Forskningsfrågor och hållbarhetsfrågor samt praktiknära forskning kopplat till Utbildning, lärande och forskning (ULF)/Utbildning i Förändring (UiF). Arbetar även med utvecklingsfrågor främst kopplade till ämneslärar- och yrkeslärarutbildningen samt KPU 90/60.
Jag har min bakgrund inom naturvetenskapen (MSc kemi). Jag disputerade inom miljöteknik, inr. miljökemi 2003, och var programansvarig för kandidatdelen av ett civilingenjörsprogram i miljöteknik 2010-16 vid Danmarks Tekniska Universitet (assoc. prof.).
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Markiewicz, A., Strömvall, A., Björklund, K., Eriksson, E. (2019). Generation of nano- and micro-sized organic pollutant emulsions in simulated road runoff. Environment International. 133. 1-12.
Status: Publicerad -
Markiewicz, A., Björklund, K., Eriksson, E., Kalmykova, Y., Strömvall, A., et al. (2017). Emissions of organic pollutants from traffic and roads : Priority pollutants selection and substance flow analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 580. 1162-1174.
Status: Publicerad -
Pivnenko, K., Granby, K., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2017). Recycling of plastic waste : screening for brominated flame retardants (BFRs). Waste Management. 69 (November). 101-109.
Status: Publicerad -
Pivnenko, K., Eriksen, M.K., Martín-Fernández, J.A., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2016). Recycling of plastic waste : Presence of phthalates in plastics from households and industry. Waste Management. 54. 44-52.
Status: Publicerad -
Pivnenko, K., Olsson, M.E., Götze, R., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2016). Quantification of chemical contaminants in the paper and board fractions of municipal solid waste. Waste Management. 51. 43-54.
Status: Publicerad -
Pivnenko, K., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2015). Waste paper for recycling : Overview and identification of potentially critical substances. Waste Management. 45. 134-142.
Status: Publicerad -
Nielsen, K., Kalmykova, Y., Strömvall, A., Baun, A., Eriksson, E. (2015). Particle phase distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in stormwater : Using humic acid and iron nano-sized colloids as test particles. Science of the Total Environment. 532. 103-111.
Status: Publicerad -
Nielsen, K., Mørch-Madsen, A., Mikkelsen, P.S., Eriksson, E. (2015). Effect of Disc Filtration with and without Addition of Flocculent on Nano- and Micro-Particles and Their Associated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Stormwater. Water. 7 (3). 1306-1323.
Status: Publicerad -
Pivnenko, K., Pedersen, G.A., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2015). Bisphenol A and its structural analogues in household waste paper. Waste Management. 44. 39-47.
Status: Publicerad -
Bollmann, U.E., Petersen, C.T., Eriksson, E., Jönsson, K., Vollertsen, J., et al. (2014). Biocides in urban wastewater treatment plant influent at dry and wet weather : concentrations, mass flows and possible sources. Water Research. 60. 64-74.
Status: Publicerad -
Davidsson, Å., Kjerstadius, H., Haghighatafshar, S., Fick, J., Olsson, M.E., et al. (2014). Effect of anaerobic digestion at 35, 55 and 60 °C on pharmaceuticals and organic contaminants. Water Science and Technology. 69 (6). 1282-1288.
Status: Publicerad -
Revitt, D.M., Lundy, L., Eriksson, E., Viavattene, C. (2013). Comparison of pollutant emission control strategies for cadmium and mercury in urban water systems using substance flow analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 116. 172-180.
Status: Publicerad -
Davidsson, Å., Eriksson, E., Fick, J. (2013). Ozonation and Thermal Pre-Treatment of Municipal Sewage Sludge : Implications for Toxicity and Methane Potential. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology. 10 (2). 85-91.
Status: Publicerad -
Lützhøft, H.H., Donner, E., Wickman, T., Eriksson, E., Banovec, P., et al. (2012). A source classification framework supporting pollutant source mapping, pollutant release prediction, transport and load forecasting, and source control planning for urban environments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 19 (4). 1119-1130.
Status: Publicerad -
Vezzaro, L., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Mikkelsen, P.S. (2012). Quantification of uncertainty in modelled partitioning and removal of heavy metals (Cu, Zn) in a stormwater retention pond and a biofilter. Water Research. 46 (20). 6891-6903.
Status: Publicerad -
Vezzaro, L., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Mikkelsen, P.S. (2011). Modelling the fate of organic micropollutants in stormwater ponds. Science of the Total Environment. 409 (13). 2597-2606.
Status: Publicerad -
Revitt, M., Eriksson, E., Donner, E. (2011). The implications of household greywater treatment and reuse for municipal wastewater flows and micropollutant loads. Water Research. 45 (4). 1549-1560.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Revitt, D.M., Ledin, A., Lundy, L., Lützhøft, H.H., et al. (2011). Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances. Water Science and Technology. 64 (10). 2109-2118.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Donner, E., Ledin, A. (2010). Presence of selected priority and personal care substances in an onsite bathroom greywater treatment facility. Water Science and Technology. 62 (12). 2889-2898.
