Daniel Silander
Institutionen för statsvetenskap
Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap
Expertis: (a) Autokratisering och Demokratisering (b) Internationell säkerhet (c) Europeiska Unionen och grannskapspolitiken
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Kosovos demokrati: förutsättning, förändring och framtid Projektet analyserar Kosovos demokratiutveckling sedan självständighetsförklaringen 2008, genom att belysa förutsättningar och…
Projekt: Sverige och den Europeiska Unionen Projektet analyserar hur svensk politik har påverkats av EU-medlemskapet 1995 fram till idag, med fokus på EU:s flernivåstyre och svenska politikområden.
Projekt: Utbildning för demokratiskt medborgarskap Projektet syftar till att utveckla och genomföra ett utbildningsprogram om ukrainskt demokratiskt medborgarskap för representanter från nationella…
Såddprojekt: Utbildning för demokratiskt medborgarskap I samarbete med Ministeriet för utbildning och forskning i Kiev, Ukraina, samt EUniWell-partner och icke-statliga organisationer i Ukraina ska…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Silander, D. (2024). The European Commission on Sustainable Development. A New Normative Power in Its Making?. Forum for Social Economics. 53 (1). 76-88.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2024). Democracy at the Crossroads : South Africa 30 Years after Apartheid. African Journal of Democracy and Election Research. 4 (1). 5-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2023). The European Commission as Political Entrepreneur : The Europe 2020 Strategy. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 3 (2). 1-12.
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Silander, D. (2022). Europe 2020 : The EU Commission and Political Entrepreneurship. International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal (IS). 29 (1). 103-118.
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Silander, D. (2021). The UN agenda 2030 and the climate-security nexus in Africa. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 11 (2). 34-43.
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Silander, D. (2021). EU and Agenda 2030 : Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Journal of geography, politics and society. 11 (4). 18-28.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, M., Silander, D. (2016). Democracy and Security in the EU:s Eastern Neighborhood? : Assessing the ENP in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Democracy and Security. 12 (1). 44-61.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, M., Silander, D. (2015). Demokratins förutsättningar i Ukraina: EU, Ryssland och den nationella politiska elitens roll. Nordisk Østforum. 29 (2). 191-219.
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Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2014). A Wider Europe : Does the European Neighborhood Policy Work?. International Relations and Diplomacy. 2 (5). 336-353.
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Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2014). Protecting and Promoting Europe : The ENP and the Security-Democracy Nexus in Partner States?. Journal of Applied Security Research. 9 (4). 460-477.
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Silander, D. (2013). R2P - Principle and Practice? : The UNSC on Libya. Journal of Applied Security Research. 8 (2). 262-284.
Status: Publicerad -
Denk, T., Silander, D. (2013). Demokratiska utmaningar hos de nordiska länderna 2002-2011. Politiikka. 55 (3). 139-150.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D., Mclean, C., Wallace, D. (2013). The Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies for Transnational Efforts at Homeland Security Education. Journal of Applied Security Research. 8 (1). 80-97.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2013). Democratization Without Enlargement? : The European Neighbourhood Policy on Post-communist Transitions. Contemporary Politics. 19 (4). 441-458.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2012). Kosovo´s Independence in Retrospective : UNMIK`s Policy Under Scrutiny. Balkanistica. 25 (1). 177-192.
Status: Publicerad -
Denk, T., Silander, D. (2012). Problems in Paradise? : Challenges to Future democratization in Democratic States. International Political Science Review. 33 (1). 25-40.
Status: Publicerad -
Wallace, D., Mclean, C., Parriah, W., Soppitt, S., Silander, D. (2012). Exploring Homeland security Education Across the Atlantic. Journal of Homeland Security Education. 1 (1). 77-88.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D., Janzekovic, J. (2012). State-Building and Democracy : Prosperity,Representation and Security in Kosovo. International Studies - Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 14 (1). 39-52.
Status: Publicerad -
Wallace, D., Mclean, C., Parrish, W., Soppitt, S., Silander, D. (2011). Transnational & Comparative Curricular Offerings in U.S. Post-Baccalaureate Programs : Benchmarking a Link from the U.S. to the EU in Homeland Security Education. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 8 (2). Article ID: 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2009). Demokrati utan stat? : Lärdomar från Förenta Nationernas uppdrag i Kosovo. Nordisk Østforum. 23 (3). 247-264.
