Fisnik Dalipi currently works as an associate professor of Informatics at the Department of Informatics of Linnaeus University (LNU). Besides, he also holds the title associate professor in information systems from the University of South-Eastern Norway, where he was previously working.
His research embodies a robust interdisciplinary approach, leveraging computational approaches to address digitalization challenges in both industry and society. It bridges technology and societal needs, with a focus on areas like digital transformation and sustainable development. Dr. Dalipi's work emphasizes secure, efficient, and transformative data solutions to drive industry/society progress and innovation.
He has been supervising students at different academic levels and has been involved in the development and curriculum preparation at all academic levels. He is actively serving as a program committee member and reviewer in many international conferences, workshops, and journals.
Fisnik is currently involved in teaching for the following courses:
- Introduction to data analytics - 1ik172 (BSc)
- Web management - 1ik425 (BSc)
- Development of web-based applications - 1ik163 (BSc)
- Object oriented analysis and process modeling - 1ik003 (BSc)
- Systemic perspectives on digital transformation - 5ik505 (MSc)
Previously, he was teaching the courses:
- Introduction to object oriented programming - 1ik143 (BSc),
- Data structures, databases and graphical user interfaces with OOP languages - 1ik153 (BSc)
- IS/IT for organising, communicating and coordinating II - 5ik501 (MSc)
Fisnik has participated in projects funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK Stiftelsen), VINNOVA (Sweden's Innovation Agency), the Norwegian Research Council, the Regional Research Council of Norway and EU Horizon.
He is currently involved in numerous ongoing research projects at LNU that are EU and VINNOVA funded and aimed at improving digital solutions and data reliability in various sectors. These projects include: STELLA, APPEND, ENTRUST, FOREST 4.0, IGNITE, STEFORA, RAPID.
His work often focuses on integrating AI-driven solutions in various domains, enhancing user interaction and privacy in digital systems, and exploring mobile and pervasive computing to improve learning experiences and security. Dr. Dalipi is also involved in topics such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and digital diploma generation and authentication systems using blockchain and AI.
Overall, his research can be categorized into the following areas:
1. Digital transformation and sustainable data management: He approaches digitalization challenges at the intersection of data integrity, sustainability, and digital innovation across several sectors, including agriculture, education, and manufacturing.
2. E-Learning and Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL): He frequently explores how technology and computational thinking can improve educational practices.
3. Applied Artificial Intelligence: His research applies AI to various domains, including security and privacy. Recently, he has been addressing blockchain and AI's role in improving privacy and security mechanisms in digital environments.
4. Human-Computer Interaction: Understanding and improving how users interact with digital systems is one of the components of his published work.
Mina forskargrupper
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Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC) Linnaeus University Systems Community lyfter fram systemtänkande inom forskning, utbildning och praktik. Kunskapsområdet är en del av kunskapsmiljön…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: APPEND – Digitalt produktpass för att revolutionera möbelindustrin Syftet med detta projekt är att designa, utveckla och validera DPP (Digital Product Passport) prototyp inom möbelsektorn.…
Projekt: Extending design thinking with emerging digital technologies (Exten.D.T.2) Kärnan i detta projekt är antagandet att designtänkande i kombination med framväxande teknologier som artificiell…
Projekt: Forest 4.0 Målet med projektet Forest 4.0 är att etablera ett excellenscenter för nyskapande övervakning, datainsamling och analys av skogsmiljöer. Syftet är att utvinna värde ur insamlad…
Projekt: Förvandla Kosovos och Albaniens utbildningssystem genom att introducera digital teknik i lärarutbildningen (Ignite) Ett EU-projekt som ska analysera inlärningsvägen för IT-relaterade ämnen i…
Projekt: IDEAL - Fördjupning och anpassning av interaktionsdesignprogrammet till marknadens behov Projektet avser att utveckla två avancerade kurser inom ämnet interaktionsdesign i nära samarbete med…
Projekt: Internationell gästprofessor i data-driven affärsutveckling Detta forskningsprojekt syftar till att underlätta för företag som fokuserar på att använda data som sin primära resurs för att…
Projekt: Language in the human-machine era (LITHME) Detta projekt är tänkt att fastställa omfattningen av framväxande tekniker och förbereda ämnet lingvistik (och dess underämnen) för vad som kan…
Projekt: Nästa generation tillförlitlig Agri-Data Management - EnTrust EnTrust samlar 16 ledande forskningsinstitutioner och företag från 5 europeiska länder för att etablera ett doktorandnätverk där…
Projekt: Recasting best practices of European universities (RAPID) RAPID syftar till att stärka online-utbildning i Pakistan genom att kopiera de bästa erfarenheterna av distansutbildning under…
Projekt: STEFORA – STEM For ALL Ett EU-finansierat projekt för att minska ojämlikheten i STEM Education.
