Graham Butler
Institutionen för rättsvetenskap
Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap
Prof. Graham Butler (B.A., LL.M., Ph.D.) is Full Professor of Law at the University of Southern Denmark (Syddansk Universitet), Odense, Denmark; and Visiting Professor of Law at Linnaeus University (Linnéuniversitet), Växjö, Sweden.
Prof. Graham Butler (B.A., LL.M., Ph.D.) är professor i juridik (Full Professor of Law) vid Syddansk Universitet (University of Southern Denmark), Odense, Danmark; och gästprofessor i juridik (Visiting Professor of Law) vid Linnéuniversitetet (Linnaeus University), Växjö, Sverige.
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Butler, G. (2024). Free Movement of Banks, Deposit Guarantee Schemes, and Dispute Resolution within the EU. Europarättslig tidskrift. 27 (4). 589-608.
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Butler, G. (2024). Pant- og retursystem : prisfastsættelse, grænseoverskridende handel og privat eksport inden for EU’s indre marked. EU-ret og menneskeret. 31 (2). 137-149.
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Butler, G. (2024). Public Pension Funds in EU Member States : Their Comparability and Tax Treatment under the Free Movement of Capital (Keva and Others (Case C-39/23)). European Taxation. 64 (11). 526-529.
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Butler, G. (2024). The Administrative Tribunal of the European Stability Mechanism : ESMAT at Ten. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 40 (3). 329-346.
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Cotter, J., Butler, G. (2024). The President of the European Commission and the Power to Request a Commissioner’s Resignation. Common market law review. 61 (3). 593-622.
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Butler, G. (2024). Sun from Behind the Clouds : the Appeals Board of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 15 (3). 365-376.
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Butler, G. (2024). The Legal Relations of the European Union with the Republic of San Marino. European Foreign Affairs Review. 29 (3). 247-274.
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Butler, G. (2023). Contracted EU civil servants in EU common security and defence policy missions : Procedural routes to judicial remedies. European Labour Law Journal. 14 (3). 353-375.
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Butler, G. (2023). The Legal Relations of the European Union with the Principality of Monaco. European Foreign Affairs Review. 28 (3). 259-282.
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Butler, G. (2023). Sweden and the Free Movement of Alcoholic Goods in the EU Internal Market. European Public Law. 29 (1). 75-114.
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Butler, G. (2023). Of Rulers, Relatives, and Businesspersons : The Imposition of Sanctions on Family Members. Legal Issues of Economic Integration. 50 (4). 367-390.
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Ørum, J., Butler, G. (2023). The Market Distortion Provisions as a Legal Basis for Tax Harmonisation in EU Law. European Law Review. 48 (1). 103-116.
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Butler, G. (2023). Reimaging the Law on Alcoholic Goods in Sweden. Europarättslig tidskrift. 26 (3). 531-543.
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Butler, G., Meling, M. (2022). State Monopolies and the Free Movement of Goods in EEA Law : Ensuring Substantive Homogeneity at the EFTA Court. International Trade Law and Regulation. 28 (1). 55-72.
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Butler, G. (2022). Governors and former Governors of National Central Banks, and their Privileges and Immunities under EU Law. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. 37 (9). 327-330.
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Butler, G. (2022). The Legal Relations of the European Union with the Vatican City State and Holy See. European Foreign Affairs Review. 27 (2). 263-282.
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Neergaard, U., Butler, G. (2022). Denmark’s Defence Opt-out, the Forthcoming Referendum, and the Changing Face of EU Defence and Security Arrangements. EU Law Live : Weekend Edition. (95). 2-11.
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Butler, G. (2022). The Creation of an Internal Market for Private Pensions : Legal Design, Mobility, Retirement, and Taxation. EU Law Live : Weekend edition. (101). 2-10.
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Butler, G. (2021). Private Pensions and EU Internal Market Law : Enhancing Retirement Provision through Harmonisation. European Business Law Review. 32 (5). 853-876.
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Butler, G. (2021). The EU’s Contractual Relations and the Arbitration Clause : Disputes at the Court of Justice of the European Union. European Law Review. 46 (3). 345-363.
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Butler, G. (2021). Lower Instance National Courts and Tribunals in Member States and Their Judicial Dialogue with the Court of Justice of the European Union. Nordic Journal of European Law. 4 (2). 19-36.
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Butler, G. (2021). State Monopolies and the Free Movement of Goods in EU Law : Getting Beyond Obscure Clarity. Legal Issues of Economic Integration. 48 (3). 285-308.
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Butler, G. (2021). Immunities of national central banks in Member States under EU law : Commission v. Slovenia (ECB Archives). Common market law review. 58 (6). 1895-1916.
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Kochenov, D., Butler, G. (2021). Independence of the Court of Justice of the European Union : Unchecked Member States power after the Sharpston Affair. European Law Journal. 27 (1-3). 262-296.