Status: Publicerad -
Vezzaro, L., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Mikkelsen, P.S. (2010). Dynamic stormwater treatment unit model for micropollutants (STUMP) based on substance inherent properties. Water Science and Technology. 62 (3). 622-629.
Status: Publicerad -
Grieger, K.D., Fjordbøge, A.S., Hartmann, N.I.B., Eriksson, E., Bjerg, P.L., et al. (2010). Environmental benefits and risks of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) for in situ remediation : risk mitigation or trade-off?. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 118 (3-4). 165-183.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Srigirisetty, S., Eilersen, A.M. (2010). Organic matter and heavy metals in grey-water sludge. Water S.A.. 36 (1). 139-142.
Status: Publicerad -
Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Revitt, M., Scholes (lundy), L., Lützhøft, H.H., et al. (2010). Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems. Science of the Total Environment. 408 (12). 2444-2451.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Andersen, H.R., Madsen, T.S., Ledin, A. (2009). Greywater pollution variability and loadings. Ecological Engineering : The Journal of Ecotechnology. 35 (5). 661-669.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Donner, E. (2009). Metals in greywater : Sources, presence and removal efficiencies. Desalination. 248 (1-3). 271-278.
Status: Publicerad -
Maya Altamira, L., Eriksson, E., Baun, A. (2008). Source Analysis and Hazard Screening of Xenobiotic Organic Compounds in Wastewater from Food-Processing Industries. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus. 8 (5-6). 505-517.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Christensen, N., Schmidt, J.E., Ledin, A. (2008). Potential priority pollutants in sewage sludge. Desalination. 226 (1-3). 371-388.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Andersen, H.R., Ledin, A. (2008). Substance flow analysis and source mapping of chemical UV-filters. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus. 8 (5-6). 473-484.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Andersen, H.R., Ledin, A. (2008). Substance flow analysis of parabens in Denmark complemented with a survey of presence and frequency in various commodities. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 156 (1-3). 240-259.
Status: Publicerad -
Andersen, H.R., Lundsbye, M., Wedel, H.V., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A. (2007). Estrogenic personal care products in a greywater reuse system. Water Science and Technology. 56 (12). 45-49.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Scholes, L., Ledin, A., Ahlman, S., et al. (2007). Selected stormwater priority pollutants : a European perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 383 (1-3). 41-51.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Mikkelsen, P.S., Ledin, A. (2007). Risk assessment of Xenobiotics in stormwater discharged to Harrestrup Å, Denmark. Desalination. 215 (1-3). 187-197.
Status: Publicerad -
Baun, A., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Mikkelsen, P.S. (2006). A methodology for ranking and hazard identification of xenobiotic organic compounds in urban stormwater. Science of the Total Environment. 370 (1). 29-38.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Henze, M., Ledin, A. (2006). Phytotoxicity of grey wastewater evaluated by toxicity tests. Urban Water Journal. 3 (1). 13-20.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Mikkelsen, P.S., Ledin, A. (2005). Chemical hazard identification and assessment tool for evaluation of stormwater priority pollutants. Water Science and Technology. 51 (2). 47-55.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Ledin, A. (2003). Analysis of long-chain fatty acids in grey wastewater with in-vial derivatisation. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 83 (12). 987-995.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Auffarth, K.P.S., Eilersen, A.M., Henze, M., Ledin, A. (2003). Household chemicals and personal care products as sources for xenobiotic organic compounds in grey wastewater. Water S.A.. 29 (2). 135-146.
Status: Publicerad -
Eriksson, E., Auffarth, K.P.S., Henze, M., Ledin, A. (2002). Characteristics of grey wastewater. Urban Water. 4 (1). 85-104.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Rauch, W., Ledin, A., Eriksson, E., Deletic, A., Hunt Iii, W.F.(. (2012). Stormwater in urban areas. Water Research. 46 (20). 6588-6588.
Status: Publicerad -
Scholes, L., Eriksson, E. (2008). Preface. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus. 8 (5-6). 405-405.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Arvin, E., Bregnhøj, H., Buendia Ucendo, I.M., Eriksson, E., Mikkelsen, P.S. (2010). Water Education ved DTU : en e-læringplatform i Moodle til individualiseret kompetenceopbygning i samfundets vandsektor. Læring og Medier. (6). 1-15.
Status: Publicerad -
Mikkelsen, P.S., Lützhøft, H.H., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Donner, E., et al. (2009). Options de contrôle à la source pour la réduction d'émissions de substances prioritaires en zone urbaine : [ Source control options for reducing emissions of priority pollutants ]. Techniques Sciences Methodes, Genie Urbain Genie Rural. 104 (4). 77-87.
Status: Publicerad -
Mikkelsen, P.S., Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Ledin, A. (2006). Kemiske forureningsstoffer i regnafstrømning fra befæstede overflader. Vand & Jord. 13 (3). 108-112.
Status: Publicerad -
Ledin, A., Eriksson, E., Eilersen, A.M. (2004). Miljøfremmede stoffer i spildevand - hvad bidrager forbrugerne med?. DanskVand. 72 (6). 306-310.
