Corrado Matta

Corrado Matta

Institutionen för pedagogik och lärande Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap
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I am senior lecturer at the department of Pedagogy and Learning. I am also the director of doctoral studies (studierektor för forskarutbildning) in Education.


I teach in a number of research method courses, both qualitative and quantitative methods, as parts of several programs including teacher education, general education and working life education.


My research concerns mainly the philosophical foundations of social research methods and their application in educational research. 

More specifically, in my research I have discussed such issues as the rational foundations that justify the application of qualitative methods the issue of data and theory integration in mixed methods research, the problem of basing research practice on neuroscientific evidence, and the concept of evidence-based practice in education.

I am a member of the research group SITE (läroplansteori och didaktik).


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