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Silander, D. (2009). United Nation´s and Peace Building : Lessons Learned from UN`s Transitional Administration in East Timor and Kosovo. Social Alternatives. 28 (2). 23-28.
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Silander, D. (2009). Transatlantic Relations in a Post-Bush Era : Conflict or Consensus?. American Studies in Scandinavia. 42 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Denk, T., Silander, D. (2009). Demokratins utmaningar : en analys av 60 delvis fria länder. Politiikka. 51 (3).
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D., Klasson, T. (2008). Hot och motbilder i svensk säkerhetspolitik. Internasjonal Politikk. 66 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2007). European Integration : Democracy Promotion by the EU in Eastern Europe. International studies :Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 9 (1).
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Silander, D. (2007). Regime Change and Regime Fractions in Post-communist Belarus. Journal of Human Security. 3 (1).
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Silander, D. (2005). Democracy From the Outside-IN? Journal of Social Alternatives. Social Alternatives. 24 (3).
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D., Haglund Morrissey, A. (2002). Europe`s Fuzzy Boundaries. Collegium. (23).
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Silander, D. (2022). Foreword. International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 29 (1). 5-7.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D., Silander, C. (2009). Förändrad transatlantisk relation med Barack Obamas ledarskap. EPOK Utrikespolitiska institutet.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2009). En ny transatlantisk allians?. Internationella Studier. (3). 38-42.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2008). Utrikespolitiska utmaningar för Barack Obamas USA. EPOK.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2007). Kosovo väntar på ett avgörande. Internationella studier. (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (1999). China in Transition : Towards a New Millenium. Journal of International Studies. (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (1999). European Transformation and Swedish Neutrality. Journal of International Studies. (1).
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Silander, D. (2008). Förändrad transatlantisk relation under Barack Obamas ledarskap?. EPOK Utrikespolitiska institutet. 24 nov.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2004). Svaga argument för valskolk den 13 juni. Smålandsposten. (4 juni). 2.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2001). Och den ljusnande framtid är vår?. Smålandsposten. 26 juni.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2001). Internationalisering hjälper demokratin. Smålandsposten. 27 juni.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2001). EMU – en fråga om identitet?. Smålandsposten. 24 jan.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2000). Brottsplats Kina. Smålandsposten. 25 feb.
Status: Publicerad -
Silander, D. (2000). Den stora draken i öster haltar fortfarande. Smålandsposten. 26 feb.
Status: Publicerad
Bok (Refereegranskat)
- Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2025). Politiska regimer : en introduktion. Stockholm, Santérus.
- Janzekovic, J., Silander, D. (2013). Responsibility to Protect and Prevent : Principles, Promises and Practicalities. London, Anthem Press.
- Silander, D. (2012). Politiska regimer : en introduktion. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag.
- Denk, T., Silander, D. (2011). Regime Heterogeneity : A Comparative Study on Institutional Variation in Political Regimes. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Silander, D. (2009). Democracy From the Outside-In? : Democracy Promotion in Eastern Europe. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag.
- Silander, D. (2009). The United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo : Standards Before Status: A Policy of Catch 22. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Silander, D., Klasson, T. (2007). Hot och hotbilder i globaliseringens tid : en studie av den svenska säkerhetspolitiska debatten. Växjö, Växjö university press.
- Silander, D., Denk, T. (2007). Demokratisering : fenomen, förlopp, förutsättningar och framtid. Santérus förlag.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Silander, D. (2005). Democracy From the Outside-In? : The Conceptualization and Significance of Democracy Promotion. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 244.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Silander, D. (2024). Autocratization, Democratization and Swedish Democracy. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 167-174.
- Silander, D. (2024). Swedish Democracy : Problems in Paradise?. Problems in Paradie? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1-14.
- Silander, D. (2024). The Civil Society : A Strong Societal Force for Democracy. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 99-113.
- Silander, D. (2024). The International Society : Sweden and Europe in a World of Autocratization. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 145-166.