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Butler, G. (2020). Independence of non-judicial bodies and orders for a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice. European Law Review. 45 (6). 870-887.
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Butler, G. (2020). Mind the (Homogeneity) Gap : Independence of Referring Bodies Requesting Advisory Opinions from the EFTA Court. Fordham International Law Journal. 44 (2). 307-352.
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Butler, G. (2020). An Interim Post-Mortem : Specialised Courts in the EU Judicial Architecture after the Civil Service Tribunal. International Organizations Law Review. 17 (3). 586-632.
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Butler, G., Cotter, J. (2020). Just Say No! : Appeals Against Orders for a Preliminary Reference. European Public Law. 26 (3). 615-642.
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Butler, G. (2020). The European Defence Union and Denmark’s Defence Opt-out : A Legal Appraisal. European Foreign Affairs Review. 25 (1). 117-150.
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Butler, G. (2020). The Future of EU International Agreements as Legal Instruments in the ASEAN Region. Journal of International and Comparative Law. 7 (2). 287-305.
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Kochenov, D., Butler, G. (2020). The Independence and Lawful Composition of the Court of Justice of the European Union: Replacement of Advocate General Sharpston and the Battle for the Integrity of the Institution. The Jean Monnet Working Paper Series.
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Butler, G. (2019). Solidaritet og dets grænser for økonomisk integration i EU’s indre marked. EU-ret og menneskeret. 26 (3). 3-27.
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Butler, G., Barrett, G. (2018). Europe’s ‘Other’ Open-Border Zone : The Common Travel Area under the Shadow of Brexit. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies. 20 (1). 252-286.
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Butler, G. (2018). In Search of the Political Question Doctrine in EU Law. Legal Issues of Economic Integration. 45 (4). 329-354.
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Butler, G. (2018). Solidarity and its limits for economic integration in the European Union’s internal market. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 25 (3). 310-331.
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Butler, G. (2018). Implementing a Complete System of Legal Remedies in EU Foreign Affairs Law. The Columbia journal of European law. 24 (3). 637-676.
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Butler, G. (2018). Tvistbilæggelse mellem EU-medlemsstaterne ved Den Europæiske Unions Domstol. Europarättslig tidskrift. 21 (1). 57-74.
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Butler, G., Šadl, U. (2018). The Preliminaries of a Reference. European Law Review. 43 (1). 120-128.
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Butler, G. (2018). Legal Responses to the European Union’s Migration Crisis. San Diego International Law Journal. 19 (2). 277-310.
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Butler, G. (2017). Standing the Test of Time: Reference for a Preliminary Ruling. Irish Journal of European Law. 20 (1). 103-116.
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Butler, G. (2017). A Question of Jurisdiction : Art. 267 TFEU Preliminary References of a CFSP Nature. European Papers. 2 (1). 201-208.
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Butler, G. (2017). The Court of Justice as an inter-state court. Yearbook of European Law. 36 (1). 179-208.
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Butler, G. (2017). The Coming of Age of the Court’s Jurisdiction in the Common Foreign and Security Policy. European Constitutional Law Review. 13 (4). 673-703.
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Butler, G., Jensen, M.D., Snaith, H. (2016). ‘Slow change may pull us apart’ : debating a British exit from the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy. 23 (9). 1278-1284.
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Butler, G. (2016). A new means of dissemination for doctoral research in Danish legal education. Retfærd : Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. 39 (1). 88-95.
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Butler, G. (2016). The Ultimate Stumbling Block? The Common Foreign and Security Policy, and Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. Dublin University Law Journal. 39 (1). 229-244.
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Butler, G. (2016). Attacking or Defending? Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice in the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy. Europarättslig tidskrift. 19 (4). 671-684.
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Butler, G., Ratcovich, M. (2016). Operation Sophia in Uncharted Waters : European and International Law Challenges for the eu Naval Mission in the Mediterranean Sea. Nordic Journal of International Law. 85 (3). 235-259.
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Butler, G. (2015). Not a “real” common travel area: Pachero v Minister for Justice and Equality. Irish Jurist. 54. 155-165.
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Butler, G. (2015). The Road to a Court of Appeal—Part I: History and Constitutional Amendment. Irish Law Times. 33 (14). 208-211.
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Butler, G. (2015). The Interparliamentary Conference on the CFSP/CSDP : A new forum for the Oireachtas in Irish and EU foreign policy?. Irish Studies in International Affairs. 26. 163-186.
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Butler, G. (2015). Pinpointing the Appropriate Legal Basis for External Action. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 6 (2). 323-328.
