Helen Avery
Institutionen för språk
Fakulteten för konst och humaniora
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Avery, H., Sjögren Forss, K., Rämgård, M. (2022). Empowering communities with health promotion labs : result from a CBPR programme in Malmö, Sweden. Health Promotion International. 37 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Rämgård, M., Avery, H. (2022). Lay Health Promoters Empower Neighbourhoods : Results From a Community-Based Research Programme in Southern Sweden. Frontiers in Public Health. 10. 1-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Wihlborg, M., Avery, H. (2021). Global Health in Swedish Nursing Curricula : Navigating the Desirable and the Necessary. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 (17).
Status: Publicerad -
Bashitialshaaer, R., Alhendawi, M., Avery, H. (2021). Obstacles to Applying Electronic Exams amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic : An Exploratory Study in the Palestinian Universities in Gaza. Information. 12 (6).
Status: Publicerad -
Brodin, E.M., Avery, H. (2020). Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Scholarly Independence in Multidisciplinary Learning Environments at Doctoral Level and Beyond. Minerva. 58. 409-433.
Status: Publicerad -
Norden, B., Avery, H. (2020). Redesign of an Outdoor Space in a Swedish Preschool : Opportunities and Constraints for Sustainability Education. International Journal of Early Childhood. 52. 319-335.
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Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2019). Developing ecological literacy in a forest garden : children’s perspectives. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. 19 (3). 227-241.
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Mourad, K.A., Avery, H. (2019). The Sustainability of Post-Conflict Development : The Case of Algeria. Sustainability. 11 (11). 1-18.
Status: Publicerad -
Avery, H., Halimeh, N. (2019). Crafting Futures in Lebanese Refugee Camps : The Case of Burj El Barajneh Palestinian Camp. FORMakademisk. 12 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Avery, H. (2017). At the bridging point : tutoring newly arrived students in Sweden. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 21 (4). 404-415.
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Avery, H., Hoxhallari, I. (2017). From policy to practice : Roma education in Albania and Sweden. The Urban review. 49 (3). 463-477.
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Avery, H., Said, S. (2017). Higher Education for Refugees : The Case of Syria. Policy & Practice : A Development Education Review. (24). 104-125.
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Avery, H. (2015). Teaching in the 'edgelands' of the school day : The organisation of Mother Tongue Studies in a highly diverse Swedish primary school. Power and Education. 7 (2). 239-254.
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Avery, H. (2014). The role of the school library : Reflections from Sweden. Intercultural Education. 25 (6). 497-507.
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Avery, H. (2013). Pratiques d’engagements collaboratifs : Le rôle de la bibliothèque dans un quartier urbain multiethnique en Suède. Education & Formation. 97-107.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Avery, H. (2019). Acquérir les gestes qu’il faut : les mathématiques scolaires comme interaction et savoir-faire. AREF 2019 : Livret des résumés – Ce document répertorie l’ensemble des résumés des contributions au congrès AREF 2019. 286-287.
- Halimeh, N., Avery, H., Halimeh, M. (2018). Crafting futures in a Lebanese refugee camp : the Burj el Barajneh Souk. Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD6) 2017 Symposium : Book of Abstracts. 104-105.
- Avery, H., Barhoum, R. (2018). Educational leadership in a state of protracted crisis : refugee education in Lebanon. The Primary Colours of Education #3 «School Leadership Matters» : Conference Book : 16th & 17th April 2018 - Baška, Croatia. 20-21.
- Warren, A.R., Sheikhi, K., Lindén, S., Avery, H., Hedman, C. (2018). Identitets- och kunskapsutveckling i studiehandledning på modersmål : perspektiv från forskning och utbildning. Modersmål, minoritet och mångfald - Flerspråkiga identiteter i en nordisk utbildningskontext : Abstracthäfte. 41-42.
- Avery, H., Barhoum, R., Shalabi, S., Halimeh, N. (2018). Refugee livelihoods in Egypt and Lebanon. World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies 2018 - University of Seville, Seville, Spain July 16-22, 2018.