Status: Publicerad
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Eriksson, E. (2002). Potential and problems related to reuse of water in households. Doctoral Thesis. Environment & Resources DTU. Technical University of Denmark.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Pivnenko, K., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2015). Chemicals in material cycles. Proceedings Sardinia 2015 : Fifteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. 1-8.
- Pivnenko, K., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2014). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in waste paper from danish household waste. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 25-28, 2014.
- Nielsen, K., Mørch-Madsen, A., Mikkelsen, P.S., Eriksson, E. (2014). Nano- and microparticles and associated pollutants in stormwater runoff : effects of disc filtration with and without flocculant addition. Specialist Conference. Advances in particle science and separation: from mm to nm scale and beyond : proceedings. 1-11.
- Sørud, M., Nielsen, K., Skau Damskier, S., Torpenholt Jørgensen, A., Fjendbo Petersen, M., et al. (2013). DEMFIL - treatment of stormwater for recreational use. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Wastewater Conference.
- Pivnenko, K., Eriksson, E., Astrup, T.F. (2013). Presence of potentially critical substances in waste paper. Proceedings Sardinia 2013 : fourteenth international waste management and landfill symposium.
- Eriksson, E., Kusk, K.O., Barrett Sørensen, M., Møller Kudahl, C., Davidsson, Å. (2013). Barley seed germination/root elongation toxicity test for evaluation of sludge pre-treatment. Presented at the 1st International IWA Conference on Holistic Sludge Management, Västerås, Sweden, May 6-8, 2013. 1-8.
- Davidsson, Å., Kjerstadius, H., Haghighatafshar, S., Fick, J., Eriksson, E., et al. (2013). Effect of anaerobic digestion at 35, 55 and 60 °C ON pharmaceuticals and organic pollutants. Presented at the 1st International IWA Conference on Holistic Sludge Management, Västerås, Sweden, May 6-8, 2013. 1-8.
- Mikkelsen, P.S., Vezzaro, L., Birch, H., Eriksson, E., Høg, H., et al. (2012). Monitoring, chemical fate modelling and uncertainty assessment in combination : a tool for evaluating emission control scenarios for micropollutants in stormwater systems. WSUD 2012 - 7th international conference on water sensitive urban design: building the water sensitive community : final program and abstract book.
- Eriksson, E., Revitt, M., Lützhøft, H.H., Viavattene, C., Scholes, L., et al. (2012). Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities. Urban environment : proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium. 213-223.
- Eriksson, E., Henze, M., Ledin, A. (2001). Xenobiotic organic compounds in grey wastewater : a matter of concern?. Frontiers in urban water management: deadlock or hope? : Proceedings to the Symposium Marseilles, France, 18-20 June 2001. 84-91.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Markiewicz, A., Hvitt Strömvall, A., Björklund, K., Kalmykova, Y., Eriksson, E., et al. (2015). Emissions of organic pollutants from traffic and roads : priority pollutants selection and substance flow analysis. Presented at the 12th Urban Environment Symposium, Oslo, Norway, June 1-3, 2015.
- Eriksson, E., Hörsing, M., Ledin, A. (2015). Organic micropollutants in sugar beets cultivated in sludge amended soil. Book of abstracts : DTU's Sustain Conference 2015.
- Nielsen, K., Mikkelsen, P.S., Baun, A., Eriksson, E. (2013). Sorption of PAHs to humic acid- and iron(III)carbonate particles by using passive dosing vials for investigating the transport of organic contamination in stormwater runoff. Interdisciplinary Discourse on Current Environmental Challenges.
- Nielsen, K., Mikkelsen, P.S., Eriksson, E. (2013). Removal of stormwater particulates by disc filter technology. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Planning and Technologies for Sustainable Urban Water Management, Lyon, France, June 23-27, 2013.
- Lützhøft, H.H., Birch, H., Eriksson, E., Mikkelsen, P.S. (2012). Comparing chemical analysis with literature studies to identify micropollutants to be treated or upstream source controlled in a catchment of Copenhagen (DK). 6th SETAC World Congress/SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting : abstract book. 287-288.
- Fjendbo Petersen, M., Eriksson, E., Binning, P.J., Løgstrup Bjerg, P. (2012). Impacts by point and diffuse micropollutant sources on the stream water quality at catchment scale. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 11892-11892.
- Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Henze, M., Ledin, A. (2001). Characterisation of grey wastewater : xenobiotic organic compounds. .
- Eriksson, E., Auffarth, K.P.S., Smith, M., Henze, M., Ledin, A. (2000). Characterisation of grey wastewater. .
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Nørlem, M., Fjendbo Petersen, M., Mørch-Madsen, A., Mikkelsen, P.S., Eriksson, E., et al. (2014). Demonstrationsanlæg for filtrering af vejvand for udledning til ferskvandsområde : afrapportering for projekt støttet af VTU‐Fonden. Vandsektorens Teknologiudviklingsfond. 19.
Övrigt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Eilersen, A.M. (2007). Technical report writing : how to write a technical report. Kgs. Lyngby, Institute of Environment & Resources, Tehcnical University of Denmark. 7.
- Eriksson, E. (2006). Introduction to organic chemistry for environmental engineers. Department of environmental engineering, Technical University of Denmark.