Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Mahsina, M., Agustia, D., Nasution, D., Dianawati, W. (2024). The mediating role of risk management in the relationship between audit committee effectiveness and firm sustainability performance. Corporate Governance : The International Journal of Effective Board Performance.
Status: Epub för tryck
Nasution, D., Kalanjati, D.S. (2022). The complementary nature of audited financial reporting and corporate social responsibility disclosure. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment. 1-25.
Status: Epub för tryck
Prasetyo, K., Nasution, D. (2021). Are political connections beneficial or harmful toward firms’ performance? A meta-analysis approach. Corporate Governance : The International Journal of Effective Board Performance. 22 (5). 901-921.
Status: Publicerad
Nasution, D., Östermark, R. (2019). The impact of auditors’ awareness of the profession’s reputation for independence on auditors’ ethical judgement. Social Responsibility Journal. 16 (8). 1087-1105.
Status: Publicerad
Kalanjati, D.S., Nasution, D., Jonnergård, K., Sutedjo, S. (2019). Auditor rotations and audit quality : A perspective from cumulative number of audit partner and audit firm rotations. Asian Review of Accounting. 27 (4). 639-660.
Status: Publicerad
Nasution, D., Jonnergård, K. (2017). Do auditor and CFO gender matter to earnings quality? : Evidence from Sweden. Gender in Management. 32 (5). 330-351.
Status: Publicerad
Nasution, D., Östermark, R. (2013). Auditor fee dependence, auditor tenure and auditor independence : evidence from Finland. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Performance Evaluation. 9 (3). 224-246.
Status: Publicerad
Nasution, D., Östermark, R. (2012). The impact of social pressure, locus of control, and professional commitment on auditor independence : Indonesian evidence. Asian Review of Accounting. 20 (2). 163-178.
Status: Publicerad
Nasution, D. (2008). Gender differences in information technology acceptance : the perceived easy-of-use and perceived usefulness. Journal of Organisation and Management. 4 (1). 10-19.
Status: Publicerad
Nasution, D. (2003). Responsibilities and roles of public accountants in detecting fraud in financial statements. Journal of Accounting and Investing. 4 (1). 39-50.
Status: Publicerad
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