- Harju, A., Åkerblom, A., Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2018). Samverkan i motstånd : ett utvecklingsprojekt för flerspråkig förskoleverksamhet. NÄD2018 - Nationell Ämnesdidaktisk konferens 2018, 26-27 april 2018, Kristianstad. 20-20.
- Avery, H., Said, S., Masoud, Z. (2018). Futures as seen from the diaspora : the Syria 2040 workshops. Presented at The Refugees, Borders and Membership Conference : Open International Conference, Malmö Unviersity 24-26 October 2018.
- Tom Dieck, F., Avery, H., Doumas, K., Dovigo, F., Mendonça Dias, C., et al. (2018). Inclusion of refugee students in Europe : The case of Greece. ECER 2018, Bolzano, Italy.
- Avery, H., Granstedt, L. (2018). Making space for collaboration at school and preschool : the places mother tongue teachers meet teachers of other subjects. Multilingualism and Education : Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives, 7 May 2018, Oslo. 36-37.
- Avery, H. (2018). Study guidance in mathematics for newcomer pupils in Sweden : policy, language and subject teaching traditions. Evascol - School, migration, itinerancy: complementary perspectives, 5-6 April 2018, Suresnes, France.
- Avery, H., Said, S. (2017). Higher Education as a Socio-economic Advancement Opportunity for Refugees. 33. Deutscher Orientalistentag "Asia, Africa and Europe" 18 – 22 september 2017, Jena, Tyskland.
- Granstedt, L., Avery, H. (2017). Social practices in education in Sweden regarding collaboration between bilingual mother tongue teachers and other teachers in school. 1st International Conference - Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts (MELDC17) : organised by MultiLingNet & hosted by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska in Koper (SLOVENIA), 29-30 september 2017.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Avery, H., Nordén, B. (2021). We Can Only Do It Together : Addressing Global Sustainability Challenges Through a Collaborative Paradigm. Universities, Sustainability and Society : Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Cham, Springer Nature. 239-252.
- Avery, H. (2020). Entre les « mesures spéciales » de soutien et « l’enseignement » : la réception des nouveaux arrivants en Suède. Allophonie : Inclusion et langues des enfants migrants à l’école. Limoges, Lambert-Lucas. 39-52.
- Avery, H. (2017). A Library and School Network in Sweden : Social Literacies and Popular Education. Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers. 45-62.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Doumas, K., Avery, H. (2024). Lives 'on hold' in Europe : an explorative review of literature on youth aspirations and futures in situations of migration and mobility. European Journal of Futures Research. Springer. 12 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Almahfali, M., Avery, H. (2023). Human Rights from an Islamic Perspective : A Critical Review of Arabic Peer-Reviewed Articles. Social Sciences. MDPI. 12 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Norden, B., Avery, H. (2021). Global Learning for Sustainable Development : A Historical Review. Sustainability. MDPI. 13 (6).
Status: Publicerad -
Ebitu, L., Avery, H., Mourad, K.A., Enyetu, J. (2021). Citizen science for sustainable agriculture : A systematic literature review. Land use policy. Elsevier. 103.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Avery, H. (2023). Education of refugees. International Encyclopedia of Education. Elsevier. 135-147.
- Avery, H. (2017). Perspektiv på arabiska som modersmål i svensk skola. Öst är väst och väst är öst : en vänbok till Henry Diab. Stockholm, Portlak. 135-162.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Avery, H. (2021). Modersmålsundervisningens bidrag till interkulturell skolutveckling : Språksynens betydelse och modersmålslärarnas potentialer. Interkulturella dimensioner : pedagogik för interkulturellt lärande. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 115-142.
- Avery, H. (2021). Vad spelar roll för föräldrarna?. Möjligheter och utmaningar för förskola : I en tid av mångfald och rörlighet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 139-151.
- Kästen-Ebeling, G., Avery, H. (2018). Från mottagande i skolan till undervisning i ordinarie klass. En god fortsättning : Nyanländas fortsatta väg i skola och samhälle. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 13-29.