Dan-Olof Rooths forskning är i huvudsak inriktad mot arbetsmarknadsekonomi, och speciellt på olika former av diskriminering vid anställning. I denna forskning har såväl nationalekonomiska som socialpsykologiska modeller använts för att förklara arbetsgivares diskriminerande beteende. På senare tid har Dan-Olofs forskning även inriktats mot hälsoekonomi och politisk ekonomi.
Rooth driver ytterligare två projekt som har en något annorlunda inriktning. I det ena undersöks hur arbetslösa söker efter och får arbete. Skillnader i utfallet mellan inrikes och utrikes födda är i fokus. I det andra projektet undersöks skillnader i arbetsmarknadsutfall mellan män och kvinnor inom akademin.
Vi är kvalitetscertifierade
Ekonomihögskolan och Linnéuniversitetet är ackrediterade av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D., Stenberg, A. (2024). Intergenerational and Sibling Spillovers in High School Majors. American Economic Journal : Economic Policy. 16 (3). 133-173.
Status: Publicerad -
Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D., Stenberg, A. (2023). High School Majors and Future Earnings. American Economic Journal : Applied Economics. 15 (1). 351-382.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2021). Backlash in policy attitudes after the election of an extreme political party. Journal of Public Economics. 204.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2018). Neighborhood signaling effects, commuting time, and employment : evidence from a field experiment. International journal of manpower. 39 (4). 534-549.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2018). Ethnic discrimination in hiring, labour market tightness and the business cycle : evidence from field experiments. Applied Economics. 50 (24). 2652-2663.
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Carlsson, M., Stefan, E., Rooth, D. (2018). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. Manchester School. 86 (2). 219-247.
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2016). Employer Attitudes, the Marginal Employer, and the Ethnic Wage Gap. Industrial & labor relations review. 69 (1). 227-252.
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Lundborg, P., Nilsson, A., Rooth, D. (2016). The health-schooling relationship : evidence from Swedish twins. Journal of Population Economics. 29 (4). 1191-1215.
Status: Publicerad -
Amin, V., Lundborg, P., Rooth, D. (2015). The intergenerational transmission of schooling : Are mothers really less important than fathers?. Economics of Education Review. 47. 100-117.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2015). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Review of Economics and Statistics. 97 (3). 533-547.
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Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2014). Does the design of correspondence studies influence the measurement of discrimination?. IZA Journal of Migration. 3 (11).
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Van Den Berg, G.J., Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2014). Critical periods during childhood and adolescence. Journal of the European Economic Association. 12 (6). 1521-1557.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Do Employers Use Unemployment as a Sorting Criterion When Hiring? : Evidence from a Field Experiment. The American Economic Review. 104 (3). 1014-1039.
Status: Publicerad -
Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2014). Height and Earnings : The Role of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills. The Journal of human resources. 49 (1). 141-166.
Status: Publicerad -
Lundborg, P., Nilsson, A., Rooth, D. (2014). Adolescent health and adult labor market outcomes. Journal of Health Economics. 37. 25-40.
Status: Publicerad -
Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2014). Body Size, Skills, and Income : Evidence From 150,000 Teenage Siblings. Demography. 51 (5). 1573-1596.
Status: Publicerad -
Lundborg, P., Nilsson, A., Rooth, D. (2014). Parental Education and Offspring Outcomes : Evidence from the Swedish Compulsory School Reform. American Economic Journal : Applied Economics. 6 (1). 253-278.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2014). Testing for Backlash in Hiring : A Field Experiment on Agency, Communion, and Gender. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 13 (4). 204-214.
Status: Publicerad -
Nordin, M., Rooth, D. (2014). Increasing returns to schooling by ability? : a comparison between the USA and Sweden. Manchester School. 82. 1-20.
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Revealing taste-based discrimination in hiring: a correspondence testing experiment with geographic variation. Applied Economics Letters. 19 (18). 1861-1864.
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). The Power of Media and Changes in Discriminatory Behavior among Employers. Journal of Media Economics. 25 (2). 98-108.
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Rooth, D., Stenberg, A. (2012). The Shape of the Income Distribution and Economic Growth – Evidence from Swedish Labour Market Regions. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 59 (2). 196-223.
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Saarela, J., Rooth, D. (2012). Uncertainty and international return migration : Some evidence from linked register data. Applied Economics Letters. 19 (18). 1893-1897.
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Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, R., Rooth, D. (2012). Warm and Competent Hassan = Cold And Incompetent Eric : The Harsh Equation of Real-life Hiring Discrimination. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 34 (4). 359-366.
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Rooth, D., Scott, K. (2012). Three Generations in the New World. Labor Market Outcomes of Swedish Americans in the United States, 1880-2000. Scandinavian Economic History Review. 60 (1). 31-49.