- Silander, D. (2023). Democracy in Europe : Enlarged But Eroding — Union in Existential Crisis. The EU Between Federal Union and Flexible Integration. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 25-50.
- Silander, D., Malmgren, O. (2022). Democracy at the crossroads : The case of South Africa. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1-10.
- Silander, D. (2022). Utvidgad, men urholkad demokrati : en union i existentiell kris. EU mellan federalism och flexibel integration. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 33-57.
- Silander, D. (2022). Challenges to democracy : A framework of analysis. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 11-28.
- Van Riet, G., Silander, D. (2022). Civil society : Exploring the democratic role of popular protests. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 113-125.
- Silander, D., Simunkombwe, P. (2022). The international society : Global and regional decline of democracy. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 173-186.
- Silander, D. (2022). Contemporary challenges to South African democracy. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 187-198.
- Haglund Morrissey, A., Silander, D. (2020). Aid policy and development cooperation : Europeanisation, norms, structures and instruments. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 286-313.
- Silander, D. (2020). The EU and Agenda 2050 : New political entrepreneurship in its making. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 185-190.
- Silander, D. (2020). The European Commission on Agenda 2030. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 36-53.
- Silander, D. (2020). Agenda 2030 and the EU on peace, justice and strong institutions. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 162-184.
- Öhlén, M., Silander, D. (2020). Europeanisation, Governance and Policy Processes. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 20-38.
- Silander, D., Öhlèn, M. (2020). Lessons Learned : Swedish Politics and the EU. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 314-321.
- Silander, D. (2020). The EU and Agenda 2030. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-13.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2020). Swedish Politics and the EU : an introduction. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 10-19.
- Silander, D. (2019). The European Commission and Europe 2020 : smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Smart, Sustainable and Inclsuive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a Prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 2-35.
- Silander, D. (2019). Building Democracy : National and International Factors. Globalization. London, IntechOpen. 175-194.
- Silander, D. (2019). EU, Europe 2020 and a social market economy. Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a Prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 36-53.
- Silander, D. (2019). European political entrepreneurship : Europe 2020 to an end. Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a Prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 245-255.
- Silander, D. (2018). Geography of GCC : The Climate-Security Nexus in Africa. Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 86-105.
- Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2018). China and Global Climate Change. Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 150-168.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D. (2018). Conclusion: State Powers on Global Climate Change : Lessons Learned. Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 235-250.
- Silander, D. (2018). European governance and political entrepreneurship in times of economic crisis. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-24.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2018). State of the Union for a Prosperous Europe. Governance and political entrepreneurship in Europe : promoting growth and welfare in times of crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 271-280.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2018). The European Commission : the EU as agenda-setter for economic growth and entrepreneurship. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 57-81.
- Silander, D., Janzekovic, J., Wallace, D. (2017). Introduction : ISIL and International Responses on Security. International Organizations on Global Security : Responses to the Rise of ISIL. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 1-28.
- Silander, D., Janzekovic, J., Wallace, D. (2017). Concluding Remarks : International Organizations on the Threat of ISIL. International Organizations on Global Security : Responses to the Rise of ISIL. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 195-210.
- Silander, D. (2017). North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Sage Publications. 545-549.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2016). Lärdomar om svensk politik och EU. Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemsskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 283-290.
- Silander, D. (2016). The political entrepreneur. Political Entrepreneurship : Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 7-20.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2016). Den svenska politiken och EU : en introduktion. Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 11-20.
- Öhlén, M., Silander, D. (2016). Europeisering, governance och policyprocesser. Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 21-37.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2016). Introduction: the political entrepreneur for regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. Political Entrepreneurship for Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity : the case of Sweden . Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-6.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2016). Political entrepreneurship : final remarks. Political Entrepreneurship for Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity : the case of Sweden . Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 189-196.
- Silander, D. (2015). NATO (In)Actions in Syria. Responsibility to Protect : Where Do We Stand Ten Years After?. Ljubljani, Slovenia, University of Ljubljani, Faculty of Law.
- Silander, D. (2015). Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 123-137.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2015). Summary. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 188-188.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2015). Den politiska entreprenören: en introduktion. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regional och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 7-16.