Projekt: STELLA - Digital omvandling av den svenska möbelindustrin genom avancerade digitala värdekedjor I projektet arbetar vi med att etablera ett ekosystem för Digitala ProduktPass (DPP) i den…
Såddprojekt: Mitigating health inequalities in the Kronoberg region – A transdisciplinary system thinking approach Det främsta syftet med detta såddprojekt inom kunskapsmiljön Digitala…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Edutain Projektet Edutain syftar till att införliva framväxande teknologier som Augmented Reality (AR) i skolor för att uppnå en hållbar inlärningsupplevelse. Detta projekt kommer också att…
Såddprojekt: Samspelet mellan big data och AI för att övervaka och hantera turistdestinationernas hållbarhet (TERESA) Huvudsyftet för detta såddprojekt inom Kunskapsmiljö Linné Digitala…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Rustemi, A., Dalipi, F., Atanasovski, V., Risteski, A. (2024). DIAR : a blockchain-based system for generation and verification of academic diplomas. Discover Applied Sciences. 6 (6).
Status: Publicerad -
Karlsson, K., Dalipi, F. (2024). Exploring the surveillance technology discourse : a bibliometric analysis and topic modeling approach. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 7.
Status: Publicerad -
Shawareb, N., Ewais, A., Dalipi, F. (2024). Utilizing Data Mining Techniques to Predict Students Performance using Data Log from MOODLE. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 18 (9). 2564-2588.
Status: Publicerad -
Krasniqi, V., Zdravkova, K., Dalipi, F. (2022). Impact of Assistive Technologies to Inclusive Education and Independent Life of Down Syndrome Persons : A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability. 14 (8).
Status: Publicerad -
Meyns, S.C., Dalipi, F. (2022). What users tweet on NFTs : mining Twitter to understand NFT-related concerns using a topic modeling approach. IEEE Access. 10. 117658-117680.
Status: Publicerad -
Dalipi, F., Jokela, P., Kastrati, Z., Kurti, A., Elm, P. (2022). Going digital as a result of COVID-19 : Insights from students’ and teachers’ impressions in a Swedish university. International Journal of Educational Research Open. 3.
Status: Publicerad -
Skagne, F., Dalipi, F. (2022). Understanding the Importance of Information Systems Implementation in Organization’s Effectiveness : A Comparative Study on Two Swedish Organizations. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management. 19.
Status: Publicerad -
Zdravkova, K., Dalipi, F., Krasniqi, V. (2022). Remote Education Trajectories for Learners with Special Needs During the Covid-19 Outbreak : An Accessibility Analysis of the Learning Platforms. International Journal : Emerging Technologies in Learning. 17 (21). 89-122.
Status: Publicerad -
Kastrati, Z., Dalipi, F., Shariq Imran, A., Pireva Nuci, K., Ahmad Wani, M. (2021). Sentiment Analysis of Students’ Feedback with NLP and Deep Learning : A Systematic Mapping Study. Applied Sciences. 11 (9).