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Butler, G. (2015). The Road to a Court of Appeal—Part II: Distinguishing Features and Establishment. Irish Law Times. 33 (15). 222-226.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Butler, G. (2015). A Political Decision Disguised as Legal Argument? Opinion 2/13 and European Union Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. Utrecht Journal of International and European Law. 31 (81). 104-111.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, recension (Refereegranskat)
Butler, G. (2021). The Currency of Solidarity: Constitutional Transformation during the Euro Crisis. European Law Review. Sweet & Maxwell. 46 (1). 115-117.
Status: Publicerad -
Butler, G. (2017). A Transatlantic Community of Law : Legal Perspectives on the Relationship between the EU and US Legal Orders. Journal of Common Market Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 55 (1). 160-161.
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Butler, G. (2016). The European Court of Justice and External Relations Law : Constitutional Challenges. European Journal of Legal Studies. European University Institute. 9 (1). 310-316.
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Butler, G. (2015). The Irish Presidency : Power, Ceremony and Politics. Irish Political Studies. Taylor & Francis. 30 (1). 145-147.
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Butler, G. (2015). EU International Relations Law. European Public Law. 21 (4). 788-790.
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Butler, G. (2014). EU External Relations Law : Text, Cases and Materials. Romanian Journal of European Affairs (RJEA). Bucharest, European Institute of Romania. 14 (2). 81-85.
Status: Publicerad
Bok (Refereegranskat)
- Butler, G. (2019). Constitutional Law of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy : Competence and Institutions in External Relations. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Butler, G. (2024). Fisheries : The Cod’s Pollocks or a Damp Squid. The Law and Politics of Brexit: Volume V : The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 167-181.
- Butler, G. (2024). The Representative of the Crown and the Governor-General of the Irish Free State : Text and Context. The Centenary of the Irish Free State Constitution : Constituting a Polity?. Palgrave Macmillan. 91-111.
- Butler, G. (2024). Reform of the Judicial Architecture of the EFTA Pillar of the EEA. The EFTA Court : Developing the EEA over Three Decades. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 75-94.
- Butler, G. (2024). An Advocate before Advocate General : Eleanor Sharpston at the European Courts. Pursuit of Legal Harmony in a Turbulent Europe : Essays in Honour of Eleanor Sharpston. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 11-28.
- Butler, G. (2023). Free Movement of Persons in the Nordic States through EU Law and EEA Law. Free Movement of Persons in the Nordic States : EU Law, EEA Law, and Regional Cooperation. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 31-54.
- Butler, G. (2023). Tribunals in the Nordic States and Referrals to the European Courts. Rule of Law. Stockholm, Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law. 145-176.
- Butler, G. (2023). Public and private enforcement possibilities within the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 199-214.
- Butler, G. (2022). Free Movement of Goods and the Public Security Exception : Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Campus Oil. Shaping EU Law the British Way : UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 187-198.
- Kassoti, E., Butler, G. (2022). The Approach of the CJEU to International Law : Towards a Context-Specific Approach. Understanding the EU as a Good Global Actor : Ambitions, Values and Metrics. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 261-276.
- Butler, G. (2022). The EU Customs Union, International Agreements of EU Member States, and the Doctrine of Substitution : Nederlandse Spoorwegen. EU External Relations Law : The Cases in Context. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 57-66.
- Ward, A., Butler, G. (2022). The Relationship between the Action for Annulment and Preliminary Reference Procedures : Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in TWD. Shaping EU Law the British Way : UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 295-310.
- Butler, G., Wessel, R.A. (2022). EU External Relations Law and Navigating the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. EU External Relations Law : The Cases in Context. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 1-8.
- Butler, G., Łazowski, A. (2022). Let’s Take the Canvass Out : Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Shaping EU Law the British Way : UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 7-18.
- Butler, G., Sørensen, K.E. (2022). The Prohibition of Abuse of EU Law : A Special General Principle. Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law : Constructing Legal Orders in Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 402-422.
- Butler, G. (2022). Reconciling the Special Provision on State Monopolies with the General Provisions on the Free Movement of Goods : Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Manghera. Shaping EU Law the British Way : UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 89-102.
- Butler, G. (2022). Hidden Administrative Review in EU Law : The BoAs of EU Agencies in the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies : Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 122-150.
- Butler, G., Łazowski, A. (2022). Introduction. Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 1-4.
- Butler, G., Wessel, R.A. (2022). Jurisdiction of the Court for Non-contractual Liability and Actions for Damages Claims within the CFSP : Bank Refah Kargaran. EU External Relations Law : The Cases in Context. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 991-1000.
- Butler, G., Łazowski, A. (2022). Neither Advocates, Nor Generals : The UK Advocates General and the Shaping of EU Law. Shaping EU Law the British Way : UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 607-622.
- Butler, G. (2022). State Aid : Extension of the Acquis and the ‘Effect on Trade’. The Law and Politics of Brexit : Volume IV: Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 185-208.
- Butler, G. (2022). The EU Customs Union, Free Movement of Goods, and Enforcement Mechanisms in the Protocol on Northern Ireland : A Legal Appraisal. Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 175-197.