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Agerström, J., Rooth, D. (2011). The role of automatic obesity stereotypes in real hiring discrimination. Journal of Applied Psychology. 96 (4). 790-805.
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Rooth, D. (2011). Work Out or Out of Work - The Labor Market Return to Physical Fitness and Leisure Sport Activities. Labour Economics. 18 (3). 399-409.
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Rooth, D. (2010). Automatic associations and discrimination in hiring: : Real world evidence. Labour Economics. 17 (3). 523-534.
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Rooth, D., Nordin, M., Persson, I. (2010). Education–occupation mismatch : Is there an income penalty?. Economics of Education Review. 29 (6). 1047-1059.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Agerström, J. (2009). Implicit Prejudice and Ethnic Minorities : Arab-Muslims in Sweden. International journal of manpower. 30 (1/2). 43-55.
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Rooth, D., Nordin, M. (2009). The Ethnic Employment and Income Gap in Sweden: Is Skill or Labor Market Discrimination the Explanation?. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 111 (3). 487-510.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D. (2009). Obesity, attractiveness and differential treatment in hiring : a field experiment. The Journal of human resources. 44 (3). 710-735.
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Tal, A., Moran, G., Rooth, D., Bendick Jr, M. (2009). Using Situation Testing to Document Employment Discrimination Against Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities. Employee relations law journal. 35 (3). 40-60.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Agerström, J., Carlsson, R., Ekehammar, B. (2008). Svenska arbetsgivares implicita stereotyper av arabiska muslimer och överviktiga. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 12 (3/4). 239-256.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Etnisk diskriminering på svensk arbetsmarknad – resultat från ett fältexperiment. Ekonomisk debatt. 35 (3). 55-68.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Correspondence testing och etnisk diskriminering på svensk arbetsmarknad. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. (3). 375-382.
Status: Publicerad -
Åslund, O., Rooth, D. (2007). Do When and Where Matter? : Initial Labor Market Conditions and Immigrant Earnings. Economic Journal. 117 (518). 422-448.
Status: Publicerad -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, R., Rooth, D. (2007). Ethnicity and obesity: evidence of implicit work performance stereotypes in Sweden. IFAU. (20).
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Evidence of ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labor market using experimental data. Labour Economics. 14 (4). 716-729.
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Rooth, D., Saarela, J. (2007). Native language and immigrant labour market outcomes : an alternative approach to measuring the returns to language skills. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 8 (2). 207-221.
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Rooth, D., Saarela, J. (2007). Selection in Migration and Return-Migration: Evidence from Micro Data. Economics Letters. 94 (1). 90-95.
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Rooth, D., Saarela, J. (2007). Selection in migration and return migration : Evidence from micro data. Economics Letters. 94 (1). 90-95.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Åslund, O. (2007). Får utlandsfödda betalt för sin utbildning och sina kunskaper i svenska?. Ekonomisk debatt. 35 (3). 41-54.
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Rooth, D., Ekberg, J. (2006). Occupational mobility for immigrants in Sweden. International migration (Geneva. Print). 44 (2). 57-77.
Status: Publicerad -
Saarela, J., Rooth, D. (2006). How integrated are Finns in the Swedish labour market? Outcomes of free labour mobility. International migration (Geneva. Print). 44 (2). 119-152.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Saarela, J. (2006). Modersmål och arbetsmarknadsutfall: finsk- och svenskspråkiga finländare i Sverige. Ekonomisk Debatt. 6. 56-65.
Status: Publicerad -
Åslund, O., Rooth, D. (2005). Shifts in attitudes and labor market discrimination: Swedish experiences after 9-11. Journal of Population Economics. 18 (4). 603-629.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Åslund,, O. (2005). Orsakar främlingsfientlighet diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden? Erfarenheter efter 11 september. Ekonomisk Debatt. 1. 5-15.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Ekberg, J. (2005). Invandring till Sverige ger lägre yrkesstatus. Ekonomisk Debatt. 3. 18-23.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D. (2004). The Effect of Language Proficiency on Employment for Immigrants - the Case of Sweden. Acta Wexionensia. 55. 81-96.
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Rooth, D., Ekberg, J. (2003). Unemployment and Earnings for Second Generation Immigrants in Sweden - Ethnic Background and Parent Composition. Journal of Population Economics. 16 (4). 787-814.
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Rooth, D. (2002). Adopted Children in the Labour Market - Discrimination or Unobserved Characteristics?. International migration (Geneva. Print). 40 (1). 71-98.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D., Ekberg, J. (2001). Är invandrare oprioriterade inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken?. Ekonomisk Debatt. 29 (4). 285-291.
