaeological companies want to shape the future of Swedish contract archaeology. The European Archaeologist. (43). 96-98.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2014). Nuclear waste as future culture heritage. ICOMOS Sweden Nyhetsbrev. (1). 32-34.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2013). Archaeology as "Geschichtskultur" : Archäologie als Geschichtskultur. Exspecto - Hanse, Mittelalter, Museologie; Zeitung des Europäischen Hansemuseums. (2). 2-2.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2012). Comment on King. Arqueologia Publica: Online Journal in Public Archaeology. 2. 14-15.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C., Hilton, J. (2012). Learning about the past from the Bosnian pyramids?. Arqueologia Publica. 2. 44-51.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2012). Nauki płynące z Las Vegas : Archeologia w "gospodarce doświadczeń'. Archeologia Żywa. 59 (1). 39-43.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2010). Creating experiences of a past reality.. euroREA. (Re)construction & Experiment in Archaeology. 7. 60.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2009). Caspar David Friedrich und die Megalithgräber der Romantik. Archäologie in Deutschland. 2009 (2). 64-65.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2008). TV Archaeology is Valuable Storytelling. Near Eastern archaeology (Atlanta, Ga.). 71 (3).
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2008). Archäologie und ihr Bild in der Alltagswelt. Archäologie in Deutschland. (3). 64-65.
Status: Publicerad -
Holtorf, C. (2008). Archäologie als populäre Warenmarke in der Erlebnisgesellschaft. Die Plattform. 15/16 (2006/2007). 138-145.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Holtorf, C. (2013). A Comment on Knowledge Recovery : ’How we today can make things easier for historians/archaeologists of the future’. The Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) Across Generations : Improving Our Understanding, Workshop Proceedings Issy-les-Moulineaux, France 12-13 September 2012. 48-50.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Hanscam, E., Holtorf, C. (2024). A Living Wall. Hadrian's Wall in our Time. Archaeopress. 202-203.
- Holtorf, C. (2024). Afterword. : Challenges. Speaking Beyond Earth : Perspectives on Messaging Across Deep Space and Cosmic Time. Jefferson, McFarland. 203-205.
- Holtorf, C., Wei, B. (2023). Nachhaltigkeit – Erhalten und Veränderung : Ein Sokratischer Dialog. Angst, Ekel, Scheitern : Ein Austausch. Berlin, Urbanophil. 16-18.
- Holtorf, C., Lawler, A., Dzino, D., Buljevic, S., -, I. (2017). Discussion. Peculiar Artifacts in Bosnia & Herzegovina : an imaginary exhibition. Gent, Art Paper Editions. 131-140.
- Holtorf, C., Rosendahl, L. (2017). Konversation mellan Lisa Rosendahl och Cornelius Holtorf : [ Conversation between Lisa Rosendahl and Cornelius Holtorf ]. Glas är massa i rörelse : [ Glass is Moving Mass ]. Konstfrämjandet. 255-257.
- Fagan, B., Renfrew, C., González Ruibal, A., Johnson, M., Holtorf, C., et al. (2015). Responses to a Questionnaire. Archaeology for the People : Joukowsky Institute Perspectives. Oxford and Philadelphia, Oxbow Books. 145-161.
- Holtorf, C. (2010). Heritage Values in Contemporary Popular Culture. Heritage Values in Contemporary Society. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press Inc.. 43-54.
Rapport (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Holtorf, C., Smits, V. (2023). Kulturmiljöstärkande åtgärder i transportinfrastrukturprojekt : En förstudie för Trafikverket. 79.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2021). Progress report: UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : Period: 09/2020 – 08/2021. Kalmar, Sweden, Linnaeus University. 18.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2020). Progress report: UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : Period: 09/2019 – 08/2020. Kalmar, Sweden, Linnaeus University. 18.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2019). Progress report: UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : Period: 09/2018 – 08/2019. Kalmar, Sweden, Linnaeus University. 14.
- Holtorf, C., Rydén, H. (2018). Progress report: UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures : Period: 09/2017 – 08/2018. Kalmar, Sweden, Linnaeus University. 14.
Konstnärlig output (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Holtorf, C., Frid, P., Brodén, K., Dahlgren, C., Jansson, R., et al. (2021). Tillbaka till framtiden. Växjö och Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press.
Utställningsyta 4x4x2,2 meter. Faktatavlor, interaktiv datorsimulering av framtidsvisioner, konstnärlig tolkning av forskningsområdet Heritage futures, fotovägg samt TV-skärmar med filmer och animering om forskningen.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Holtorf, C. (2015). Rymden och människan : rymdforskning i humaniora, konst och samhällsvetenskap. Växjö, Linneuniversitetet, Fakulteten för konst och humaniora. 20.
Artikel, recension (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Holtorf, C. (2024). "Weckt die Phantasie und eine enorme Neugierde auf Geschichten" : der Katalog zur Ausstellung "Modern Times" (Herne, bis 18.8.). DGUF Newsletter 2 February 2024 . Kerpen-Loogh, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e. V.. (122).
Status: Publicerad
Övrigt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Holtorf, C. (2024). Är länsmuseerna (och kultursektorn) i Sverige beredda för fred? : Ett svar..
- Holtorf, C. (2024). Is Conservation Sustainable? : Imagining a World of Change..
- Holtorf, C., Lindskog, D., Ezz El Din, M. (2022). علم اﻵﺛﺎر اليوم. Archaeopress. 14.
Holtorf, C. (2021). Cornelius Holtorf Replies to Questions on Resilience and Vulnerability. Martin Hinz, Martin Renger, Stefan Schreiber and Caroline Heitz.
Blog post
. - Holtorf, C., Lindskog, D. (2020). Arkeologi idag.
Holtorf, C., Bolin, A. (2020). Corona crisis, UNESCO and the future : Do we need a new world heritage?.
Blog post at "Seeing the Woods"
. - Holtorf, C., Lindskog, D. (2020). Archaeology today. Archaeopress.
- Holtorf, C., Ma, Q., Chen, X., Zhang, Y. (2018). The value of simulated heritage in China. Archaeopress.
Holtorf, C. (2017). Making futures and making connections across sectors. Heritage Futures.
A dispatch on our project webpage.
. - Holtorf, C., Högberg, A., Lindskog, D. (2017). Arch Out Loud : Designing a Surface Marker for a Geological Repository of Nuclear Waste for the Benefit of Our Children. Heritage Futures.
Holtorf, C. (2017). The timeliness of heritage. Heritage Futures.
Blog post
. - Holtorf, C. (2016). Towards Nuclear Cultural Studies. Heritage Futures.
- Holtorf, C. (2016). Why cultural heritage is not ‘at risk’ (in Syria or anywhere).
- Holtorf, C. (2015). Heritage Futures in Interstellar (2014). Assembling Alternative Futures for Heritage.
- Holtorf, C., Moser, S. (2013). Finns svaret på kärnbränsleförvaring att hitta i arkeologin? : Intervju, P1, Vetenskapsradio, 9 Sept 2013.
- Holtorf, C. (2013). Zeitgeist.
- Holtorf, C. (2013). The Past as Played and Lived Reality.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Holtorf, C. (2022). To adapt to a changing world, heritage conservation needs to look toward the future. The Conversation.
Status: Publicerad