Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Almgren Bäck, G., Lindeblad, E., Elmqvist, C., Svensson, I. (2024). Dyslexic students' experiences in using assistive technology to support written language skills : a five-year follow-up. Disability and Rehabilitation : Assistive Technology. 19 (4). 1217-1227.
Status: Publicerad
Svensson, I., Nordström, T., Lindeblad, E., Gustafson, S., Björn, M., et al. (2021). Effects of assistive technology for students with reading and writing disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation : Assistive Technology. 16 (2). 196-208.
Status: Publicerad
Lindeblad, E., Nilsson, S., Gustafson, S., Svensson, I. (2019). Self-concepts and psychological health in children and adolescents with reading difficulties and the impact of assistive technology to compensate and facilitate reading ability. Cogent Psychology. 6 (1). 1-18.
Status: Publicerad
Svensson, I., Lindeblad, E. (2019). 20 års svensk forskning i assisterande teknik – vad har vi lärt oss?. Viden om Literacy. (26). 24-30.
Status: Publicerad
Lindeblad, E., Nilsson, S., Gustafson, S., Svensson, I. (2017). Assistive technology as reading interventions for children with reading impairments with a one-year follow-up. Disability and Rehabilitation : Assistive Technology. 12 (7). 713-724.
Status: Publicerad
Lindeblad, E., Svensson, I., Gustafson, S. (2016). Self-Concepts and Psychological Well-Being Assessed By Beck Youth Inventory Among Pupils with Reading Difficulties. Reading Psychology. 37 (3). 449-469.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
Svensson, I., Lindeblad, E., Nordström, T., Fälth, L. (2017). Short and long-term effects of using assistive technology for students with reading and writing disabilities in compulory secondary school. Language, Literacy and Learning Conference, Perth, Australia, March 30 - April 1, 2017, Perth, Australia.
Nordström, T., Svensson, I., Lindeblad, E., Gustafson, S., Nilsson, S. (2016). Teachers' perceptions of reading apps for reading impaired students following a RCT study. Presented at the 5th All european dyslexia conference, Modena, Italy, 21-24 september, 2016.
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)