- Butler, G. (2021). The European Rule of Law Standard, the Nordic States, and EU Law. Rule of Law in the EU : 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 243-264.
- Butler, G. (2021). The Balance of Powers and the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. Executive-Legislative (Im)balance in the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 263-284.
- Butler, G., Snaith, H. (2020). Negative Solidarity : The European Union and the Financial Crisis. Transnational Solidarity : Concept, Challenges and Opportunities. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 128-164.
- Butler, G. (2019). The EU Flexibility Clause is Dead, Long Live the EU Flexibility Clause. The Future of Europe : Political and Legal Integration beyond Brexit. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 63-96.
- Butler, G. (2019). A post-national legal order : Does the European Union have an imposed constitution?. The Law and Legitimacy of Imposed Constitutions. Abingdon, Routledge. 227-242.
- Butler, G. (2019). Chamber of Deputies. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Butler, G. (2019). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) : The EU’s transition from observer to full participant on an ad hoc basis. Research Handbook on the European Union and International Organizations. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 142-164.
- Butler, G. (2018). EU Foreign Policy and Other EU External Relations in Times of Crisis : Forcing the Law to Overlap?. Irregular Migration as a Challenge for Democracy. Cambridge, Intersentia. 51-81.
- Butler, G. (2018). Pre-Ratification Judicial Review of International Agreements to be Concluded by the European Union. The Court of Justice of the European Union : Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 53-77.
- Butler, G., Jensen, M.D. (2017). Storbritanniens had-kærlighedsforhold til Den Europæiske Union. Politologisk Årbog 2016-2017. Copenhagen, Hans Reitzels Forlag. 20-23.
- Butler, G. (2017). The European Union and Diplomatic Law : An Emerging Actor in Twenty-First Century Diplomacy. Diplomatic Law in a New Millennium. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 319-340.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Butler, G. (2025). Actors in EU External Relations. Elgar Encyclopedia of EU Law. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Rapport (Refereegranskat)
- Butler, G. (2022). Alcoholic Goods and Sweden : The EU Law of Private Imports, Retail Sale, and State Monopolies. Stockholm, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies. 59.
- Nissen, C., Stokholm Banke, C.F., Schmidt, J.L., Olesen, M.R., Mouritzen, H., et al. (2020). European defence cooperation and the Danish defence opt-out : Report on the developments in the EU and Europe in the field of security and defence policy and their implications for Denmark. Copenhagen, Danish Institute for International Studies. 108.
- Stokholm Banke, C.F., Nissen, C., Schmidt, J.L., Olesen, M.R., Mouritzen, H., et al. (2019). Europæisk forsvarssamarbejde og det danske forsvarsforbehold : Udredning om udviklingen i EU og Europa på det sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitiske område og betydningen for Danmark. Copenhagen, Danish Institute for International Studies. 108.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Butler, G., Łazowski, A. (2022). Shaping EU Law the British Way : UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 696.
- Butler, G., Wessel, R.A. (2022). EU External Relations Law : The Cases in Context. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 1048.
Övrigt (Refereegranskat)
Butler, G. (2024). Leaps in Time through the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy Post-Enlargement. Madrid, EU Law Live.
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Butler, G. (2023). Jurisdiction of the EU Courts in the Common Foreign and Security Policy : Reflections on the Opinions of AG Ćapeta in KS and KD, and Neves 77 Solutions. Madrid, EU Law Live.
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Butler, G. (2023). EU agencies within the common foreign, security, and defence policies. Madrid, EU Law Live.
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Butler, G. (2022). EU Secondary Law Unable to Impose Unanimity within the Council for Modifying/Amending EU International Agreements : Commission v Council (South Korea). Madrid, EU Law Live.
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Butler, G. (2021). The Modification/Amendment of EU International Agreements – Unanimous or Qualified Majority Decision-making? : The Opinion of AG Richard de la Tour in Commission v Council (South Korea). Madrid, EU Law Live.
. - Butler, G., Wessel, R.A. (2021). Happy birthday ERTA! : 50 Years of the Implied External Powers Doctrine in EU Law. European Law Blog.
Butler, G. (2020). The establishment of a new EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission : Operation Irini. Madrid, EU Law Live.
Övrigt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Butler, G. (2024). Improved Rail Passenger Rights with Compensation for Delays and Cancellations Bill 2024. Dublin, Houses of the Oireachtas.
- Butler, G. (2016). Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) (Amendment) Bill 2016. Dublin, Houses of the Oireachtas.
- Butler, G. (2014). Freedom of Movement (Common Travel Area) (Travel Documentation) Bill 2014. Dublin, Houses of the Oireachtas.
- Butler, G. (2013). Electoral (Amendment) (Hours of Polling) Bill 2013. Dublin, Houses of the Oireachtas.