Status: Publicerad -
Uddin Ahmed, S., Dalipi, F., Aasnæs, S. (2019). Open Data Based Digital Platform for Regional Growth and Development in Norway : A Heuristic Evaluation of the User Interface. International Journal on Advances in Software. 12 (3&4). 239-248.
Status: Publicerad -
Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y., Gebremedhin, A. (2016). Data-Driven Machine Learning Model in District Heating System for Heat Load Prediction : A Comparison Study. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing.
Status: Publicerad -
Yildirim-Yayilgan, S., Du, Y., Dalipi, F., Jeppesen, J.C. (2016). A New Ski Injury Registration System Architecture Using Mobile Applications to Enhance Skiing Safety. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 10 (4).
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Rustemi, A., Dalipi, F., Atanasovski, V., Risteski, A. (2023). A Systematic Literature Review on Blockchain-Based Systems for Academic Certificate Verification. IEEE Access. IEEE. 11. 64679-64696.
Status: Publicerad -
Zdravkova, K., Krasniqi, V., Dalipi, F., Ferati, M. (2022). Cutting-edge communication and learning assistive technologies for disabled children : An artificial intelligence perspective. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers Media S.A.. 5.
Status: Publicerad -
Dalipi, F., Zdravkova, K., Ahlgren, F. (2021). Sentiment Analysis of Students’ Feedback in MOOCs : A Systematic Literature Review. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers Media S.A.. 4.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Abraham, D., Yildirim Yayilgan, S., Abomhara, M., Gebremedhin, A., Dalipi, F. (2022). Security and Privacy issues in IoT based Smart Grids : A case study in a digital substation. Holistic Approach for Decision Making Towards Designing Smart Cities. Switzerland, Springer. 57-74.
- Ferati, M., Bertoni, M., Dalipi, F., Kurti, A., Jokela, P., et al. (2021). Tackling the Sustainability of Digital Aging Innovations Through Design Thinking and Systems Thinking Perspectives. ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing : First International Conference, IHAW 2021, Larnaca, Cyprus, November 8–9, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. 179-184.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Dalipi, F., Kurti, A., Ferati, M. (2024). APPEND : A Blockchain-Based Model of Digital Product Passport for Furniture Industry. Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2024): Artificial Intelligence and Future Applications. 95-103.
- Rustemi, A., Dalipi, F., Atanasovski, V., Risteski, A. (2024). Towards a Conceptual Model of a Blockchain System for Automatic Generation of Academic Diplomas : Use Cases and Scenarios. 2023 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), Plovdiv, Bulgaria,.
- Katerina, Z., Dalipi, F., Ahlgren, F. (2024). Integration of Large Language Models into Higher Education : A Perspective from Learners. 2023 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), Setúbal, Portugal, 2023.
- Rustemi, A., Dalipi, F. (2024). Academic Certificate Verification : A Practical Comparison between Centralized and Blockchain-Based Systems. .
- Zdravkova, K., Dalipi, F., Ahlgren, F., Ilijoski, B., Ohlsson, T. (2024). Unveiling the Impact of Large Language Models on Student Learning : A Comprehensive Case Study. 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON).
- Rustemi, A., Dalipi, F., Atanasovski, V., Risteski, A. (2024). Enhancing Academic Credentials : The Synergy of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. 2024 7th International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom).
- Dalipi, F., Kastrati, Z., Öberg, T. (2023). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Tourism Sustainability : A Systematic Mapping Review. 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 119-125.
- Kastrati, Z., Kurti, A., Dalipi, F., Ferati, M. (2023). Leveraging Topic Modeling to Investigate Learning Experience and Engagement of MOOC Completers. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference : 13th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2023. 54-64.
- Magnusson, L., Dalipi, F., Elm, P. (2023). Cybersecurity Compliance in the Public Sector : Are the Best Security Practices Properly Addressed?. HCI International 2023 Posters. HCII 2023 : 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV. 219-226.
- Abualrob, M., Ewais, A., Dalipi, F., Awaad, T. (2023). Utilizing Augmented Reality to Enhance Twenty-First Century Skills in Chemistry Education. 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Kuwait. 1-6.