- Silander, D., Huang Vogel, E., Andersson, M. (2015). Från ekonomisk till politisk entreprenör. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regional och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 17-48.
- Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2015). On Democracy Promotion : The Impact of the Arab Uprisings on Democratization?. Global Challenges to the Transatlantic World. Alcala, Spain, Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos. 63-72.
- Silander, C., Silander, D. (2015). Politiska entreprenörer: avslutande reflektioner. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regional och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 153-158.
- Silander, D. (2015). NATO. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 138-155.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2015). The United Nations, international organizations and responsibility to protect. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 9-36.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D. (2015). Introduction. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : The humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 1-8.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2015). Transatlantic Studies : Past and Present. Global Challenges to the Transatlantic World. Alcalá, Spain, Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos.
- Silander, D. (2014). Contemporary Politics in Kosovo : Independence, Democracy & European Integration. European Institutions, Democratization, and Human Rights Protection in the European Periphery. London, Lexington Books.
- Silander, D. (2011). Bäst i klassen? : Respekten för mänskliga rättigheter i Sverige 1995-2010. Mänskliga rättigheter i svensk belysning. Malmö, Liber.
- Silander, D. (2010). Rebuilding State Capacity? : Failing States and UN Transitional Administrations. Perspectives on State-Building and Democracy. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag. 34-55.
- Haglund Morrissey, A., Silander, D. (2007). Europe in a Globalised World. The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 15-26.
- Silander, D. (2007). Power Relations and Regime Change in Post-Communist Europe : The Deviant Case of Belarus. The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 179-202.
- Silander, D. (2007). Tillståndet för mänskliga rättigheter i Sverige. Mänskliga rättigheter i svensk belysning. Malmö, Liber.
- Silander, D., Wallin, C. (2005). Being a Swede in a Transforming European Setting : The Structures of an Emerging Swedish Supra-National Identity in the 21st Century. The Changing Face of European Identity. London, Routledge.
- Silander, D., Wallin, C., Bryder, T. (2004). Reflektioner över det svenska EU-medlemsskapet. Svensk politik och den Europeiska unionen. Malmö, Liber. 215-222.
- Silander, D. (2004). Svensk politik i förändring. Svensk politik och den Europeiska unionen. Malmö, Liber förlag.
- Silander, D. (2001). Demokratins globala utbredning under yttre tryck. Politik i globaliseringens tid. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
- Silander, D. (2001). Reorganizing European Space in a Transforming World Order. Political Change in the European Union. Lodz, University of Lodz.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Silander, D. (2017). North Atlantic treaty organization (NATO). International Organizations and The Rise of ISIL : Global Responses to Human Security Threats. Routledge. 151-168.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Silander, D. (2024). Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 180.
- Silander, D., Silander, C., Van Der Elst, H., Heydenrych, P. (2022). South Africa's Democracy at the Crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 256.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2020). Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 323.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, D. (2020). Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 204.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, D., Pircher, B. (2019). Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 272.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2018). Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 261.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, C., Silander, D. (2018). Governance and political entrepreneurship in Europe : promoting growth and welfare in times of crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D., Janzekovic, J. (2017). International Organizations and the Rise of ISIL : Global responses to human security threats. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 218.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, C., Silander, D. (2016). Political Entrepreneurship : Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 204.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2016). Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 291.
- Crespo, C., Silander, D., Wallace, D., Albella, I. (2015). Global Challenges to the Transatlantic World. Alcalá, Spain, Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D. (2015). International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 206.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2015). Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regionalt och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 160.
- Wallace, D., Mclean, C., Silander, D. (2013). Journal of the Global Homeland Security Education Network. Northumbria University.
- Silander, D. (2012). Journal of the Global Homeland Security Education Network : E-journal. Univ. of Central Missouri, Univ. of Northumbria & Linnaeus University.
- Haglund Morrissey, A., Silander, D. (2007). The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 254.
- Silander, D., Haglund, A. (2007). The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press.
- Silander, D., Wallin, C. (2004). Democracy and Culture in the Transatlantic World : Third Interdisciplinary Conference, October 2004 / The Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 305.
- Bryder, T., Silander, D., Wallin, C. (2004). Svensk politik och den Europeiska unionen. Malmö, Liber. 224.