Gerald  Midgley

Gerald Midgley

Fakulteten för teknik
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Gerald Midgley is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Informatics at Linnaeus University (Sweden). He is also an Emeritus Professor in the Centre for Systems Studies, University of Hull, and a Visiting Professor in the Birmingham Leadership Institute at the University of Birmingham (UK).

Gerald has held research leadership roles in both academia and government. He has written almost 400 papers on systems thinking, systemic leadership and community operational research, and has been involved in a wide variety of public sector, health service, natural resource management, community development and technology foresight projects. While most of these have been in the UK or New Zealand, he has also led or collaborated with systemic interventions on every continent, world-wide.

Gerald was the 2013/14 President of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. He has written or edited twelve books, including: Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice (Kluwer, 2000); Operational Research and Environmental Management: A New Agenda (Operational Research Society, 2001); Systems Thinking, Volumes I-IV (Sage, 2003); Community Operational Research: OR and Systems Thinking for Community Development (Kluwer, 2004); Forensic DNA Evidence on Trial: Science and Uncertainty in the Courtroom (Emergent, 2011); The Handbook of Systems Thinking (Open Science, 2023); and Systems of Marginalization and Identity (Routledge, 2024, in press).


Artikel i tid­skrift (Referee­granskat)

Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Referee­granskat)

Artikel, forsknings­översikt (Referee­granskat)

  • Petropoulos, F., Laporte, G., Aktas, E., Alumur, S.A., Archetti, C., et al. (2024). Operational Research : methods and applications. Journal of the Operational Research Society. Taylor & Francis Group. 75 (3). 423-617.
    Status: Publicerad

Artikel i tid­skrift (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Övrigt (Övrigt (populär­vetenskap, debatt))