Status: Publicerad -
Rooth, D. (2001). Etnisk diskriminering och "Sverige-specifik" kunskap - vad kan vi lära från studier av adopterade och andra generationens invandrare?. Ekonomisk Debatt. 29 (8). 535-546.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2015). Backlash and hiring : A field experiment on agency, communion, and gender. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. .
- Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, R., Rooth, D. (2013). Warm and Competent Hassan = Cold and Incompetent Eric: A harsh equation of real-life hiring discrimination. .
- Rooth, D. (2009). The Height Premium in Earnings : The Role of Cognitive skills and Physical Strength. .
- Rooth, D. (2008). Individualistic men and cooperative women – evidence from a field experiment. European Association for Labour Economists.
- Rooth, D. (2007). Evidence of Unequal Treatment in Hiring against Obese Applicants: a field experiment. European Society for Population Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2007). Implicit Discrimination in Hiring - real world evidence. Nordic Summer Institute in Labor Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2007). Obesity, attractiveness and differential treatment in hiring: a field experiment. European Association for Labour Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2006). Evidence of Ethnic Discrimination in the Swedish Labor Market with Experimental Data. European Association for Labour Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2006). “Wage Effects of Search Methods for Immigrants and Natives – The Case of Sweden”. CReAM konferens:Immigration: Impacts, Integration and Intergenerational Issues.
- Olli Segendorf, Å., Rooth, D. (2006). Wage Effects of Search Methods for Immigrants and Natives – The Case of Sweden. European Society for Population Economics - ESPE.
- Rooth, D. (2005). Selection in migration and return-migration - evidence from micro data. Metropolis konferens.
- Åslund, O., Rooth, D. (2004). Shifting attitudes and the labor market of minorities - Swedish experiences after 9-11. European Society for Population Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2004). Shifting attitudes and the labor market outcomes of minorities: Swedish experiences after 9-11. Konferens vid Socialforskningsinstitutet.
- Rooth, D. (2003). Do When and Where Matter? - Initial Labor Market Conditions and Immigrant Earnings. European Society for Population Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2003). Shifting attitudes and the labor market of minorities - experiences after 9-11. European Association of Labour Economics.
- Rooth, D. (2003). Do When and Where Matter? Initial Labor Market Conditions and Immigrant Outcomes. European Economic Association.
- Rooth, D. (2001). The Effect of Language Proficiency on Employment and Earnings for Immigrants - the Case of Sweden. Labor Demand and Social Exclusion: EU-konferens.
- Rooth, D. (2001). The Effect of Language Proficiency on Employment for Immigrants: the Case of Sweden. European Association of Labour Economics.
Rapport (Refereegranskat)
- Åslund, O., Rooth, D. (2004). Shifting attitudes and the labor market of minorities: Swedish experiences after 9-11. Uppsala, The Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation. 37.
- Rooth, D., Åslund, O. (2003). Do When and Where Matter? Initial Labor Market Conditions and Immigrant Earnings. Uppsala, IFAU. 36.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Rooth, D., Nordin, M. (2007). The Income Gap Between Natives and Second Generation Immigrants in Sweden: Is Skill the Explanation?. CReAM Discussion Paper Series 0607.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Rooth, D. (2006). Etnisk diskriminering i rekryteringsprocessen – om situationstest som forskningsmetodisk utmaning. Arbetslivsforum, Den nya arbetsdelningen - FAS.
- Rooth, D. (2005). Föredras Lasse och Anna framför Mohammed och Fatima? En experimentell studie av etnisk diskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Konferens kring ”Situation Testing”, Prato, Italien, juni 2005.
Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Rooth, D., Åslund, O. (2006). Utbildning och kunskaper i svenska: : framgångsfaktorer för invandrade?. Stockholm, SNS Förlag.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Ekberg, J., Rooth, D. (2005). Yrkesmobilitet för fyra invandrargrupper. Invandring, invandrare och etniska relationer i Sverige 1945-2005. Växjö, Växjö universitet. 29-57.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Rooth, D. (1999). Refugee Immigrants in Sweden: Educational Investments and Labour Market Integration. Doctoral Thesis. 212.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2023). Language Proficiency and Hiring of Immigrants : Evidence from a New Field Experimental Approach. Växjö, Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik, Linnéuniversitetet. 56.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2018). Backlash in attitudes after the election of extreme political parties. Linnaeus University Centre for Discrimination and Integration Studies. 27.
- Dahl, G.B., Kotsadam, A., Rooth, D. (2018). Does integration change gender attitudes? : the effect of randomly assigning women to traditionally male teams. Linnaeus University Centre for Discrimination and Integration Studies. 26.
- Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2017). Neighborhood signaling effects, commuting time, and employment : evidence from a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 33.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2015). Do politicians change public attitudes?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 57.
- Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2015). Explaining the gender wage gap among recent college graduates : pre-labour market factors or empolyer discrimination?. Linnaeus University. 35.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2015). What can we learn from correspondence testing studies?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 14.
- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2015). Does labor market tightness affect ethnic discrimination in hiring?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 26.
- Nordin, M., Rooth, D. (2014). Increasing returns to schooling by ability? : a comparison between the US and Sweden. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 26.
- Amin, V., Lundborg, P., Rooth, D. (2014). The intergenerational transmission of schooling : are mothers really less important than fathers?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 44.
- Nordin, M., Rooth, D. (2014). Ability heterogeneity in intergenerational mobility. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 26.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 28.
- Lundborg, P., Nilsson, A., Rooth, D. (2014). Adolescent health and adult labor market outcomes. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 59.
- Van Den Berg, G., Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2014). Critical periods during childhood and adolescence : a study of adult height among immigrant siblings. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 43.
- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2013). Artifactual evidence of discrimination in correspondence studies? : A replication of the Neumark method. Linnéuniversitetet. 41.
- Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2013). Do employers use unemployment as a sorting criterion when hiring? : Evidence from a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 26.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2013). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Linnéuniversitetet. 41.
- Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2013). Body size, skills, and income : Evidence from 150,000 teenage siblings. Linnéuniversitetet. 27.
- Lundborg, P., Nilsson, A., Rooth, D. (2013). Parental education and offspring outcomes : Evidence from the Swedish compulsory schooling reform. Linnéuniversitetet. 26.
- Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2013). Testing for backlash in hiring : A field experiment on agency, communion,and gender. Linnéuniversitetet. 14.
- Lundborg, P., Ralsmark, H., Rooth, D. (2013). When a Little Dirt Doesn’t Hurt : The Effect of Family Size on Child Health Outcomes. Linnéuniversitetet. 37.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Identifying preference-based employer discrimination : a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 6.
- Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, R., Rooth, D. (2012). Warm and competent Hassan = Cold and incompetent Eric: A Harsh equation of real-life hiring discrimination. Linnéuniversitetet. 12.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Can media attention about tests of ethnic discrimination change the employers’ behaviour?. Linnéuniversitetet. 10.
- Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2012). The Role of Pre-Market Skills in Explaining the Height Premium in Earnings. Linnéuniversitetet. 24.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Employer attitudes, the marginal employer and the ethnic wage gap. Linnéuniversitetet. 23.
- Van Den Berg, G., Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D. (2009). Critical Periods During Childhood and Adolescence : a Study of Adult Height Among Immigrant Siblings. IZA. 45.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2009). The Impact of Being Monitored on Discriminatory Behavior among Employers : evidence from a Natural Experiment. IZA. 12.
- Rooth, D., Agerström, J. (2008). Implicit Prejudice and Ethnic Minorities. IZA. 16.
- Nordin, M., Persson, I., Rooth, D. (2008). Education-Occupation Mismatch : Is There an Income Penalty?. IZA. 19.
- Rooth, D., Amilon, A., Persson, I. (2008). Scientific (Wo)manpower? Gender and the Composition and Earnings of PhDs in Sweden. IZA. 25.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2008). Is It Your Foreign Name or Foreign Qualifications? An Experimental Study of Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring. IZA. 28.
- Strömblad, P., Rooth, D. (2008). Språk, krav och medborgarskap. Globaliseringsrådet, Regeringskansliet.
- Rooth, D. (2008). Automatically Activated Stereotypes and Differential Treatment Against the Obese in Hiring. IZA. 30.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2008). An Experimental Study of Sex Segregation in the Swedish Labour Market : Is Discrimination the Explanation?. IZA. 31.
- Agerström, J., Carlsson, R., Rooth, D. (2007). Etnicitet och övervikt : implicita arbetsrelaterade fördomar i Sverige. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU). 20.
- Rooth, D. (2007). Implicit Discrimination in Hiring : real World Evidence. Bonn, IZA. 32.
- Rooth, D. (2006). Yrkesrörlighet för utrikes födda akademiker 1990-2001. Norrköping, Integrationsverket. 41.
- Rooth, D. (2006). Evidence of Ethnic Discrimination in the Swedish Labor Market Using Experimental Data.
- Ekberg, J., Rooth, D. (2004). Yrke och utbildning på 2000-talets arbetsmarknad: : skillnader mellan inrikes och utrikes födda personer. Norrköping, Integrationsverket. 30.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Rooth, D., Bennich-Björkman, L., Lundh, C., Ohlsson, R., J. Pedersen, P. (2002). Arbete? Var god dröj! - Invandrare i välfärdssamhället. SNS förlag. 176.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Rooth, D. (2006). Flyktingakademiker kommer aldrig ur sina låglöneyrken. Dagens Nyheter, DN Debatt,. (22 aug). Debattsidan.
Status: Publicerad