Kaisa Lund

Kaisa Lund

Institutionen för marknadsföring och turismvetenskap Ekonomihögskolan
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I am a Senior Lecturer of Marketing and teach courses in sensory marketing, digital marketing, scientific methods, and bachelor theses.

My research interests include consumer information processing, judgment and decision making, branding, and sensory marketing.

Selected academic honors/awards:

  • Finalist, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Best Paper Award, 2019.
  • Award for Best Paper in “Food and Health” Track at the AMA Winter Conference, New Orleans, 2018.

I serve as a member of the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Business Research (Consumer Behavior) and Journal of Consumer Marketing.

My research has been extensively covered in the media, especially our article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, which received coverage by more than 100 media outlets, including New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and Fox.

I have comprehensive experience of industry research collaborations (e.g., Beiersdorf AG in Hamburg, marketer and producer of Nivea, and ICA, the leading food retail chain in Sweden). I have presented my research at a variety of universities and organizations, including presentations to executives at IKEA, Beiersdorf AG, ICA, and the Swedish Marketing Confederation.


AACSB accredited

Vi är kvalitetscertifierade

Ekonomihögskolan och Linnéuniversitetet är ackrediterade av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB. 

Läs mer om AACSB


Artikel i tid­skrift (Referee­granskat)

Konferens­bidrag (Referee­granskat)

Konferens­bidrag (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Doktors­avhandling, mono­grafi (Övrigt veten­skapligt)