- Amerian, I., Dalipi, F. (2022). Data Driven Transformation Journey through Data Democracy : A Case Study of a Swedish Bank. Proceedings of the 15th IADIS international conference, Inforamtion system 2022 : 12-14 March 2022. 65-72.
- Dalipi, F., Ferati, M., Kurti, A., Kastrati, Z. (2022). Investigating the FAIRness of Science and Technology Open Data : A Focus in the Scandinavian Countries. HCI International 2022 Posters. HCII 2022. : 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part I. 276-283.
- Kurti, A., Dalipi, F., Ferati, M., Kastrati, Z. (2021). Increasing the Understandability and Explainability of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Solutions : A Design Thinking Approach. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET – AI 2021), April 28-30, 2021, Strasbourg, France. 37-42.
- Rääf, S.A., Knöös, J., Dalipi, F., Kastrati, Z. (2021). Investigating Learning Experience of MOOCs Learners Using Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis. 19th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). 1-7.
- Ferati, M., Dalipi, F., Kastrati, Z. (2020). Open Government Data Through the Lens of Universal Design. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Practice : 14th International Conference, UAHCI 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II. 331-340.
- Björklund, P., Fridebo, J., Dalipi, F. (2020). Exploring the Impact of Mob Programming on the Well-Being of the Developers : Insights from a Software Company. Proceedings of the NOKOBIT conference 24-25th of November 2020.
- Salah Uddin, A., Aasnæs, S., Dalipi, F., Hesten, K. (2019). Analytics-driven digital platform for regional growth and development : a case study from Norway. ICDS 2019, The Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments. 56-62.
- Imran, A.S., Dalipi, F., Kastrati, Z. (2019). Predicting Student Dropout in a MOOC : An Evaluation of a Deep Neural Network Model. Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence. 190-195.
- Ahmed, S.U., Dalipi, F., Ferati, M. (2019). Plugin : a Crowdsourcing Mobile App for Easy Discovery of Public Charging Outlets. HCI International 2019 : Posters. HCII 2019. 323-329.
- Dalipi, F., Ferati, M., Kurti, A. (2018). Integrating MOOCs in Regular Higher Education : Challenges and Opportunities from a Scandinavian Perspective. Learning and Collaboration Technologies : Design, Development and Technological Innovation. LCT 2018. 193-204.
- Dalipi, F., Imran, A.S., Kastrati, Z. (2018). MOOC Dropout Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques : Review and Research Challenges. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) - Emerging Trends and Challenges of Engineering Education. 1007-1014.
- Dalipi, F., Imran, A.S., Idrizi, F., Aliu, H. (2017). An Analysis of Learner Experience with MOOCs in Mobile and Desktop Learning Environment. Learning and Collaboration Technologies. LCT 2016. 393-402.
- Idrizi, F., Rustemi, A., Dalipi, F. (2017). A new modified sorting algorithm : A comparison with state of the art. 2017 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). 419-424.
- Dalipi, F., Kurti, A., Zdravkova, K., Ahmedi, L. (2017). Rethinking the conventional learning paradigm towards MOOC based flipped classroom learning. 16th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 10-12 June, 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia.
- Dalipi, F., Idrizi, F., Kurti, A. (2017). Exploring the Impact of Social Learning Networks in M-Learning : a Case Study in a University Environment. Learning and Collaboration Technologies Novel Learning Ecosystems : 4th International Conference, LCT 2017, Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9-14, 2017, Proceedings, Part I. 189-198.
- Dalipi, F., Ferati, M., Yayilgan, S.Y. (2017). User Interface Evaluation of a Ski Injuries Management System. Advances in Human Factors in Sports and Outdoor Recreation. 213-222.
- Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y., Imran, A.S., Kastrati, Z. (2016). Towards Understanding the MOOC Trend : Pedagogical Challenges and Business Opportunities. Learning and Collaboration Technologies. LCT 2016.. 281-291.
- Imran, A.S., Pireva, K., Dalipi, F., Kastrati, Z. (2016). An Analysis of Social Collaboration and Networking Tools in eLearning. Learning and Collaboration Technologies. LCT 2016. 332-343.
- Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y. (2016). Security and Privacy Considerations for IoT Application on Smart Grids : Survey and Research Challenges. 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops (FiCloudW). 63-68.
- Dalipi, F., Mendoza, D.M.A., Imran, A.S., Yayilgan, S.Y. (2015). An intelligent model for predicting the occurrence of skiing injuries. 2015 5th National Symposium on Information Technology: Towards New Smart World (NSITNSW),. 1-6.
- Kastrati, Z., Imran, A.S., Yildirim-Yayilgan, S., Dalipi, F. (2015). Analysis of Online Social Networks Posts to Investigate Suspects Using SEMCON. Social Computing and Social Media. SCSM 2015. 148-157.
- Pireva, K., Imran, A. .S., Dalipi, F. (2015). User behaviour analysis on LMS and MOOC. 2015 IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e). 21-26.
- Yayilgan, S.Y., Du, Y., Dalipi, F., Jeppesen, J. (2015). A novel system architecture for efficient management of skiing injuries. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning, IMCL 2015, December 2015. 73-77.
- Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y. (2015). The impact of environmental factors to skiing injuries : Bayesian regularization neural network model for predicting skiing injuries. 2015 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). 1-6.
- Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y., Kastrati, Z. (2015). Enhancing the Learner’s Performance Analysis Using SMEUS Semantic E-learning System and Business Intelligence Technologies. Learning and Collaboration Technologies. LCT 2015. 208-217.
- Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y., Gebremedhin, A. (2015). A machine learning approach to increase energy efficiency in district heating systems. Environmental Engineering and Computer Application : Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Computer Application, ICEECA 2014. 223-226.
- Dalipi, F., Yayilgan, S.Y., Gebremedhin, A. (2015). A Cloud Computing Framework for Smarter District Heating Systems. 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom). 1413-1416.
- Yayilgan, S.Y., Arntzen, A.A., Stavseng, G.H., Ljubicic, M., Solvang, B., et al. (2015). Knowledge, Technology and Innovation (KTI) : Opportunities, issues and challenges of KTI transfer between Norway and the Balkans countries. 2015 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). 1-7.
- Dalipi, F., Idrizi, F., Rufati, E., Asani, F. (2014). On Integration of Ontologies into E-Learning Systems. 2014 Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSyN). 149-152.
- Dalipi, F., Ninka, I., Shej, A. (2012). Applying semantically adapted vector space model to enhance information retrieval. ICT Innovations 2012 Web Proceedings : Poster Session. 573-575.
- Dika, A., Bilali, K., Dalipi, F. (2012). Implementing and using new e-testing system to increase the effectiveness of learning in primary schools of Macedonia. 2012 International Conference on Education and e-Learning Innovations (ICEELI). 1-4.
- Dalipi, F., Idrizi, F., Kamberi, L. (2011). Determinants of e-business and ICT adoption among SMEs in Macedonia : An application of TOE Framework. International Symposium on Computing in Informatics and Mathematics; 1st International Symposium on Computing in Informatics and Mathematics. 111-124.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Kurti, A., Dalipi, F. (2017). Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry : Lessons Learned from a Graduate IT Professional Development Program. Abstract Book : 2nd Annual International Conference on Engineering Education & Teaching, 5-8 June 2017, Athens, Greece. 27-27.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Sayers, D., Sousa-Silva, R., Höhn, S., Ahmedi, L., Allkivi-Metsoja, K., et al. (2021). The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era : A forecast of new and emerging language technologies. Finland, COST Association and European Commission ( 75.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Narasimha, R.V., Martiri, E., Dalipi, F., Yang, B. (2025). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Information Systems : Security and Privacy Challenges. Switzerland, Springer Nature.